•Periodic Table
Intro to Chemistry
•AP Chemistry: Basic Knowledge
•Significant Digit Rules
•Metric Prefixes
•Chemical Formulas and Equations
•Chapter 1: Matter and Measurements Review
•Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
•Chapter 3: Stoichiometry Notes
•Chemical Reactions: Prediction of Products
Gas Laws
•Chapter 5: Gas Laws
•Pressure Notes
•Chapter 6: Kinetic Theory of Gases
Quantum Theory
•Basic Knowledge to Build the Quantum Theory
•Chapter 7: Electronic Structure of Atoms
Solution Chemistry
•The Common Solution
•Rules for Net Ionic Equations
•Solubility Rules
Periodic Table
•Historical Development of the Periodic Table
•The Periodic Table
•Nuclear Physics: An Introduction
•Nuclear Chemistry
•Nuclear Physics
Chemical Bonding
•Introduction to Chemical Bonding
•Chapter 8: Chemical Bonding
•Bond Angle Table
•Expanded Octets
•Covalent Bonding Orbitals
Liquids and Solids
•Liquids and Solids
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
•Introduction to Organic Chemistry
About The Site
Erik's Chemistry is a collection of Chemistry, AP Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry notes, available for people to read through, review and learn with. New sections will be added as I finish making them. This site is maintained by Erik Epp. Erik's Chemistry is best viewed at 800x600 or greater.
Erik's Chemistry News
Dec 23, 2002
*GASP* An Update! - As time passes, it seems less and less likely that this site will be revived for new content. I'm now at the University of Chicago, in the Ph.D. program in chemistry. My time is now occupied mainly with my classes, teaching classes, and research; there's not much left over. In any case, the site will remain, in its present form, as long as tripod is willing to host it for free. There's one new link that I've added this update, for ChemSketch, a program for drawing chemical structures.

Jan 26, 2002
*GASP* An Update! - Over a year since the last update, my how the time flies. There is not really anything new to report, but I am in the process of switching over to a new design and template, which should make it easier for me to manage.

Nov 17, 2000 11:50 p.m. EST
Busy, Busy, Busy! - Well, another update, finally. I guess that this is the price I pay for being so busy. This semester I'm taking two chemistry labs, 4 and 8 hours per week. In addition to that I am working on two separate research projects and working part-time. Its somewhat suprising that I made it this far.

An Update! - I don't know what direction I will be taking with this website. I have more and more demands on my time, but would still like to add to this website. I think it will be a neverending work-in-progress. We'll see.

Advice - Just some musings of mine (chemistry related, of course). If you have a chance to take a true, scientific writing class, do so, it is worth the time. Take math classes beyond what is required; linear algebra is extremely useful in physical chemistry, as are related course on group theory. Actively participate in research; labs can teach you a lot, but working with faculty on directed research can teach you far more. Talk to your professors, they're just waiting for people to stop by office hours. Ask questions, even if you don't 'need' to know it for the exam, knowledge and understanding can only help.

News Archive

•Organic Nomenclature Table
•Alkane Names
•IUPAC Common Names Still In Use
Chemical Bonding
•Bond Angle Table
•Element Bond Table
Properties of Organic Compounds
•Boiling Points of Alkanes
•Acidity of Organic Acids
Chemical Reaction Mechanisms
•Diels-Alder Reaction
•Halogenation of Benzene
•Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
•Friedel-Crafts Acylation


Chem 260: Chemical Principles
•Chemical Bonding Terms
•States of Matter and Properties of Gases Terms
•First Law of Thermodynamics Terms

Chem 302: Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure, Reactivity, and Function
•Review Sheet 2