Dawson's Creek Trivia Contest

Every few weeks I will set up trivia contest for each episode of Dawson's Creek. There will be 10 questions concerning an episode, and a bonus one concerning a film mantioned in that episode - just to see how much of a film buff you are!!

Please put an answer in every box (even if it's something along the lines of "I don't know") so I can make sure I recieve all your answers on the form (sometimes it goes wonky).

Episode Four - Carnal Knowledge

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Homepage URL: (I will put a link to your site if you win)

1 - How does Joey describe the guy Tamara is on the videotape with?

2 - How did Dawson get the tape of Tamara in the first place?

3 - What is the magazine Pacey reads in Tamara's bedroom about?

4 - What do Dawson and Jen go to his mother's studio to work on in his film?

5 - Name two of the English books Pacey uses to explain what means about sex never working out.

6 - When Jen's Grams prevents Dawson and Jen from kissing, what does Jen tell Dawson about the wait?

7 - Who does Tamara compare herself to in order for Mr. Gold to be interested in her?

8 - What is Jen's big revelation?

9 - According to Pacey, what is Jen giving Dawson by telling him her secret?

10 - How many guys does Tamara tell Pacey she's been with?

BONUS: - What is the name of the man Juliet is supposed to marry in "Romeo and Juliet" ?

Dawson's Creek | Scripts / Fanfic | Trivia | Pacey Appreciation Society | Dawson and Joey (not available yet) | Interactive Story | Episode Guide