Dedicated to those dear people
to whom
I am greatful for the memories I cherish.

And to Mr. Weldon Gullage
who unknowingly
Inspired me


In 1959 when the constrcution for the harbour development began there were
between 65 and 75 houses along the road, but then the road was at a much higher
level than it is now. so when you do down the Southside now all you see is the upper
part of the gardens that were behind those houses.when you go down it is hard to
figure out just where your house was unless your grandmother left you a marker like
mine did.

A fond memory
shared with an old neighbor



a city address, a most rural

community within the city

Demolished to make way for the Harbor Development

November 8, 1998:

Dear Friend,

So you can't recall who lived where when you lived over here!!
Come my friend lets walk back in time, and take a stroll down
the old road.
Weldon, was the road muddy in the 1920s??
Mud and horse poop!!!
'Member those spring days when the wind was in, and they'd be frying fat at Bowrings?
You can still smell it? ya,so can I!!

Let's pretend it is August. It was pleasenter then
Hey,did the boys call you Gully??
We called Pete Gullage's, Victor, Gully all the time.


Those fat little pillar that made up the rail.
The old gas lamps half way across, I never saw them lite. You must have!
St Mary's Hall that housed the old school,I spent a lot of time in that building.
School, Sunday School AYPA etc.
The church, Cannon Sterling, Do you recall the tunnel that went under the church hill
and came out behind it? Did you ever crawl up through it? I did, until a rat ran over
my hand. I never went in again.

At the bottom of the church hill were the foundations of a couple of houses.
Is this were Miss Thomas had her shop?
There is the start of the New Road,
and the beginning of the Board walk. [ I think the Thomas' shop was here?]
We will walk the Boardwalk. I recall it being replaced once, and in later years it
was a paved sidewalk.

At the end there was a red brick building that had something to do with
that road the military built.

Lets stop for a minute and look into the river, that use to run pretty fast

Was this called Moreys River?

Look there is Vic Clark's old place!! it was pretty run down, [I don't think it

was there when the Big Move came]

A space

Another Cook, can't remember his name, but
his wife was Joey Smallwood's sister. They had sons Jack ,Charlie and Fred
and a daughter Jean.
Stephen Moore, he was Chublin Janes' son-in-law, was the last owner of this

A space

A double house

Bill Kearly lived in the upper one
Harold Gover in the next one

A Space

New Range

The first house is Buttsey Moores [Fred??] The next one was always rented.[Danny Kennedy bought it a few years before

the Big Move.
The next one was Snows , Roy Burridge lived here too, He use to work to
And it was to this house that Bill Rose brought his teenaged family to live in 1952
Bill worked on the Kyle, he married Marion Harvey's sister Lillian.


Heath's was the next one Alma always sang in the choir at St. Mary's

A space
Harry Harvey
Arch Harvey [Bishop Harvey's grands]

A space

A double house

Edwin Ebsary
Wes Osmond lived here, but I can vaguely remember two very old people
who lived here,they may have been Edwin's parents.

WE are down to the garage where Dorothy Woolridge kept that cool little
Ralph Harvey owned the house later and had a shop in the garage

A Space

A double House

Those 2 houses were rented to numerous people, and I don't know who lived

there in '59. Jimmy Laing lived there he moved to the US in 1956
The lower part is were Jack and Mae Harvey lived. She used to
have a little store too.


There are the 100 steps do you want to go up??
Three houses up here.

A double house

Dicky Harvey
William's [Dr. Harold's family]
Those Houses were rented to numerous people also.
Frank Harvey.
Bill Wells.

Back Down the 100 step, [there was only 80 I counted those many times.]

Another double house

Walter Harvey
four families lived in this house.
Ralph Harvey

Herb Harvey

Walt & Susie

one that was rented to many people
Walt Harvey's Yard

Yard with a big tree

The Stone House
So many people lived here,my Mom worked here with Frank Horwood.
I remember Mrs Critch, she died in the Hull Home Fire

In 59 it was Gorden Downton & someone else

A space


Melee's on the hill

A yard
Warren's Range #123_#129

Minnie Warren
A shop that Miss Warren operated also Jean Knight, Violet Osmond,
Freddie Knight.
Frank Horwood and Wes Osmond lived up over it
'59 they had moved and Johnny Gover lived there
Gorden Whitten and "little" Sonny
Bert Horwood, have vague memories of someone else being there

A space

Tom Efford.
Peter Gullage


Jim Boone later Jack Chipman
Cec Cook
Bests Lived there afterwards
Bern Whitten
One of those two houses or perhaps both were owned at one time by
Sir William Coaker, I think Cec Cook's Mother was a Coaker

We come back down the steps

Jim Gullage
Maude Learning
Cliff Hann
This next house was often rented I have no idea who lived there.
Is the house you lived in as a child??

There was an old Carriage Shop here. We used to call it the Haunted House

Double House

Peter Blundon
Samson's lived there once,
Bill Marshall [Molly Trenchard] lived in the Blundon House
Joe Wells lived in the Samson House, so did Danny Mullett

We go passed "THE PIT",and "THE ROLLY MEADOW"

We are down to the Government Wharf
Gully, do you remember that day in July,1923 when my uncle fell
overboard and was drowned.
His name was Freddie. He was always refered to as "Poor Little Fred"

I can just remember an old building here with a ramp running
parallel to the road.

There are three houses in a row, they are up the hill with a retaining
wall in front of them.

