Welcome to the Gymkhana Assoication!

Thanks for stopping by the Gymkhana Association!! This is a brand new association in Hoof Prints and will accept members and their horses who compete in rodeo/gymkhana speed events such a roping, poles, stakes, barrels, keyhole, and other gymkhana classes as well as english events such as jumping, dressage, and other various Pony Club events. Becoming a member of this association includes being included in TGA (The Gymkhana Association) shows, barrel racing meets,and jumping (and other english events), a newsletter published each month, Hoof Print information, and some free entries in the NBHA classes.

If you are into rodeos or horse shows, then you need to become a member today!!

Raemie Sullins

TGA Director

Owner/Manager Frisky Foal Acres


Gymkhanas are horse show/rodeo like activities that consist of both English AND Western events.

TGA'S Important Links

Members of the Gymkhana Association
To become a member of TGA, go to this site; it has my e-mail there. Or just e-mail me at Budieopal@aol.com.
TGA'S First Gymkhana ~ August '98

How Do I Become a Member?

Becoming a member of this awesome association is easy! All you have to do is e-mail me with your HORSE'S NAME, AGE, BREED, OWNER'S NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS, and the EVENTS YOUR HORSE USUALLY COMPETE IN. If you have any questions please e-mail me.


Coming August 25 is TGA's first gymkhana, Summer Show - August '98, and is scheduled to be held at Frisky Foal Acres!! Entries open July 20 and close August 15 and fee's depend on classes. This will be a small sanctioned gymkhana, since it's the first one, but they will gradually get bigger and better. For complete information on Summer Show - August '98, and class listings, visit the official home page.


This is apart of Hoof Print, a cyber horse game, and is not real! The beautiful Morgan Horse Dressage picture is used WITH PERMISSION from Jack Schatzberg's Horseshow Photography (I don't how to put links in but go here: www.horsephotog.com), and the barrel racing picture from the National Barrel Horse Association (www.nbha.com).