STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE and all related characters are Copyright of Paramount Pictures. HELLRAISER and all related characters are Copyright of Clive Barker. No infringement was meant. RATING: NC-17 CHALLENGERS by BGM Who are you? Explorers. Travelers of the furthest reaches of experience ... demons to some, angels to others ... -- Kirsty and Pinhead, Hellraiser The box was enticingly beautiful. He turned it over in his hands, wondering idly what its purpose was. The design itself was gorgeous; dark plated lines connecting over a background of dazzling gold; intricate patterns that reminded him of some Cardassian artifact. In fact, he would have to ask Garak about that over lunch. It had been found among the late Lieutenant LeMarchant's possessions. It would be over a week before his wife and son would arrive on Deep Space Nine for the memorial, and so his possessions had been left in the care of Dr. Julian Bashir, inside the Infirmary's morgue. And now he was toying with it, fascinated despite himself, sitting crossed legged on the soft-carpeted floor. Turning it over and over in his hands, hypnotised by it. He wondered what its function was as his long slender fingers played over the surfaces, touching the patterns and following them. When it lay limp in his hands, unresponsive, he sighed in frustration and glanced at the chrono. He was late. "Damn," he muttered, climbing to his feet even as he continued playing with the odd device. He finally gave up with a sigh and walked over to the small compartment, slipping it inside among the few other belongings. "I'm not through with you yet," he warned before leaving the infirmary for lunch. The box sizzled with anticipation. "A puzzle box?" Garak's face had drained of color, though Julian noticed nothing as he cleaned his plate with a piece of bread. "Are you certain?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Finally Julian looked up with a frown. "I'm pretty sure ... why? Is it familiar to you?" "I ... have heard of Cardassians confectioning puzzle boxes in ancient times ... though they are old tales ..." His voice scaled down. "Lurid tales." A barely conscious shiver crawled down Julian's spine. He wondered what an already morbid race would find lurid ... something that would shake his friend so violently. He ignored the rest of his meal and scowled in concern. "Garak? What's wrong? You're white as a sheet!" Garak shook his head and tried to smile appeasingly. "Just over-stressed I suppose. The last few weeks have been ... distracting. Where did you see this box Julian?" Stumbling over one surprise to another, Julian wondered if he should mention the fact Garak had just used his given name without his apparent knowing. He shrugged. "Like I said, it was found among one of our lieutenant's possessions. It's in the morgue as we speak." Garak climbed to his feet in a rush, startling the young doctor. "Really? Fascinating, fascinating ... Well doctor," he said quickly, wiping his mouth hastily and clawing the doctor's arm. "No time like the present, may I see it? Yes, let's go shall we?" he said, dragging him from his seat. "Garak!" Julian cried, almost falling on his face. He scrambled up and followed the tailor out of the replimat. The morgue was as it was left, dark and empty. The lights suddenly rose, bathing the room in bright illumination, the angles of the spotlights casting no comforting shadows over the whole of the room. Voices beyond the door slowly became clearer. "--ust a puzzle box for goodness' sake, why the hell are you acting so damn nervous?" The last words were uttered inside the room, by Doctor Bashir who stepped through first. Garak followed, sweeping the room in one quick glance. "Where is it, if I may?" he asked, Heaving a rankled sigh, Julian stalked to the compartment, trying to ignore Garak hovering around him like a fly. He pursed his lips and retrieved the box, turning so his friend would take a look. Instead of reaching for it, Garak took a step back, eyes akin to a sort of horror. He shook his head. "This can not be possible." "What? This? So it is Cardassian?" Julian asked, drawn to caress the box with his fingers again. Garak caught the motion and ripped the thing from Julian's hands. "DON'T TOUCH IT!" he cried, hurling it across the room. It bounced off the wall, then rolled on the floor with more momentum than it should have had. It settled on the floor, sizzling again, quivering with need. Garak stared at it while Julian curled his lips in anger. "That isn't mine! For crying out loud, it doesn't even belong