tips and techniques
Flasher Technique
Set Flasher anywhere from Delta to Alpha range for the blink rate.
Set it to any range for the pattern. I have found Beta, Alpha and
Zeta to be good patterns to use. White is a good color to use.
Run Flasher all night while you sleep. If you have trouble falling
asleep change the monitor contrast/brightness settings.
Make sure the monitor is facing your sleeping body and that it is
positioned in a way that you can see it when you sleep. I put it
at the side of my cot(I don't use a bed) on the floor. Lie down and
stare at the flashing monitor for 5 to 10 min. Longer if you can.
When falling asleep turn your body away from the monitor if it helps.
The wall and ceiling will still blink because the monitor is illuminating
it and your closed eyes will still pick up on the flashing.
You should wake up at about 5 hours of sleep. You will probably
remember a very vivid and odd dream. Watch the monitor again for a
couple of mins. Try using the rope method, its ok if it does not take
you out of your body. It will let you stay focussed on your intention
when you sleep. Then try to go to sleep again. Pay attention to the
energy feelings in your head. I have heard it described as a ZING
feeling. The energy gets more intense and focused and buzzing until it
quickly goes back to normal only to repeat again. Let this happen. Do
not be afraid. Just watch it as you fall asleep. While falling asleep,
tell yourself that when you see your dreamsign you will know you are
dreaming. If the flashing screen will not let you sleep the 2nd time
and you need a good nights sleep for tomorrow, turn its brightness far
down or turn it off completely, but try to keep it on if you can.
If you have gotten to the ZINGy feelings in your head, know that you
are definitely on your way. If it does not happen tonight, keep up the
practice and it will happen soon. You will know the ZINGs when they hit
you. Its like a mosquito buzzing near your ear, then goes in your ear,
then you kill it in your ear. As you sleep the 2nd time, if you recognize
that you are dreaming in a dream, do not get excited. Immediately focus
on your physical body. Find your physical body and simply roll over.
You will feel just as if your physical body is rolling over. Do not be
afraid about falling out of bed because you will not. When you have rolled
over enough to not be in your bed anymore, realize that you did not fall
down and that you are out of your body. Congratulations. The only sensation
you may have felt is the physical motion of rolling over. You may not
see or hear anything at all. You may not even have felt vibrations. That
is OK because you went through all that while falling asleep.
Now that you are out and can not see or hear or anything. Focus on drawing
energy from your physical body to your dream body. Know that there is
a cord connecting your etheric body to your physical body in the bed.
It is connected from your etheric body's belly button area. Just imagine
you are sucking energy through that cord that is connected to your belly.
Like you suck liquid with a straw to your mouth. Draw as much as you can.
If you can not see anything by now, look at your hands until you see them.
Then take a look around. You should be able to see then. Now do what
ever you want. Do not fear anything. You are free to do anything you
can imagine. If you drew a lot of energy to you from your physical body
you can remain there for a very long time. If not, you will be back very
soon. Either you will be dreaming or wake up. When you know that you are
loosing concousness in your dreamworld try to wake yourself up so you will
remember what happened in the waking state. It is very possible that you
will have a dream afterwards and wake up later and not even remember
what happened. In this case you may notice that throughout the day
you feel very energetic and free and full of energy and life. Being out
of the body often makes us feel that way when we come back.
I hope you find these techniques useful. If you do, I would be delighted
to hear all about it. Email me
Download Flasher a computer brainwave generator for DOS. (48 K)
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