Tiger Salamander Care

by Devin Edmonds

Tiger salamanders are one of the most low matenence and rewarding animals to keep in captivity. They can live for years, are very easy to feed and don't require much of terrarium.

CAGING: A 10 or 15 gallon aquarium tank could house one or two adults. I keep my tiger salamander on cypress mulch because it is easy to change the cage and keeps humidity in. Potting soil or peat are also good substrates. If you use potting soil make sure that all the vermiculite is out. These two substrates work good and keep humidity in but they are harder to change and since you have to change the cage every month or so I like cypress mulch better. Another substrate that is commonly available is your average type gravel for aquariums. This substrate can be used and I have used it in the past with many of my frogs but this is not a good substrate for housing tiger salamanders in. Most tiger salamanders like to burrow and gravel certainly doesn't let them do that. Gravel also doesn't help keep in humidity. In the terrarium along with a substrate you are going to need natural decor and a water dish. I like using those little plastic dishes which you put under plants to collect the extra water in for my water dish. Anything would work fine as long as it is not over an inch or two deep. In my oppinion you don't need to change the water all that often, mabey once a week or so. Sometimes I don't even get around to it until it is cleaning time for me. The next things to put in your terrarium are drift wood and cork bark. These provide hiding places for your animals.

HEATING AND LIGHTING:Heating and lighting are not necessary, and if you live down south you might even want a cooling system. I keep the tempeture in my cage between 68 F and 75 F and my tiger salamander is doing quite fine. Lighting is also not necessary because tiger salamanders are part of the mole salamander family which like to burrow.

FEEDING: Tiger salamanders are one of the easiest species of amphibian to feed. I feed mine about 15 crickets every week or two. Some people like using earthworms and nightcrawleres instead of crickets but they aren't as nutritious for them so I only use them occasionly.