tips and techniques
Ask Spirit for Help Technique
..... ---OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES-----------
Freestone Wilson (free)
feel ok, to share this with anyone.........
Here is my "two cents worth"..of my years of having out of body
We have a "Soul body"..that looks just like our "real body". It occupies
the same space as our earthly
body..but in another dimension. When we fall asleep, we disengage our
awareness from the earth- that of the Soul-body. Like of a "shifting of gears", in a
stick-shift car transmission! We then
,while in this Soul-body...mostly just lie in it asleep! that other
dimension. So...we go into that
astral body, as we sleep, and separate from our earth-body.
People call this body..the "astral body"----as the lower worlds of
Spirit...are often called "the astral
yes...this is the lower part of the heavens..where we go, after we die.
No wonder sleep is called "the
little death"!
In this astral body...we dream. Dreams mostly of "brain spasms"..with a
little of astral experiences
thrown in...and these astral experiences mixed in with the ordinary what makes many of
our WEIRD!
Ah, folks...this is the Trick----to become AWAKE this astral
body..while "sleeping!!
And, ya know...I think that MANY people have many Bona fide, real, astral
trips and
experiences...and do not realize they think it is only a dream!!
I think that MOST of us have
astral travel our dreams..and do not know it!!
How can you tell!?
----do you fly or float..through the scenery?
---do you actually float/fly through walls, doors, if they
are not there?
---is the dream in vivid color..or in very LUCID awareness (LUCID DREAM)?
Is even the awakeness
more awake than even while awake in the daytime?
---do you see incredible scenes and places?
---do you see and talk to "dead" relatives..friends..???
---do you receive teachings from people or teachers...there?
.............these are some of the signs.
Be aware that the first level of the astral realms..permits one to travel,
in the astral body, to anywhere
on the PHYSICAL EARTH! as "ghost". In fact many Ghosts are dead
people who are stuck
on this lower realm. You can see the earth places, from this "back side".
Thus, you can travel in any foreign country, on earth...and no visa is required!
I have actually obe..d on the earth-plane..where someone living, on
earth, saw me!
He thought, indeed, that it was a ghost that he saw..he fired a gun at panic..then he threw shop-
tools at i floated up the wall! I was a ghost...before i died!!
I have, now, a great feeling of adventure, as i contemplate the
reality-existence of these astral
worlds...and what they are like.....child-like wonder!!! as when i discovered that library internet computer, down there in
Tallahassee. I did not even
know how to scroll down the page..let alone use ..the mouse..or "URL"s!!
Talk about an internet Newbie!!
But i very soon saw how much amazing stuff is out there, on the net.
Now..magnify the net, about a billion-plus times!!!
This is only the LOWER heavens!!!!
Vastness beyond compare...worlds and worlds and yet more worlds.....
MAGIC ...exists here! Mind does indeed influence the surroundings .
"final Fantasy 7"is a good
model..for many of these worlds. In fact , ...i think Spirit gave to like a "training
course"...for when we get there, after we die, it will not be
so strange to us!
How can one help to encourage these sleep astral have more and
better ones? Here are a
few of MY observations.
---you should ask..of have these experiences. Many
of them, you do not do,
yourself...but you have an Angel or Guide, to lead you. Spirit would send
such a helper. (This guide
is usually unseen, while you are obe-ing)
---sleep on your back, facing the ceiling.
Try to be sleeping between 4am and 7am---i find that the best times for
obe..are then.
---try to be in a good state of mind and heart.
(One of the MAJOR Spiritual laws, up there, is..."like
attracts like". You are surrounded
in scenery and people, by what is in your heart...FIRST! And foremost.
Yes...i have seen HELL!!!
It is NOT nice!!
Have compassion for those who can never leave it!!!)
---read up on it...books on astral travel. There is a very good internet
site..that has a whole section on
"astral travel"------
---just before you fall asleep...ask of Spirit, to have an experience!
You will see and experience some of the places that you will live in,
after you die! "This is not Kansas
anymore, Toto" the "Wizard of Oz"!!
And, oh yes......those funny sounds and paralysed going to
sleep/waking up?------
why that is like when the Clutch chutters a the Shifting of gears,
from one body to another!!
---"parelysis"...not being able to move........this is where, at the
beginning or the end..of the OBE....the
head is in one reality, and the body is in the "phone is
disconnected"!! only lasts a
What are some of the places and scenes..that i have seen?? In no
particular are some.
The descriptions will not be of very good grammar..and will be
save bandwidth!!
You can use examples....
---i have been taken to a healing center, in heaven, for newly arrived,
after death, Souls. Souls who
need to "take a summer school course, before entering that fall's
I have that obe, on a flopply-disk..if you would like
to read it, please ask me.
I will send it to you.....