to Starfleet." "It belongs to the Nine Hells," Garak muttered under his breath, still his eyes attached to the object sitting innocently on the floor. "Don't toy with it Julian ... whatever you do, keep that monstrosity locked up until it's reclaimed." He turned quickly and gripped Julian's shoulders. "Whatever you do, DON'T touch it!" he said more forcefully, startling the young man. Julian disengaged hastily and stared in shock at his friend. "Garak you're scaring me ... what the hell is it? What's gotten you so scared?" "I'm not scared Doctor ..." An odd peace eerily settled across the tailor's features. Under a few seconds the Cardassian had managed to compose himself. "Heed my warning doctor, or you'll regret it." He stalked to the exit, pausing at Julian's side to whisper. "At Hell's hand." With what he was gone, leaving Julian to stare, shaken, at the small box on the floor. Julian sat inside his darkened office, chin resting over his folded arms as he stared at the lone box sitting on his desk. It had been hours like this ... simple staring, trying to figure it out. Trying to figure out Garak's behavior to boot; his friend never lost his nerve without a reason. And evidently, this was the reason. He sighed and reached out, touching the smooth gold circle idly, tracing it lightly. The box shimmered, and he heard an odd kind of movement. Raising his head sharply, he frowned. "hello ..." He took the box in his hand and felt it cold to his touch. He continued to touch it lightly, tracing other patterns. Finally it clicked, and the top slid slowly upward. It paused, then slid back in place, clicking neatly. Progress! Finally. Grinning, he turned the box over and decided to try the circle again. With his thumb and touched its center, lightly, then traced it as before, with a mild touch, never pausing in the movement. He grinned and watched the box slowly move, clicking twice more before the whole decorative side began to rise again. He was entranced, finally making progress, when the box flew out of his hands and ricocheted on the far wall, bouncing back on the floor. He rose from his chair, his eyes on it as it completed the puzzle by itself. It rose alone, turned, then slid back into an altogether other pattern. All around him, darkness swelled, distorting his surroundings ... changing them. Across from him, he saw piercing light. Garak paced worriedly in his quarters. It wasn't like him to lose face like that, but Julian couldn't touch the box again ... he mustn't! He had been tempted to stay with him, to watch over it and him, but that would have been foolish. Surely Julian would not be so ... brash. He sighed and paused at the viewport, pursing his lips. The box. It was the same as he had seen in those lurid, dark tales of yestercenturies. He wasn't sure how it had all began, but he knew his people hadn't created the box. Only found it. And somehow discovered how to make others. Other gateways to the realms of the Nine Hells. He heaved a sigh. He knew them for what they were; legends ... but yet, all that had changed when the Order confectionned one for their purpose. Instead of sharpening their own teeth, they made a deal with the demons ... the Cenobites ... promised to provide them with countless victims for their greedy purposes in exchange for simple knowledge. The knowledge to instill fear in others ... to reach in, discover their own mortal fear and act on it. The Cenobites had agreed. He never knew what happened, but he knew the contract had been broken by the time he entered the Order. The Cenobites were no more when he was around, but the knowledge was still there. That lurid knowledge that permitted them to torture with remarkable efficiency. Eventually, the knowledge was lost, and the old methods were reinstated. The box was forgotten. Perhaps they were destroyed ... but now Julian had one. Uncomfortable with this knowing, he came to a decision and left his quarters. "You are a most ... enticing creature, my young child." Julian shivered violently, trying to look at something other than the creature's obsidian eyes. He was still trying to make himself wake from this horrible dream. The creature tilted his head, watching him unwaveringly. Julian wanted to run from this place ... this hideous place he found no solace in at all. Somehow his office had been transformed into something otherworldy ... a nightmare. The stench of blood was making him nauseous, the various dripping body parts scattered around him making his heart lurch in his chest. Yet if the room was unforgivingly kindling a sense of impending