Reasons Why P/T Belong Together

1) They are both Lieutenants, so rank is not an issue.
2) Face it, Tom deserves someone better than Jenny Delany.
3) What are the chances of them ever meeting? It has to be destiny.
4) They both haven't had very good track records with their parents.

5) He's the only one who doesn't run away and cower under the bed when she has a fit!
6) Blood Fever. Need I say more?
8) Just think of what cute kids they'll have!

9) Both were in Starfleet. (briefly)
10) Both were in the Maquis. (even more briefly)
11) Because, why else? -Sofie
12) You know how much they care about eachother -Name Unknown

13) Tom likes Klingon holodeck games -Name Unknown

Thankx to everyone who added to this list, and don't forget to keep 'em coming!!

Got an addition to the list? Send it/them to me, and I'll put it up right here! I'll attrubitue it/them to you too, of course. =)