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eaglelt.gif (6907 bytes) "THE MAN BEHIND THE DREAM"eaglert.gif (6914 bytes)
    Ride upon the wind,let your spirit take flight.Dare to chase your dreams through the stars each night.Let hope be the wings that lifts your spirit high until you can soar above the clouds and paint the pastel sky.For there's a whisper carried upon every breeze,reminding you that your dreams are yours to seize.I invite you into the cyber and real world of mine. To meet the beautiful people that I have truly been blessed to know. The Brotherhood of Elite Guard which I am a member and the Eagles Nest Tavern For D/s. Please enter and enjoy this site.... (let pages load as there is music on alot} thank you ..


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Eagles Nest Tavern has been visted times.

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This sight was originally created by _morning_dew with the help of MASTER_EAGLE1 on 1/17/99

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