JuMp OuT oF bEd As SoOn As YoU hEaR tHe AlArM cLoCk!! YoU mAy AlSo FiNd It UsEfUl SpEnDiNg FiVe MiNuTeS eAcH mOrNiNg SaYiNg To YoUrSeLf: "EvErY dAy in every way I aM gEtTiNg BeTtEr AnD bEtTeR" PeRhApS iT iS a GoOd IdEa To StArT a NeW dAy WiTh ThE rIgHt FrAmE oF mInD.


last updated August 28th 2002

Radiohead just finished their small tour of Portugal and Spain, playing a barrage of new songs which were tested using these audiences as candidates for their upcoming album.

The band will start recording their 6th album in September in Los Angeles with long time producer Nigel Godrich.

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Please write me at okradiohead@mail.com with any questions, comments, or to report any deadlinks on my page.

David Byrne (Member Of Talking Heads)

XP Concerts: Come Here To Check Out Webcast Till The End Of August
David Byrne's Official Website: New Album Coming Out Now!!!