There is a special someone
Who lives across the net
That I"ve become quite fond of
Although you've never met.
We talk for sometimes hours;
WE laugh and sometimes cry;
And were very glad to see
A message from this someone
Who ever they may be.
And in return we share with them
are thoughts, and dreams,
we have found what we all need-
A very special friend!!
    (Where ever you are in this world)
I haven't ever seen you,
but I know you're really there;
I click you into reality
like magic from the air.
Your voice is like an Angel,
though I really do not hear;
your hug as warm as any
of loved ones I hold dear.
You're always there for comfort,
or a simple word of cheer;
though you're very far away,
I always have you near.
You're a very special friend,
like none I've ever known;
as long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone
      If you have Cyber Friends out in Cyber Space
send them this message to show them that you will never feel alone
knowing that they are there and to say to them that they are your Cyber Friends!!

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