GRAPEVINE 11/04/99 The one contested officer race this year is for Vice President. Vickie Alves and Jeannine Haught are the candidates. We did have a contested race for Editor Publisher but Fred Cusanelli withdrew. Ballots have been mailed and must be received back no later than the next business meeting on November 21st. Each ballot contains a stamped return envelope in which to return your ballot. Please take a moment to mark your ballot and vote. If you did not get a ballot, contact someone on the Election Committee: Jim Warford, Chuck Knight, or Jake Lamkins. New officers are installed at the next business meeting. Unopposed candidates were Loren Adams - President, Gini Hickman - Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary - Carol Hudson,and Editor Publisher - Millie Alvis. The Christmas Party is schdule for Sunday, 6PM, Dec.5th, at the Clarion Inn. Plans are to use Local talent for entertainment. If you have something to contribute in that area please contact a Local Officer. Dean Kjosa's mother passed away. Dennis Hartwell was scheduled for shoulder surgery today. Loren has been ailing and off work. Keep them in your thoughts. The website has been updated and shorn of its Halloween decorations. We must start thinking about Thanksgiving and all the ways we are so lucky. In case you missed it before, the site has a simpler and easier address now: The old one still works if you prefer it or have it bookmarked. The Local has received the CD-ROM for the clerk craft that was discussed at the Clerk Conference. I've just reviewed it. You'll find it easy to use and it's a LIBRARY of info. It will be extremely useful. Loren plans to get some copies made. Look forward to seeing you at the meeting the 21st. JAKE LAMKINS Fayetteville APWU 667 "Illegitimi non Carborundum"