----i met someone, that i knew, here on obe......i saw her, the
next day...and she tells me that
she dreams of seeing me. And the scenery is the same!! Yes, "i will see
you in my dreams" the
song quite real!!
----i have seen a temple of prayer...where earthly prayers are routed
through, to God..Spirit; and not
one prayer is lost or not paid attention to!!
---i had a drunken man ...on earth..wave to me..he could see me!!!
---i have been blessed with seeing Sathya Sai Baba.
---i saw my deceased sister..being taken, with her class of students,
too....from a lower heavenly a higher JESUS.
---i have had Long Talks with all my relatives...mother, father,
sister.....many times...and seeing the
homes and scenery where they live!....there, in heaven
---i have done magic and worlds where this IS the Basic
law...that magic, IS!
--- i have obe-d to foreign earthly countries...Russia...France...India.
---seen lost Souls, rescued..into higher realms....
---i have witnessed people being taken to heaven!. Once, i saw a car
accident. A lady was standing
by the wrecked car..dazed. But, none of the rescue squad could see her!!!
She was dead!!
I then saw angels come down from above..and carry her upward, toward a
circle of bright light..and
into it!
Hell is NOT "fire and Brimstone"!!---it is of a Grey Day, if it were 36 degrees
fareinhieght..and the lidded grey drizzle..covers all.
---ever pay "Riven"..or "MYST"?.....i have seen places like that.
That is where we will go, after death......
Open that mailbox...and look at that letter...and off we ZORK..ian
universes and worlds!!! our sleep...or after death!
The BIGGEST learning experience..of these years of, is that
I now know...that the but a Door...into heaven...and
not a "dead end"!!
..all the cynics are laid to rest, before wonder and awe.......
....our Adventures...have just only just begun...a billion worlds to
explore...and a near-infinity of time,
to explore them in!
........Freestone (Free)
have a theory, ....that many of us obe, without knowing
it!!...because we ARRIVE into the obe-state , and begin it"Tunnel"..or "cord"..or other events. thus the dream
begins---we are there. thus we think it is a dream.I can tell..if a
dream is really an signs that i sort of know, over the years.
these are kinda hard to describe.flying. floating. vivid colors--a
lucid-dream. and...what the people there, are talking about. say---if
my deceased sister, is in a dream..and she talks of her life on
earth..."and that there is much learning, here, in this realm", she
says. --and that ...everyone is wearing white robes----"WE ARE NOT IN
KANSAS ANYMORE, TOTO"( the wizard of Oz)!!
so...statement; we all obe, without knowing of it!unfortunately...very
very often the obe-dream is MIXED UP with our own personal Freiudian
ego-stuff! the BOOKS say that we all go obe...and just hover just above
the body...and not see anything our spirit-eyes are not
opened, in our soul-spirit body---as this soul body hovers over our
sleeping body.
so...what to do?????I would ask in prayer, to whatever
Name-of-God...that you would worship,and ASK him to help you, from send angels and guides,to help you have such a dream.
ya gotta ask!!!!...Spirit does not just barge into your "free will"!
go to bed, not too tired and with a positive attitude---no negative
thoughts. try to be in bed, between 4am to 7am..i and others find this
is the best time, for an obe!try to sleep on your back!! seems to
help!there are books, of course, on obe; go read a few!
the best way to learn of a foreign country, before you go there to to see of it, in advance! same with our-home-to-be, in
heaven, after we die!! that in itself, is a good reason to obe!!
i got this TALANT , from past lives!! it is a all i have dreams of a little of these
lives...In a sentence--i was Initiated into these mysteries...then!!!so
what i am sorta that i cannot GIVE to you a talant: but i
have showed to you WHAT IS POSSIBLE!!! thus, because you now know that
SUCH visions of obe, are POSSIBLE---you have a model to
have a trodden path that you NOW KNOW exists---in a word: because i do
it; you can do it!!!!!
"the master painter shows his pupil, how to paint---painting comes very
easy, for this master:::but the pupil is only a beginner--it is a bit
harder. aware, that this master was a pupil, one time--and this
pupil WILL become a master, some day!!
"I read, once..that 80% of all obe's..are DIRECTED by
spiritguides..invisable to the dreamer. they actually carrey and lift
the dreamer up, and carrey them around!---through the various
heaven-places. I, myself, have seen this in action!!--on ME!!! this
is why "asking for guides" very important!!too..MOTIVE, is very
important...these guides will not bother to come..if you are just
curious or to use these trips as an ego-tripping thing, to impress your
friends with. one should the spirit ofLOVE and Humility and
of-learning! there are more worlds out there than anyone could, from
here, imagine!some of them are not nice!!!!some of them, are right up
next to the Throne!! gotta ask, of spirit-first!....
freestone wilson
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