dread in his soul, the creature that had been the first to appear was somewhat separated from all of it. There was something almost ... appealing about it. The flowing raven skirt that moved with his every movement, the pale skin which made the darkness of his eyes stand out with eerie gloom ... all this which was beauty to Julian's eyes, a canvas of darkness and deathly pallor broken only by the grizzly wounds at his chest, bright red as though they had been inflicted recently. The gleaming needles protruding from his face shone with threat, casting pinpoints of shadows across the white of his face. And even those, morbid in their own purpose, were lined up symmetrically. All of him was symmetrical ... sensual. Even his arms, bent slightly at the elbows, as though on the verge of reaching for him in some lurid embrace. Julian again quivered and parted his lips. "Who are you?" The creature spoke again, walking toward him in languid, menacing steps. The robe flittered around him, darkness and shadows playing with faint streaks of muted light. "I am your savior my child," he said, his voice an enticing whisper. It was loud to Julian's ears, but it acted like a distant echo. Menacing, seductive ... he closed his eyes and let the voice fill his senses. "I am an explorer ... the one who lurks in these realms ... your Hell." A nervous chuckle was wrested from Julian's throat, accompanied by a clear disbelieving blink from his large expressive eyes. "I don't believe in Hell," he replied, moving unconsciously backward as the creature advanced on him. It paused for a moment, staring quietly at him. "You will believe my child. I have such delights to show you ... I will embrace you with the cloak of suffering ... you shall know agony and ecstasy at our hands ..." The raucous whisper rose and fell with an orgasmic quiver, and the creature closed his eyes. "But you are far too beautiful ... your flesh, so young and flawless ... it is not for me to mutilate. Or break." Julian inhaled deeply at the words, again stepping back and watching as the two other minions closed behind the creature. One was female, and he could tell she had been very beautiful prior to the ghastly mutilation. She had raven eyes, pinning him in place, seducing him. The name Angelique flittered through his mind. The other, or rather the other two, were simply grotesque. Twins, evidently, with the skin at their faces twisted and enmeshed with each other's, mirroring a ghastly parody of two theatre masks, while their chest, waist and groin were fused together neatly as though they were one. He wondered again what monstrous nightmare he had walked into, remembering the box. It was behind him, if he remembered correctly. He turned with a cry and began to run, only to crash face first into another being. He cried again, pushing himself away to study who it was. Clear disbelief shadowed his eyes. "Garak ..." But it was not Garak. Or rather, if it was, they had performed their own brand of surgery on him. This man was Human. He stepped back until the pale creature grasped his shoulders gently, stilling him. He moaned at the strength that pierced through his being at the touch, fighting an urge to melt into the monster's arms. One of the pale hands released his shoulder to point lazily at the man before him. "You know him?" The whisper had been replaced with an authoritative raucous tone. The man regarded Julian darkly, eyes black and hungry, his smile disturbingly evil. He stepped forward and Julian pressed himself against Pinhead. He winced, feeling tiny hooks biting into his back. "I ... I thought it was my friend." "I am not who you believe I am ..." the man said, and the voice was oddly the same. Julian whimpered and shook his head as the Human continued. "Here, my boy, we are mere shadows." "Shadows that can tear your flesh in many diverse fashions ... but that is not your destiny my child." Against his ear, the creature's breath was hot and hoarse. "Welcome to Hell ... we shall tend to you ... for eternity." Julian began to struggle for real, then cried out loud as the monster's hands clawed at his shoulders, pinning him still. "Frank ..." it said ominously, the whisper slicing the darkness with sharp danger. "I have found you a companion. Your eternity of solitude have shifted to eternity with a companion. This gift ... for you Frank, though perhaps your impudence of long ago does not merit it." He pushed abruptly at Julian's back, sending him flying into Frank who caught him easily. "He is yours to use ... to abuse. But I warn you ..." the creature said quietly, turning