This page, deals with something a little different. That be the Virus. Not the human Flu bug where your coughing and sneezing your fool head off, but the analitically digital variety. And yes, they do exist. For it wasn't too long ago, in December, 1996, I believe, someone got on national news and declared in a most authoritive manner that computer viruses on the whole was an urban myth and that the odds of you ever comming across one of these man made terrors was remotely impossible. Don't you for a minute believe garbage like that, for that is all that kind of spouting off is. Pure BALDERDASH For this individual suffered from a bad case of False Authority Syndrome. This poor, uninformed individual is not alone, there are examples in all phases of computerdom. The sales clerk at the Computer store trying to impress his boss with his sales skills, while his actaual computer knowledge is lacking. The next door neighbor which has read in a Trade paper of some sort of some small piece of data about computers and Viruses and wants to try to impress you with his knowledge, when he dosen't have the full scope of the problem in hand. Or some poor smlech that has no business going on national T.V. and spouting off about a subject, which forever reason, (Probably Political) has decided to tell the world that the Virus is not a threat and to not worry. NYB Strikes again. I couldn't believe it. My old advisary reared its ugly little head and struck with a vengance. It first took out my ability to use Netscape. I was sure that the problem was with Netscape. Then, oh my god, I rebooted my computer. Bye bye Windows 95 access. Bye Bye to all my safely stored data. Bye Bye to all the backups I had on My hard drive of all the important Data I had. Gone. Asta la vista. Where was my Virus protection? Updated and working quite well, thank you. I didn't have it come on when I boot up. Guess what? That has changed. So how did I let this virus in. I didn't, I don't think. I am sure It came off this beast of the Internet. My children and my Wife use it as well to access the Internet. Bottom Line: It came, it attached itself like some kand of leech and it took away. Then the recovery. Using windows 95, I had to have access to my CDROM in order to allow for windows to be copied to my computer. Luckily, while still under warranty, I was able to replace my CDROM for free. Yep, it took out my CDROM as well. It has been about two weeks since I first discovered NYB again. I was without Netscape for about a week prior to that. I still haven't gotten my sound card to work yet. My speakers are making pretty good paperweights right now. We are not alone. The truth is out there, and viruses are definetly part of the truth. Beware and be very careful. Some people do not have any sense of humor what so ever.
Point to Ponder: That"s why it is SO important to keep your Anti Virus Protection upgraded continually. I personally am using Norton Anti Virus. I do check for viruses any time anything Odd happens with my computer when I'm on the Internet, after accessing a site of dubious distinction, or after downloading anything off the Internet. What I like about Norton is that It's very easy to upgrade off the Internet and it checks out the boot sector files with out having to reboot my computer. A reboot would be necessary if a virus were to reside in my memory. I have Discovered that if a virus does infect my Computer's memory, then I best have a clean Boot up disk handy. Controlling Virus DamageIf you would like to visit a fine collection of links, please Visit The LYNX. Another Site on the Internet created by This Author. Forward/////
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