My name is Duane Birkey and I'm the photographer for radio station HCJB, The Voice of the Andes. Ecuador is truly a beautiful country and within its borders is an incredible diversity of life, people and landscapes that provide thousands of photographic opportunities.
This month I've added the third of four sections on Peru. We started in Lima, then went to the The Sacred Valley and now Machu Picchu.
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OK, you may be wondering why I've added another section on Peru when this page is supposed to be about Ecuador. Much of present day Ecuador was conquered by the Incas and became a part of their empire during the last 80 years or so before the arrival of the Spanish. Peru is a great place to visit and I really enjoyed my time there. Machu Picchu
is the most famous Incan ruin without doubt and one place you don't definitely don't want to miss!
All Images on this site and text Copyright Duane Birkey 2001. Absolutely All Rights Reserved. Images and text may not be posted on any website or reproduced in any form without written permission.
Send comments to:
Duane Birkey HCJB Casilla 17-17-691 Quito Ecuador
Last update June 15, 2001. Click on graph for site statistics.