slowly on its heel. "Do not kill him." Frank fixed Julian with a murderer's stare, his tongue licking at his eager lips. "No death to taint you my pet ... but I promise to bring you close to it. Come ... Hell awaits you." Garak arrived inside an empty room. The infirmary was deserted, eerily so. He called out his friend's name, with no answer. He frowned, and made a quick inspection of each room before he paused at the entrance to Julian's office. The box was there. "Oh Julian ... no ..." he whispered under his breath, and walked toward it. After a while, Julian began to realise that the constant ching he heard were chains clinging softly against one another. He realised it as Frank dragged him through the long, dingy corridor, ducking and pushing those very same chains aside. Julian grew dizzy after a moment, from the strange, distorted angles to the ever-constant scent of blood reeking. He whimpered as he cowered to the side, avoiding an alarming corpse dangling from some unseen rafters. He paused and Frank glanced at him over his shoulder. He chuckled dangerously and tugged insistently on Julian's arm. "You get used to it," he sneered malevolently, and Julian would not begin to guess how long this 'Frank' had been incarcerated here. After a moment ... after Frank was certain Julian wouldn't dare an escape, the man let go of his arm and began walking more leisurely. Julian grabbed his chance to get information. As terrified as he was, his curiosity was almost as high. "What is this place?" "Hell," Frank muttered under his breath, pushing aside chains. "I realise that," Julian said naively, "But what is this place?" Frank whirled on him, eyes obsidian with wrath and bitterness. "Are you deaf, young boy? I just told you, this. is. Hell." he whispered harshly. "I don't believe in Hell ..." Julian whispered back, following meekly. He still had no idea where they were going; the corridor seemed to go on forever. "Well you're gonna believe soon enough ... those of the Fleshworld always do after the first few decades ..." he chuckled maniacally, and veered to the right. Julian gasped as Frank hauled him through with him. They stepped into a large chamber, dim, shadows cast gruesomely on the walls. There were several slabs of granite lining a wall, and countless candles kindled with shuddering pale light. Julian paused and turned, finding the door gone. He frowned, tracing his fingers absently over the seamless surface. "Like a holosuite ..." He wondered but for a moment before Frank tugged at his arm, flinging him against one of the slabs. Julian landed hard, whimpering at the pain. Frank merely sneered. "I have spent eternity in this damnable place ... alone ... suffering unimaginable tortures. My flesh was returned to me ..." he murmured, lowering his eyes to his hands as he flexed his fingers. He gave voice to a derisive chuckle. "Well ... my dear sweet brother's flesh, though I suppose it's already better than having none." Julian looked at him silently, unable to find something appropriate to say. Frank merely continued. "Solitude ... however ... they discovered was the greatest torture of all ..." He paced the room, waving frantically. "All this! This room I have explored, I have stared at, I have derided and spit onto .. it's been my prison ... and now ..." he turned, breathless and eyes wide with two obsidian pearls. "Now he has granted me a reprieve ..." He began to make his way toward Julian, licking his lips. "... you." Garak faced Pinhead with a calmness that even surprised him. The being merely continued his pacing, watching the Cardassian carefully. "You are ... Cardassian. Correct?" Garak inclined his head in a courtly bow. "At your service." "I remember Cardassians ..." Pinhead said under his breath. "Creatures of such resistance to the tortures of the flesh ..." His sharp nail scraped along Garak's neck ridge, tearing it along the way. Garak flinched slightly but made no sound. "Yes, I remember. The fleshworld had become so much more fascinating with your people in it. Challengers to our claims. Helpers in our explorations. Such eager students in the ways of Suffering." "That was long ago," Garak replied, feeling the dark blood seep slowly down his neck, tainting his clothes. "We have forgotten the ways." "The knowledge is still in you ... the ways of seducing ... the ways of agony ... it combines in your blood, making you a creature of such beauty ..." Pinhead's voice quivered with rapture as he closed his eyes, remembering. Garak closed his eyes as well, and tried to block out the rank scent of death. "No