A flight of steps lead to the door of the upper house
Bob Whitten lived there
Harold Horwood later lived here.
Don Whitten lived in the front lower part.
Cec?? Noseworthy in the next one
Jackie Whitten lived there in 59
and so did George Gover
Gus Whitten
Lindsay [Cowy] Benson bought this, when Gus went to Belview T.B.,
Their son was the last kid born on the Southside.
They were the very last family to leave.


Joe Nofftal
Art Porter
I remember you living there when you got married
What ever made Billy Whitten build a house that far up the hill?
We are down to,
Ellis' Range:#81-#89 Ebsary
Andrew Porter [This is home,Excuse the water works!!]
Jack Porter
Trenchard [can't recall his name but the old fellow was the first
dead person I ever saw]
Bobby Hunt
George"Poker" Whitten

Heber Taylor
Jack Leamon
[Billy Pond owned it 59]
Jake Smith [Jack Moore owned this one later]


A wall

Charlie Whitten's
This was a big house The Whitten's lived in the western end
the other end was a small store that Muriel operated on Sundays
Pat Moore, his door was on the side
Upper flat had its door "up the lane"
Many people lived here too, earliest I can recall are Davy Curtis.
Roy Moore was here when his son was killed in 47 or 48
Stan Harris, who is a brother to Dr. Leslie Harris married Danny Whitten's
daughter Jean, they were there in 59.
Are you getting tired?
Let's go back to Whittens shop and get a Coke and a "Raisin Square"
If you don't like raisin squares have a crinkle

I didn't realize how many places there were until I began to write
them down.
The Lane #67-#77
We walk up Ford's Hill away and we come to the foot of "the Lane" The first house was Lewis Cook's, Ron Blundon lived there after the Cook's
Eric Learnings this was rented for quite awhile and then Eric Snelgrove
bought it.

A space

Harry Bishop
Another space

Teddy Whitten, Do you remember Gracie? I remember one of those two old people
died the day the other was buried.
Doug Horwood, many a time I went there to look at his scrap books to do my
Aunt Eddie Oh what a darling she was!!
Tom Hussey
They use to have a parrot that could laugh like Gwen Whitten
Down the lane again

And we will walk up Ford's Hill some more and go over to:

Taylor.s Range.


There were 4 houses most had two families
Ally Ebsary in the first, up stairs
Jack Moore,after he bought Jake Smith house
It was rented by Perce Jones was when we left
Danny Whitten, downstairs

Billy Janes
TOM Tilly he was married to Paddy Welsh's daughter, Mary
Sam Ebsary Johnny Gover Reg Norris, lived there and a guy who later married Marion Wells Rowe I
think his name was
Those houses were owned by some Taylor living in the States, then they
were sold, many didn't have the $1200 they were sold for. Danny Whittten
moved up the Southside, and Reg Norris moved into the house with his father.
The Tilly's left then too.
As we walk back there is the ally between #61 and #63 that gave access to
the back doors,the upper parts of the house were still joined.

We continue up Ford's Hill

Pass Mrs Falk's garden. with it's carriage house,
It was in the attached store that Charlie Whitten operated from the time the
old store went until the new one was built
That shop was the last building built on the Southside
Finally we are at the top of the hill. Going passed another pit.

A house up on the hill were Joan Hick's lived, she married a fellow Flynn
I remember Joan because she was the first woman I can remember having a
baby and I noticing big belly had disappeared and I added two and two together.
The next house was Winnie Russsell's, that was a character!!!
she use to walk the hills with her dogs,don't ever remember seeing her in public
Danny Kennedy and his collection of strange sisters
lived out back.
Sam Chafe lived there too.

The next house is where;
Mawn Benson lived upstairs
Lewis Hicks down stairs

The next house was the Snelgroves

Porter, Captian Bob,

Dewy Taylor,s
Fred Hiscock lived here, he was a Southsider and lived on Beaumont St.
He came back to the Southside in the early 50s

There it is there isn't any more except........
Want to go up to "Soldiers Pond??"
Come on let‘s go!!!

Up the hill, down by the tank,
Did you ever walk the pipes across the gorge?
Through the alders to "1st Spell Rock" under the barrens.
Wish we had saved our pop we use to call pop beer didn't we?
At the top of the hard climb was "2nd Spell Rock",
across the barrens to Soldier's Pond.
Bet you a darn Soggy Horwood is there having a swim and I do remember
the bellowing and blowing he did as he swam, but swim he did.
So it is down the hill again . Let's have a feed of Chuckley Pears
on the way down
If we walked the pipes towards Steward's Pond I know where there are lots
of Black Rasberries.
We might even catch a frog in that little gully at the end of the pond.
ever have picnic by the side of Stewards Pond? Mom often packed a basket,
and we had our Sunday evening tea up there on that grassy spot.
Gimme your hankie!! sorry about that I think I have something in my eye

As we walk back you will have to tell the story,about the other side of the road,
I can only barely remember anything on the other side except, Hiscocks, Kings, Cashins
garage,wereI gave Richard Cashin a belt in the gob one Saturday morning.
There was Paddy Welsh and Johnny Wells
I also recall Lizzy Skanes, Whitten's,old store can remember Sandy's house
burning one night. Old Danny Whitten, another Whitten and Billy Pond
lived in the range across the road. Did Will and Ida Janes live there too??
This was strange too,the Hiscocks lived across the road from Charlie Whitten
his house was #79, Hiscock's was #2!

Let's call this a day!!
I have to go think some more then I will add another chapter
Am I writing a book?
You going foolish in your old age?
Bye Gully, see you later.
HEY! is that a tear running down your cheek??

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The forgoing is the sole property of the author
Jean Porter Hardy