Emberstouch Logo Breeding Sound Healthy Boxers with Excellent Temperaments Since 1997.



Jayde Beeching






Come and visit us!!



Currently we have five Boxers living in our home with us, making 

our life's passion complete. We live on an acreage outside of Calgary, 

Alberta, Canada, only 20 minutes from the Calgary International Airport.


Our breeding program is dedicated to improving the breed.  

We are accomplishing this by breeding Sound, Healthy Boxers with 

Excellent Temperaments. Our goal is to consistently produce Boxers that 

closely resemble the Boxer standard, as described in the  "Boxer Blueprint." 


Our breeding program is based on genetic principles and theories. 

We believe that great Boxers should be produced in each litter, and that  it 

should not be necessary to breed a lot of litters to produce great Boxers.  

Our puppies are raised in our home as part of the family.


Graphics by Nu-Page


Jayde Beeching & Ken Strasser

Strathmore, Alberta, Canada

Phone 403 901-1690

Emberstouch Boxers Email