tips and techniques
Tips and Techniques
Perhaps you are trying to get out of your body instead of simply
forgetting about your body. Trying to get out of your body keeps you
attached to it. If you build an excercise that allows you to forget
about your body then you will have more success.
You need to move your attention up to where your attention originates.
So you have to forget about your body. Start by paying attention to
your fingers and toes. Do not move on until you can pretty much
identify all fingers and toes at the same time.
Then move that attention up each joint of each limb very gradually
until it hits the spine - relaxing everything as you move toward the
spine. Then take the attention that is (should be) between the
shoulder blades and the tail bone, very gradually (with each breath)
up through the neck and out the top of your head.
After you've managed to put your body out of your mind then you simply
look into the screen of the imagination and wait patiently... trying
not to forget about what you are trying to do. Watch the images as
they stabilize on their own (don't force them). They will gradually
expand until you reach a point where they become very clear. It is at
this shifting point you have to figure out for yourself how to go
directly into to that image or stop the imagery and move directly into
an OBE or panic and return to the physical.
You have to move into yourself. I know this sounds weird, but that's
about the best I can describe it. Though the vibrations sound
physical, they are not physically induced.
Now that you've begun to learn relaxing your body, you need to learn to
ignore your body.
Move your attention farther into the visual area of your head. This
same area can carry sound images as well - so, if you are more SOUND
than LIGHT oriented, you can listen instead of watch. But the key is,
you must pay attention to what is freely passing across the perceptual
portion of your mind - NOT just the physical sensations. NOT just the
sparkles and clouds you see with your eyes closed. NOT just the
ringing you hear when you plug your ears. I'm talking about the
flowing imagery. Paying attention to this imagery will help you
totally forget about your body. A special bonus would be to mildly
direct that imagery toward higher truths (spiritual matters) - this
would help to get you to greater clarity of experience, but it might
hinder your attempts at your first OBE.
The vibrations will happen by themselves. No need to expect them or
attempt to induce them. All you really need to do is stay conscious as
you watch yourself slip into different levels of consciousness and
farther away from the attention of your body. The vibrations happen
(as far as I'm concerned) when you have successfully placed your body
on automatic by ignoring it and trusting that it will be okay by itself
(a tough one to get over). There is often a "ripping away" feeling.
It's all the same - a slipping from physical to non-physical control.
A relinquishing of power - sometimes painfull - but usually rather
It's true, if you seek to become proficient with OBE, you have to
really WANT it - but not be attached as in a need. Just take it as
level headed forward motion and continue to do your meditative
exercises without expectation else you will be met with frustration.
It's when you "let go" that it will happen. Desire brings you to do
your exercises. Desire keeps you conscious when your natural habit is
to simply fall asleep, but Desire will interfere if you cannot relax
and let go of that desire when you need to.
Can you hear the ringing in your ears? It's internal. Follow that
sound and go beyond it.
Also, since you DO know the experience of sound - can you imagine
sound? I mean, like, mentally sing a little tune in your head? If so,
then, as you practice this type of hearing. 'Listen' passively to the
sounds of your imagination - just like I often recommend that people
watch the images that float by. It's in the same place. Allow your
body to fall asleep while you listen. A loud beep is something I
occasionally hear - just keep at it.
Learn to look inside yourself with such interest that you forget about
your body. That's about it.
>So try this. Forget about inducing an OBE before you fall asleep.
Well, I wouldn't exactly say 'forget'. You need that effort to keep
you from 'completely' falling asleep. But I would say that trying to
feel yourself lifting out of your body is going to do little more than
keep you firmly stuck in it. I think it is a good idea to get familiar
with that floating sensation, but then once you reach it, it is time to
move on to the next stage. That of forgetting about the body itself.
>Forget about
>the chakras, and protective force fields, healing energy and all that
>other 60's crap.
Good recommendation for the beginner. Not sure I would call it crap,
but it really isn't all that important to pay attention to for the
beginner. Too much to think about at first. Kinda puts one off
balance. It's not until after you become familiar with going within
that much of that stuff will make any sense anyway.
>Just go to sleep as usual. In the morning is when it counts. I
>usually have my first waking around 5 or 6 a.m. to answer nature's
>call. So try and awake around this time.
Sitting up for a little while and having a cup of coffee or tea seems
to help here. In other words, don't go straight back to bed.
>Before going back to sleep just think about inducing an OBE, don't go
>nuts with visualization or meditation, just think about it.
I don't like using the visualization method either. Just passively
watching the images that cross the inner vision is my favorite - as you
mention farther down in this article regarding sound.
>Here is the key. You must find a comfortable body position and stay
>there, so take care of all those private itches before settling in. I
>truly believe the best position is the one you usually use when you
I agree. But there are some plusses to lying on the couch or the floor
instead of the bed, though. The different locations seem to put a
subliminal message into your head about the fact that it is not your
intention to simply go back to sleep, but to have an OBE.
