Welcome To The Guercio Genealogy Homepage!

This page is dedicated to our ancestors whose lives and
struggles have woven a deep tapestry, which has greatly

enriched our lives, and made us who we are today!

 This page was created on February 14,1999 by Jerome E.
Guercio Jr. for the purpose of sharing genealogical info
concerning the surname of Guercio!

 The creator of this page (Jerry) is 36 yrs old & a Maryland
resident, & a graduate of Towson University with a BS. in
Psychology. He is presently single but looking!

 The designer seeks any input into the design of this page
& welcomes all related contributions to it's creation!
While the central focus is on my immediate family lineage,
the overall goal is to establish a network which can be
used to share info, as well as establish interrelationships
amongst different branches of our Guercio Family Tree!

Contact Info:
Jerry Guercio Jr.
 12425 Bayswater Rd.
Kingsville, MD. 21087
(410) 592-6695

  Please submit your contributions to our page!

This page is the sole property of the above, and may not be used for commercial gain.

UPDATE 4/26/01: As I have been at this genealogy pursuit for some time now, I have become quite adept at working within the Italian/Sicilian Records. At this time I would like to offer my services for genealogical research. The fee of which depends on how much info you seek. This in no way reflects the purpose of the GUERCIO GENEALOGY HOMEPAGE which is to share info on the surname of GUERCIO. I will state, however, that besides being a labor of love, there are costs involved. I am happy to share my findings from the original records of Cefalu, Sicily with you and to publish them as I have the time. If you find that my work has been a benefit to you, I would ask that you consider a donation to help me offset some of these costs. Also, please sign the guestbook too. Your kindness in both word and deed makes the task all the more enjoyable!

NOTE: If I have neglected to answer any guestbook postings, forgive me. I am easier reached at jellsworth@webtv.net. Contact me here for a quicker response. Please make your guestbook entries public so others can view them. THANKS!

Site Directory:

Guercio Oral Tradition

Jerome E. Guercio Family Tree

Guercios of Early 20th Century Baltimore and of Cefalù Sicily

Family Gallery

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©1999-2000 Jerome E. Guercio, Jr.