Dawson's Creek Trivia Contest

Every few weeks I will set up trivia contest for each episode of Dawson's Creek. There will be 10 questions concerning an episode, and a bonus one concerning a film mantioned in that episode - just to see how much of a film buff you are!!

Please put an answer in every box (even if it's something along the lines of "I don't know") so I can make sure I recieve all your answers on the form (sometimes it goes wonky).

Episode One - the pilot.

And the answers are...

1 - What is the first ever line spoken on Dawson's Creek?

2 - What video does Pacey recommend to Tamara (not The Graduate)

3 - What is the name of Dawson's mother's co-anchor?

4 - How long has Joey been sleeping over at Dawson's? (According to Dawson)

5 - And how many years has she been sneaking in his window? (According to Jen's Grams)

6 - What video is Nellie trying to put back on the video shop shelf?

7 - What is the name of Tamara's "date" at the movies? (First name or surname)

8 - How are Dawson's Spielberg posters arranged in his "studio"?

9 - How does Dawson respond to Pacey's "She [Tamara] wanted me"?

10 - What does Joey ask Jen when Dawson goes for her hand in the cinema?

BONUS: - What is the name of Janet Leigh's (Marion's) sister in Psycho?:

Surprisingly, several people got all of the answers correct, but very few got the bonus. The winners who got ten out of ten were: