On this page you will find some thumbnail pictures of Tokyo. If you want to see the whole picture, please click on the picture.
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Big Site in TokyoBig Site in Tokyo
House under a railway bridge in ShibuyaWould you like to live under a railway bridge? Possible in Shibuya/Tokyo
Crane on the top of a houseGood way to save space. Put the crane on the top of the house you just built.
DJ BOx GameNow you can be your own DJ or train for your gigs at night. A DJ BOX.
Yummy Fish in UenoYou can buy yummy fish at the market in Ueno/Tokyo.
Fuji TV Building in TokyoFuji TV Building in Tokyo
Colorful house in HarajukuA colorful and modern art house in Harajuku/Tokyo. You thought such houses only exist in New York, Berlin and London?
Colorful House in HarajukuSame building. Different view.
Hachiko StatueThe most famous meeting point in Tokyo. Hachiko Statue in Shibuya.
Shopping Street in HarajukuVery popular shopping street for young people in Harajuku.
Futuristic Building in Harbor AreaFuturistic Building in the harbor area of Tokyo.
McDonald in JapanMcDonald in Japan
Crowded trainRush Hour on the Yamanote line in Tokyo. Unique experience.
Neon Lights of TokyoNeon lights of Tokyo
Restaurant on the streetTypical place to eat in Japan. Sitting on the street. This one is in Ueno.
Shibuya IntersectionProbably the most busy intersection in the world. Shibuya.
Tako standThis is a Tako stand. You can find them at any corner in Tokyo. Tako is Octopus in Japanese.
Typical TaxiThis is a typical Taxi in Japan. Mostly Toyotas. Inside with white blankets and the taxi drivers wears white gloves. Be careful the door opens automatically.
Market in UenoMarket Street in Ueno.
A vending machine for magazinesA vending machine for magazines.
Temple in AsakusaJapanese temple in Asakusa.
Golden Temple in KyotoGolden Temple in Kyoto