>Now, I have found
>that the funky things that experienced OBE people talk about (music,
>odd noises) does certainly occur, so listen for it. Just ignore
>absolutely everything your mind is saying to you, just start to listen
>for music. For me, it always starts off as a deep bass rythm, as if my
>apartment neighbors are being jerks again and playing their music too
>loud. occasionally though, I will start to hear, not a beat, but music
>that starts fainlty, but grows louder. If this does not come to you,
>do it yourself. Now don't plant KC and the Sunshine
>Band in there, just start with a beat and a melody that you don't
>associate with anything. Listen for, but do not be starttled by any
>other odd noises that occur. . .because they will. I usually hear
>doors slamming and people talking, but these are not actually
I HIGHLY recommend some comfortable earplugs. They turn your hearing
inward and also help with the subliminal message to remind you that
your intention is more than just sleep. The subtle sounds are heard
much more quickly. Sudden external sounds are less likely to jolt you,
though, internal sounds may surprise you as you move inward. Sometimes
very loud noises. As mentioned above, don't be discouraged if they pop
you right back into full physical awareness. Consider them a landmark
on your way to success and remember how you got to that point.
>The vibrational state comes and goes fairly quickly, and it is still
>scary. Have courage. It hurts a little; for me it feels like someone
>is peeling my skin off, then before you now it, you are out.
Yes, although I don't hear many people mention that pain - I'm glad you
did. Actually, for me, it feels more like someone is fileting me :-)
Pulling me away from my spine. Not nearly as painfull as it would be
if someone were actually doing that, but it's all I could think of to
describe it at the moment. Maybe drilling a hole up through the
bottom/back of the skull or something :-) Painfull, but not
unbearable. This eventually (after experience) evolves into something
like a rough internal massage - complete with a crackling or vibrating
sound. This is often preceeded by a rapid falling sensation, which I
find to be the most difficult to get past because the body's normal
reaction to falling is to tense up the muscles. Surrender to the
falling sensation and you are on your way. NOTE: Don't look for these
feelings or try to induce them, they will happen on there own. Just
note them as they occur. There is nothing subtle about them so you
will not miss them when they happen.
The most important thing is to forget about your body. Don't think
about getting out of it - just forget about it. It can take care of
itself. Be passive and watch the images float in and out of your
mental vision, or passively listen for music or sounds.
Again, earplugs are a BIG plus. They help you recognize sounds within
you. First you will just hear a loud ringing sound and blood flow, but
as you learn to go beyond these initial body and neuron sounds, you'll
begin to hear others. If you've ever heard a 'rolling OM' performed by
buddists, that is one of the sounds in there. Very subtle at first,
but they gain intensity as you follow them. The 'rolling OM' is one of
the first sounds I come to after passing the initial body sounds.
It helps to keep in mind that you've ALREADY started your journey by
simply turning your attention inward and gradually going beyond
different landmarks. As Yoda said, "Don't try. Just do."
By the way, the two of us have just described, albeit quite
simplistically, some very ancient techniques better known in some
mystical circles as "Light and Sound" techniques. These techniques
focus on the movement of consciousness rather than leaving the body.
Same result, different approach.
Making up your own method is the *BEST* method. Why? Because you are
learning from yourself. The "Toe to Head" relaxation technique is an
important 'basic' - but after that, you need to rely on what YOU feel.
Get to know *YOU*.
If you are serious, then you should be willing to set a time in every
day for a period of contemplation/meditation. It only takes about a
half hour and, if nothing else, can be helpfull in reducing stress,
headaches, or the need for deep sleep.
1. It's my personal opinion that this first exercise should be done in
an upright sitting position with no back support and no hard surfaces
around you (in case you fall over through loss of consciousness).
2. With eyes closed, you will normally be seeing a bunch of colored
lights and probably expanding or contracting circles of misty color.
Pictures and patterns will float by. For a little while, just sit
there and try to relax the tension in your head as you gaze without
intention at the jumble of images. As you relax your head, you can
actually feel your brain and eye muscles relax - the images gradually
become settled down. Watch your breathing and try to make it regular -
in other words, make each breath and exhale of about the same duration.
3. Next, move your attention down to the base of your spine. Search
the base of your spine for the feelings of your legs. Not your legs
themselves, mind you, but the feelings of your legs that the spine
recieves through the nerves. Try to center your attention there in
that spot, feeling the information coming from that spot at the base of
your spine.
4. Slowly draw in a deep comfortable breath while pulling the
information from the legs into that spot at the base of the spine. As
you exhale, allow your vocal chords to vibrate in some fashion so that
you can feel the vibration at the base of the spine (you may have to
try different pitches in order to get the right physical frequency with
which to tickle that area). Repeat this about five times (or until you
begin to feel some pressure in that spot in the center of the base of
your spine). That pressure is important so you should learn how to
recognize it and hold on to it. Once you feel it, continue to draw in
the information from your legs on the inhale, but on the exhale, still
vocalizing, allow that pressure to relax your back muscles as it moves
up the center of your spine and out the top of your head. Do this a
few times from the base of the spine and then allow the starting point
to move up your spine to that portion of your spine which is behind
your abdominal area. Feel the information arriving into that area from
the points level to it and below. Do this until the pressure is
stabilized there and able to again be allowed to flow up the center of
your spine and out the top of your head. Do the same at the level of
your heart - then through the neck, and base of the skull, on into the
center of your head.
