Blue Room Web Ring

     "The Blue Room Web Ring" are pages created by people who chatted
     together in the now defunct Art Bell Blue Room Java Chat, 
     who have stuck together via e-mail, ICQ and other chat rooms. 

     Any page created by a "Blue Roomer" is elgible for this ring.
     However, mentioning Blue Roomers or having Art Bell type stuff
     on your page is encouraged!!! The ring is PG-13 so NO PORN! heehee

     Only ONE rule... you MUST have the "Blue Room Web Ring" box
     on your site and easy to find.

     And please be patient with me!!!  This is my first time 
     running a web ring!!!  8)

by Senter

If you feel you qualify for "The Blue Room Web Ring", this is the information you need to submit your page to be added to the "Blue Room Web Ring". I will send you the exact code you need to add to your page... all you will have to do is copy & paste it out of your mail, onto your page!!! Also you need to download these 2 files & upload them to your page site... they are the pictures that go on the "Blue Room Web Ring" box on your page:

bluenext.gif or animated: anibluenext.gif

Submit or edit your site information:

Submit site to Blue Room Web Ring
This will add you to the list of sites to be added
I will e-mail you the code for you to put on your page

Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If you already are in the waiting list OR in the ring, you can edit your information:
Site ID No:

What the box will look like

I need ideas for the pictures... any artists want to try to
improve on my design, feel free!!!!  e-mail or ICQ them 
to me... use a different file names than
bluejoin.gif and bluenext.gif and I will post them
and the ring sites can vote for their favorite.

This Blue Room site is owned by

Want to join the Blue Room Ring?
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