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Utena Saionji Jury Miki Nanami Touga Ancy
Welcome To
P R O J E C T 

Laser Disc 5 Cover

English Utena Links:
(Click on the Character Above the Description to Go)

  • Arena of the Revolutionists

    Arena of the Revolutionists: Excellent (Best I've seen so far) Utena Page.  Has everything you'd ever want, even a mailing list!
  • Wakaba's Utena Scans

    Wakaba's Utena Scans:    She did tons of original scans herself.  Gotta love that.
  • SKU Image Archive

    Shoujo Kakumei Utena Image Archive:  Most Utena screen shots out of any web pages I've seen.  Excellent job.


    Miki Kaouru's PlaceThe Sunny Garden: A Page for Miki lovers ^_^

    Other English Utena Links

    Click Utena for Other English Utena Links!

  • 100 Hits at Project Apocolypse

    Established July 8th, 1998

    Last Updated August 13, 1998

    N E W S

    Ok, I added on the 1-6 Ep. Summaries.  Also, added fourth page to Image Galleries.  Includes Tarot Card Pics + Others.  This page is officially part of a Hentai Free organization!  Yeay!

    Contents:  (CoNsTaNtLy ChAnGiNg!)           ChuChu!!!
    Jury Character Profile Pages
    Nanami and Touga

    Visions of Utena Image Gallery-

    25 Thumbnails Per Page

    Page 1

    Page 2

    Page 3    Page 4 (NEW!)

    The Great High Curry Trip ^_^

    Summary of Episodes 1-6

    Go to Yasuyuki's for the rest in the meantime please.

    Miki and Kozue Multimedia Links (Note: I was going to upload my own multimedia files, but due to lack of space I will have to just provide links to other peoples files.  Eventually, I'll get an account with another provider and use that to store my own files.) (Under Construction)
    White Rose C.Clockwise Humble Animated Gif Gallery ^_^;;
    Saionji; Master Artist :) My Utena Renditions, along with other people's fan art. (Submit yours to: ) (Under Construction)
    Ancy Guest Book (Nice and Customized!) Please Sighn it :'(
    Japanese Pg. Banner Links to Japanese format Utena pages.
    Neon Genesis Evangelion Links to non-Utena pages (Other anime like Sailormoon, Evangelion, Ah Megami Sama etc.)


    It's Andy!Special!:  A page about me and my friends (To whom this page is dedicated to ^_^), with links to their pages (Anime or not).  Pictured is Andy ^_^ (Under Construction)


    My Specially Desighned Banners!:
  • Miki's Stopwatch:
  • Says that you are Duelist Number
    To Enter Utena and Ancy's Dorm!
    Miki's Stopwatch
  • I made these humble logos for my page with the help of Paint Shop Pro
    Logo1 logo2

  • Web Rings & Organizations    Black Rose Signet

  • Anime Grove


    Anime Grove
    Anime Links, At Their Interactive Best.

    "Can't find it?  Then SEARCH
    for them."

    This Anime Mania Ring Page belongs to Jackie

    (C) 1997 Anime Mania Ring Logo
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