Mortal Kombat 2 - Moves

Liu Kang
High fire: F,F,HP
Low fire: F,F,LP
Bicycle kick: Charge LK 4 seconds
Flying kick: F,F,HK
Finishing Moves
Cartwheel: F,U,B,D,F (sweep distance)
Shaolin Dragon: D,F,B,B,HK (close)
Babality: D,D,F,B,LK
Friendship: F,B,B,B,LK
Pit Fatality: B,F,F,LK

Kung Lao
Hat throw: B,F,LP
Spin: Hold BL, U,U, Release BL, Rapid LK
Teleport: D,U
Hammer kick: D+HK in air
Finishing Moves
Hat Split: F,F,F,LK (sweep distance)
Decap: Hold LP, B,F
Babality: B,B,F,F,HK
Friendship: B,B,B,D,HK
Pit Fatality: F,F,F,HP

Shock grasp: Charge HP 3 seconds
Torpedo: B,B,F
Lightning bolt: D,F,LP
Teleport: D,U
Finishing Moves
Electrocution: Charge LK 5 seconds, Rapid LK+BL (close)
Super Uppercut: Charge HP 7 seconds (close)
Note: You may want to charge the button earlier for those two Fatality.
Babality: D,D,U,HK
Friendship: D,B,F,HK
Pit Fatality: U,U,U,HP

Harpoon: B,B,LP
Teleport: D,B,HP
Leg takedown: F,D,B,LK
Air throw: BL in air
Finishing Moves
Double Slice: Hold HP, F,D,F,F,F (close)
Incinerate: U,U,HP (sweep distance)
Toasty! Incinerate: D,D,U,U,HP
Babality: D,B,B,HK
Friendship: B,B,D,HK
Pit Fatality: D,F,F,BL

Sub Zero
Freeze: D,F,LP
Ground freeze: D,B,LK
Slide: B+LK+HK
Finishing Moves
Freeze Uppercut: First do: F,F,D,HK at the sweep distance, then go to your opponent as close as possible, and press F,D,F,F,HP
At the Dead Pool, do the movements (F,F,D,HK at the sweep distance) to freeze him, and then do the Dead Pool Fatality moves to knock your opponent into the pool.
Ice Gernade: Hold LP, B,B,D,F, Release (far away)
Babality: D,B,B,HK
Friendship: B,B,D,HK
Pit Fatality: D,F,F,BL

Fan lift: B,B,B,HP
Fan throw: F,F,HP+LP
Fan slice: B+HP
Zip punch: F,D,B,HP
Finishing Moves
Decap: BL,BL,BL,HK (close)
Kiss of Death: Hold LK, F,F,D,F, release (close)
Babality: D,D,D,LK
Friendship: D,D,D,U,LK
Pit Fatality: F,D,F

Sai throw: Charge HP 2 seconds
Teleport: F,F,LK
Roll: B,B,D,HK
Finishing Moves
Sais of Death: F,B,F,LP (close)
Man-Eater: Charge HK 3 seconds (close)
Babality: D,D,D,HK
Friendship: D,D,D,U,HK
Pit Fatality: F,D,F,LK

Acid spit: F,F,HP
Force ball: B,B,HP+LP
Invisibility: Hold BL, U,U,D, Release BL, HP
Slide: B+LK+HK
Finishing Moves
Decap: B,B,D,LP (sweep distance)
Slient Kill: make Reptile become invisible, then press F,F,D,HK (close)
Babality: D,D,B,B,LK
Friendship: B.B.D.LK
Pit Fatality: D,D,F,F,BL

Overhead hammer: F+HP
Gotcha grab: F,F,LP, Rapid LP
Multiple throw: F+LP, Rapid HP
Energy wave: F,D,B,HK
Ground pound: Charge LK 3 seconds
Backbreaker: BL in air
Finishing Moves
Head Smash: Hold LP and press F,F,F, then release LP (sweep distance)
Arm Rip: BL,BL,BL,BL,LP (sweep distance)
Babality: D,U,D,U,LK
Friendship: D,D,U,U,LK
Pit Fatality: U,U,D,LK

Johnny Cage
Low bolt: B,D,F,LP
High bolt: F,D,B,HP
Shadow uppercut: B,D,B,HP
Shadow kick: B,F,LK
Split punch: LP+BL
Gym kick: F+LK
Finishing Moves
Rip 'em in Half: D,D,F,F,LP (close)
Decap: F,F,D,U (close)
Triple Decap: Do the Decap Fatality, then press D+LK+BL+LP (close)
Babality: B,B,B,HK
Friendship: D,D,D,HK
Pit Fatality: D,D,D,HK

Spark toss: D,B,HP
Slice: B+HP
Shredder: B,B,B,LP
Finishing Moves
Impale: B,F,D,F,LP (close)
Decap: B,B,B
Babality: F,F,F,HK
Friendship: U,F,F,HK
Pit Fatality: F,F,D,HK

Shang Tsung
One flaming skull: B,B,HP
Two flaming skulls: B,B,F,HP
Three flaming skulls: B,B,F,F,HP

Warrior Press
Liu Kang B,F,F,BL
Kung Lao B,D,B,HK
Johnny Cage B,B,D,LP
Reptile Hold BL, U,D, release, HP
Sub Zero F,D,F,HP
Kitana BL,BL,BL
Jax D,F,B,HK
Mileena Charge HP 2 seconds
Baraka D,D,LK
Scorpion Hold BL, U,U
Rayden D,B,F,LK

Finishing Moves
Steal the Soul: U,D,U,LK (close)
Death from Within: Charge HK 3 seconds (sweeping distance)
Kintaro's Body Blows: Charge LP for 25 seconds, then release it (sweep distance)
Note: The Kintaro Morph requires LP to be charged for 25 seconds, so you may want to hold LP at the beginning of the last round.
Babality: B,F,D,HK
Friendship: B,B,D,F,HK
Pit Fatality: Hold BL, D,D,U, release, D

                       Special Notes

Babalities & Friendships: Can only be performed if you have won the match without using the LP or HP buttons.

Pit Fatalities: Can be performed on the Mortal Tomb and Pit 2 stages.

Dead Pool Fataility: It is the same for every fighter, on the Dead Pool stage, after instructed to "Finish Him/Her", hold LP+LK, D,HP and once in dead pool hold D to hear a sound effect.