If your Fool card in your tarot deck is a self portrait of your HP…
You just might be a Crafter.

If there's a duck on one side of the scales on the Justice card…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your ritual position is sitting on your knees with your hands visibly on your heads…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your High Priest is a ƒigment of your imagination…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your ritual dance includes "Stop, Drop and Roll"…
You just might be a Crafter.

If you dismiss West with, "Have a coke® and a smile"…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your car gets you to the ritual, but not home afterwards…
You just might be a Crafter.

If you turn a theatre veiwing of the movie "The Craft" into an episode of MST3000…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your coven tartan is mostly fushia (see background color for example)…
You just might be a Crafter.

If the local park rangers offer to donate grass seed for your Spring Equinox ritual…
You just might be a Crafter.

If you serve Lorna Doones® and Gatorade® for your cakes and ale…
You just might possibly be a Crafter.

If your idea of skyclad is keeping a pair of white socks on…
You just might be a Crafter.

If you keep a fire extinquisher in the south quarter…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your youngest member of your coven has Ken® & Barbie® as God & Goddess figures (anatomically corrected, yet!)…
You just might be a Crafter.

If your idea of going regemental is wearing a g-string under your kilt…
You just might be a Crafter.

If you sing "Every Sperm is Sacred" for a fertility chant…
you just probably are a Crafter.

If you think a toy poodle can lead the Wild Hunt…
You might just probably are,

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