(Note: Some people who know this exercise continue on with the focus
even beyond the top of the head. Probably not a bad idea. But I'm
just not one of those people. Perhaps I'll change my ways in the
5. By now, with some practice, you should have built up quite a bit of
pressure in your head. If you haven't already stopped, you can
gradually stop vocalizing at this point. Lightly place your attention
on your center - that place of your inner vision. Watch the images
that float in an out of view without becoming attached to them.
Identify them, but don't ponder them. In other words, if an image of a
truck comes into view, just think "truck" and let it fade away on its
own. It's important to watch and identify these images because they
help you make the step over into consciousness and away from the
attention of the body. It is also a great help in shutting off the
inner "chatter" of the restless mind. If all you see is darkness or a
bright light - that's even better. Just remain there in that light or
6. Don't be disappointed if nothing else happens at this point. I
merely wanted to suggest how to pull your energies up into the
launching point within your head without falling asleep first.
That was just an excersize to gain familiarity and focus. And yes, it
does match with some meditative techniques involving Kundalini and
Chakras. I don't use those words because they sound too mystical for
some people to understand. I found this stuff out on my own and later
read about them. I remember chuckling to myself, "Well, I guess those
Tibetans know what they're talking about - they just use strange
words." :) I never would have understood what they were talking about
unless I found it on my own in the first place.
Do the same exercise later when you do have back support as in while
lying down or sitting in an easy chair. Allow yourself to accept those
images even more. Eventually, they will linger for a longer period of
time. Keep letting them fade in and out on their own, because each
time you do, the next one will stay longer and you will be releasing
your attention to your body with every new image. Do not get lost in
your thoughts! Otherwise you'll just fall asleep. View the scenes
passively. The toughest part is when one of the images stays and you
begin to "fall" into it. It is normal to jerk yourself out of it in a
violent full-body twitch. While frustrating at first, simply note the
twitch as a 'landmark' and just keep trying to surrender yourself to
the falling feeling when it occurs.
My experience at this point is that the images will suddenly completely
disappear, and you will slide through a momentary lack of consciousness
(like falling through a pinhole) into the next level of consciousness.
You will probably hear a static-like crackling or popping sound and may
also feel tingles and vibrations (sometime, to the point of being
somewhat painfull) in the center of your brain or along the fissures.
You may already be floating in your room, or you may feel like you're
still lying down. This happens to me quite often. It took me a little
while to understand that once I had fallen through that 'little
pinhole' and heard the crackling sounds, I was already out - or 'in'
(so to speak), and had to make the effort to get up and do a test like
jumping up to see how slowly I would return to the ground - never have
I gotten up and done that test without finding that I had been
successful in seperating.
Don't get depressed if you turn around and don't see your body.
Remember - you are a beginner. It's very probable that you won't be
able to see reality as it truly is at first. I consider this type of
movement of consciousness to be a state of progression. These are my
words, other people have other words.
Unconscious dreaming
Semi-lucid dreaming
Lucid dreaming
Clear oobe
I suspect that most people confuse Bilocation with Oobe. I suggest
that very few people are capable of Clear Oobe or Bilocation - simply
because they don't have the time for devotion to the experience and the
dicipline it requires. I know I'm certainly not capable of doing it
reliably. I can't even honestly say that I've had more than three
Clear Oobe's. So I'm no adept. I'm still stuck with a lot of thought
forms in my experiences. But... I am still trying... The more I learn
about unconditional LOVE, humility, surrender, truth, and self-control
- the greater my clarity becomes.
So, if you came into this newsgroup looking for an easy way to spy on
your ex-wife - forget it.
The clarity of the experience from here on seems to be up to the
individual's own level of growth. In other words... you're on your own
(unless you have a very good teacher). Some suggestions are that you
try to increase your control and level of awareness. Seek out light -
specifically, light surrounded by darkness, such as a star. A single
light in a dark area may be an entrance to a more clear experience or
level of consciousness. Sound is also important. The music can be
wonderfully relaxing and act as a cleanser for emotions and pent-up
anxieties. Something akin to an astral hot-tub :) Don't ignore a
feeling of being tapped on the shoulder from behind - it may be a guide
trying to catch your attention. Guides are your most valuable
companions in these situations. They can take you places and teach you
things about yourself that a physical teacher cannot. They are often
very subtle in their approach and carefree or humorous - even to the
point of being practical jokers. But they are there for your benefit
if you pay attention to them.
Well, that's about all I have to offer for now. The technique does
work if you keep at it, don't have any major hang-ups or emotional
problems, and can understand the notion of going inward instead of
These are compilations of advice from Bart at the alt.out-of-body ng.
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