The Kittens Story...

These are feral kittens that we trapped to tame and save from my cruel neighbor and from the kill shelter. We caught them in late October 1997.

The pics on the right are from November 1997. The pic of Tuffy below is around Christmas 1997.

I seem to end up with better pics of Tuffy than of Piglet and Green Cat.

The Last Update...

The "kittens" were a year old August 24th, 1998. (I *still* refer to them as the kittens.) I don't have any recent pics of them, but when I do they will be here!

Green Cat has turned into the most "lovey" kitty I know! He gives me hugs and kisses when I hold him. He definately knows the meaning of headbutt.

Piglet is a sweet little girl. She is still rather meek but if I sit down or stand still she has to get her chin rubs too. Piglet is very much the dainty little sister!

Tuffy still does not want anyone to touch him, let alone pet him. He has been so stubborn!! So far, patience has won over Green Cat and Piglet, but not Tuffy. His name is so fitting! He tolerates the "human" presence and will even get close when I'm asleep (or he thinks I'm still asleep *G*) but as soon as I move, he is outta there!! He has held out for 10 months and I wonder if he will ever let me pet and hold him.

I don't know if I will ever be able to part with these sweet kitties! I had planned on taming them and trying to find homes for them. I don't think anyone would want to adopt Tuffy and if they did I would be afraid he wouldn't be treated properly. I also worry that Piglet would not do well with other people. I have had people come over to visit with the kittens and she always hides from them. As for Green Cat, I think he would adapt, but I'm concerned how Tuffy and Piglet would react without their buddy.


Tuffy, Piglet & Green Cat (left to right)


Tuffy & Piglet

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