more. The Ways were banished. We have forgotten you. Our masters are no more," he said with more insistence." "We have always remained your Masters ... in your hearts, you long for the Ways again ... and I will show you. We need more Challengers ... more Students such as you. It is time. Time to open Cardassia to the Hells again ..." Garak hissed. "No! Cardassia has no need of that sort of presence anymore!" "You will ..." the creature drawled, moving away from him. "You will yearn for us when your world is ripped to shreds ... when you look down upon your people and feel the thorns rip through your soul, you will call for me. I am your savior ... you have naught seen the delights I have in store for you." "Your delights shall never be ... I have come for my friend. I will stay in trade for him, but I will not allow anyone else to interfere. No-one else plays in your little game ... it ends here." "Oh no blustering," Pinhead hissed slowly. "You mock yourself with your words. I am Hell ... I take no orders from you." The inky darkness rolled in, bathing them in total blackness before Garak felt a sharp pain at both sides of his skull. He gritted his teeth and panted, wondering what monstrosity they were doing to him. Finally light, or as close to it as Hell could produce, illuminated the room, and he tried to move. Belatedly, he realised he was bolted to a chair ... literally. The pain subsided quickly, but he could feel the bolts at the sides of his skull, holding his head in place. His eyes traveled down to his hands, which were shackled tightly over the armrests of his chair, as were his ankles. When he tried to budge, sharp pain tore through his head. Pinhead hovered next to him, his hand caressing now as it traveled idly up his shoulder, tracing the damaged neck ridge. "I have searched your mind ... your fears ... not pain. It did not surprise me. You have much resistance in you. You are a learned student ... but I have found one fear ... one horror so vivid it was pitifully easy to detect. Watch Cardassian ... and don't make me tear your eyelids off ... watch." The wall before him rippled slowly, cobwebs shuddering with the movement, ripping apart as the wall opened on itself, like blinds, horizontal slashes tearing through it. Garak frowned, feeling the constant pressure on his skull. He gasped, then screamed. On the other side of the wall, unseen, oblivious, Julian whimpered with fear. Chains were tightly restraining his ankles and wrists to the slab of stone, and he twisted in his position, begging to be released. Frank hovered over him, snarling. "Eternity, do you realise? They didn't even bother turning me into one of them ... they kept my flesh ... kept me alive so I could feel everything ... those damn bastard don't even fuck ... just get their thrills by slashing bits and pieces of their skin off ... Oh but they knew ... they knew I'd suffer like this, alone ... oh but not anymore ..." He jumped over the slab and clawed at Julian's jaw, holding his head in place. "You're mine now." Garak twisted in his chair, trying to dislodge the shackles. Pinhead continued stroking him, arousing him involuntarily as his prisoner watched his tender precious Julian being ravaged. "Yes, it is your fear isn't it? All along .... your soul was struggling to deny it, but you would die to protect him." He knelt down imperiously next to Garak, his skirt rippling gracefully around him. He came so close to whisper in his ear that Garak felt some of the ice-cold pins touch his flesh. He shivered as Pinhead said, "Beg me for his release ... plead ... I want to hear you cry ... spill your tears for me to lick ..." He closed his eyes, his breath quivering. "I want your Suffering." Julian whimpered again as Frank tore through him in one, hot stroke. He twisted in his bonds, feeling a familiar sensation pierce through him. He denied it, fought with it ... Looking up at that face that was so familiar, yet so dark and evil, he sobbed. "Please stop ..." he whimpered, and deep down, so deeply buried he chose not to hear its whisper, a voice begged for him to continue. Garak was close to tears, but he held them at bay. He's just a Human, you don't care for him ... he's pathetic, weak, ignorant ... you never cared for him ... those lunches were to amuse him .. entertain your boredom ... so he will be broken ... he needs to face up to his life, to problems ... He closed his eyes, and bit his tongue until he could taste his blood. Pinhead shivered next to him. "Yes ... I feel your pain ... let it draw near ... let it surface ... he is being consumed ... by lust, by darkness ... he will be one of us soon." The creature turned languidly to watch as well, an odd serenity in his face. "His innocence will be shattered. He will serve us in the Sufferings of others ... his soul will blacken with the lurid Ways of Hell ... he is lost to you ... eternally." Garak wanted to shake his head, block them all out, but couldn't. Next to him, a bellow startled him. "WATCH! Or I will strip his flesh before your eyes inch by inch!" Garak's eyes flew opened, and he watched as Julian's cries turned lustful ... as his delicate innocence almost tangibly left his soul ... The darkness filled him, the lust and greed warring in him for prominence. He spread his legs even more, feeling the hot scalding length of his tormentor stab through him time and time again. He curled his fists and cried out, close to the edge ... he parted his lips and begged for more ... When Frank began thrusting mercilessly, Julian felt the sensation boil over, and fill him completely. He came with a scream, and on the other side of the wall, Garak sobbed. "You wished it ..." Pinhead said in a raucous whisper as he slowly rose. "Your desires for him were not only of lust. They spoke of his innocence ... they spoke of stealing it away from him. He was too pure," Pinhead sneered, glancing over his shoulder. Garak let the tears burn alongside his cheeks, making nail marks in the wood of his chair. "It was not yours to steal." "Nor was it yours," Pinhead retaliated calmly. "His desires were for you." Pinhead looked through the uneven slits in the wall, smiling slightly. "His thoughts were of you in that moment. A pity ..." he turned to smile at Garak, "you were not there to share it with him." Garak struggled with the chair again, blind wrath swelling inside his very soul. "Release me." The chair was as though it never existed and Garak stood, feeling the pressure at his skull unyielding. He touched his head, but the bolts were gone. Pinhead regarded him steadily. "You will stay. He will leave. The deed was done. Now the trade will be accomplished." "I wanted to trade before you did that monstrosity to him! I refuse to accept now!" Pinhead's eyes bore through him like an arrow. "You accept or I will tear BOTH your souls apart!" Garak hissed, then ran for the wall. When he came in collision with it, it vanished, and he stumbled into the room. Frank was gone, and Julian was still bound to the cold slab of stone. "Julian ..." He hurried breathlessly to his beloved's side and frowned at the cuffs as he worked to pry them open. Julian arched over the hard bed and cooed at his friend. "Garak ... you came for me ..." he moaned softly and threw back his head. "Take me Elim ... I want you ..." Garak looked at him with horror. "No! They polluted your mind ... you'd never want me ... now hold still!" "Oh but Elim I do ... please, don't deny me, I want you Elim! NOW!" He twisted on the slab, begging, pleading softly until Garak couldn't concentrate anymore. He closed his eyes and leaned over the bed, trying to steady his breath. "Julian, you don't know what you're saying!" "What's so wrong in me wanting you ..." Julian said with a gasp, thrusting his hips lightly over the bed. "Why do you call it pollution?" Garak opened his eyes and looked down at the long, slender sex, quivering with need ... for him ... he felt himself harden even more until he pulled away from the bed. "Please Julian ..." "Take me Elim ..." Julian whispered. "I'm yours ... it's what you always wanted isn't it? To take me ... helpless and bound under you while you thrust into me so fiercely ... pound me into the bed so hard .. Elim please ..." Letting a sob escape his mouth, Garak mounted the bed as he hastily unclasped his trousers, and in one thrust managed to slice through the young man's impossibly heated depths. He cried out, feeling Julian's cock nudging his stomach as he draped himself over the helpless Human, kissing urgently and ravenously as he rocked his hips hard. He was his, Julian was right ... nothing was stopping him. His conscience flew away, mingling with the rest of the lost souls and whispers of long ago consciousness in this dark realm. He made love to his beloved, taking him, fucking him, vowing eternal love to him. And all around him, they watched. The explorers who would be demons to some, angels to others .. they watched and smiled at the two who would be their Challengers. In another corner, Frank was being prepped for his own change. He had served his purpose. He was no longer allowed humanity. A dark smile curved his lips as he waited. THE END