The May issue of the Razorback Scheme is posted at our website. A new cartoon is also posted. The Honor Roll of donors to the Legal Defense Fund is up to date. Anyone wishing to get on the E-List of Clerk National Business Agent Steve Albanese may do so by e-mailing him at and requesting your name be added. Steve sends out information dealing with the clerk craft. Our LMOU negotiations have reached the "regional" stage. Management sent three items to impasse and your Committee responded to them. Now the regional representatives will resolve them with the help of an arbitrator. The items are the same as sent to impasses the last time: annual leave and overtime by tour and building. Nationally, USPS has announced plans to close nine Remote Sites. They say the new technology coming online means there's not enough work to keep them open. All will be closed eventually (there are 55 of them). Be sure to attend the May 16th union meeting. 1PM at Razorback Pizza. See you there.