Respond to Urgent Action Alerts
Save the Buffalo The buffalo herd in Yellowstone is endangered by slaughters sponsored by the government. Citizen outrage is needed during the current review process by the Montana Department of Livestock.  Join the Citizens Campaign of Defenders of Wildlife
Prevent Nuclear Disaster The Y2K computer troubles in the Year 2000 could cause broken military communication links and thus the risk of inadvertent nuclear war. Some military computers may interpret the silence of other military computers as evidence that they have been wiped out in a nuclear attack. In a world that still has 5,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert, this spells danger. Join Physicians for Social Responsibility in asking President Clinton and President Yeltsin to order all U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons removed from hair-trigger alert status. 
Protect our Health from Prescription Drug Risk Prevent the passage of Senate Bill 830, the "FDA Modernization and Accountability Act." This legislation would make significant changes to the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and includes several provisions that would place the health of American consumers at risk. In particular, our nation's men, women and children living with HIV and AIDS would face considerable risk if the standards for the approval of new drugs were lowered. Respond to the Human Rights Campaign alert: 
Main Index of Cyber Activist Web Site
Eight step tutorial for digital activism 
prepared by Sherri Andersen & Elizabeth Brunner, 1999