FUCK YOU! © BGM Julian Bashir paced the length of his quarters at least six times before he resolved himself to stop, lest he drove himself to the brink of madness. He couldn't though ... had to do *something*, so he began kneading his hands while gazing out anxiously at the streaking stars outside the porthole. Error. He wasn't on the brink of madness. He WAS in madness already. Submerged by it. Chaos and death. When would Starfleet realise that sending ships on and on against Terok Nor -- Deep Space Nine -- wasn't helping anyone? When would it realise that real people were dying and that it wasn't any more of a force to be reckoned with than when it had started this bloody war?? He was suffocating too. Trapped in these small bunk-sized quarters ... denied relaxation and entertainment as the Jem'Hadar ship continuously kept its crew on its toes. He wanted to scream, wanted to cry and kill himself all at the same time. But it wouldn't do. It wouldn't do to have the CMO found in his blood in these tiny quarters while others died. No ... he couldn't do that ... The chime rang and he nearly jumped. He glanced sharply at the door and said, "Come," out loud ... TOO loud. The door opened on an hesitant-looking Cardassian. What's more, the same Cardassian was holding a bottle in one hand and a platter in the other. Julian twitched nervously. "What are you doing here?" The fallacious facades were quickly erected, erasing the doubt that had clouded the tailor's face. "Ah, simply here to continue a little tradition ... I ..." Garak looked around, "... am not intruding I trust?" "No ... no, not at all ..." Julian replied quickly, his eyes shifting over to the things his friend was carrying. "Tradition?" Garak could spot fear a mile away. It had been his job, his profession ... his calling. And right now Garak could practically smell it, and he wondered why as he smiled brightly. "Why lunch, my dear doctor. To tell you the truth, I don't take great satisfaction in sharing the mess hall's mediocre food with lieutenant Worf and his ..." A wrinkle of distaste appeared broke the Cardassian's nose, "Prune juice, so I said to myself ... why not?" Garak grinned lavishly as he set the platter over the lower bed. He looked around at the cramped space of his friend with a mild quirk in his lips. "Well ... I see I was complaining for naught about my quarters. It seems we're ALL in the same predicament." Garak promptly realised he was talking alone, and finally looked up with a frown at Julian. "Doctor, are you all right?" "I'm fine." He switched the subject, re-directing the concern at his friend, "How's ... that head?" Garak pursed his lips wryly. "Throbbing and generally offering me grief without end, but I'll live. Well ... assuming I'm among the 32% who do survive," he added with a faint sigh. Julian looked away to gaze out the viewport. "I said a 32% chance of winning. Those weren't survival odds." Garak studied the taut arch of the doctor's back as he quirked an eyeridge curiously. "Should I take my chance and ask what ARE the survival odds?" he asked after a moment. Still staring at the void of space, Bashir shook his head mildly. "Probably not." Garak hisses low in his throat. "Well you're a constant source of optimism Doctor." "I'm being realistic." "Realism cannot offer warmth to a soldier's soul, Doctor." Julian turned around, folding his arms suspiciously as he leant back against the bulkhead. "How would you know? I've never pictured you as ever needing any outside help in keeping your priorities straight." Dark, blue eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean?" Bashir shrugged. "Just what it sounds like." Garak spent a moment staring at the doctor before delivering his observation, "You know, you've changed. I don't like you this way Doctor. You've lost ... I don't know ... you've lost something." Bashir looked back without a break in his stance, his eyes darkening almost. He assessed the Cardassian standing so ... poised ... erect and dignified as he waited for any sort of reaction Bashir was not inclined to offer. Rather, Julian replied without a trace of emotion to taint his voice, "You're angry. I can tell. And bitter." Garak, on the other hand, was not as inclined to remain impassive. He tilted his chin higher, eyeridges raising with bewilderment. "Bitter?" he echoed incredulously. "Where is THIS coming from?" "Bitter Garak ..." Julian said unkindly. "Angry that you misread me. Angry that I might have been able to successfully keep something from you all these years." A curve of amusement lifted the tailor's lips. "What makes you think I didn't already know, Doctor?" "Because you, yourself, have changed since my "abilities" have been made public. You're bitter ... always sarcastic ... always insulting me. Have you noticed?" Julian regarded him steadily, giving no indication that he'd let himself be lead away by Garak's attempts. Garak's eyes darkened in response. "You're being ridiculous." "Am I. Well. Have it your way Garak." Julian turned slightly to the side, turning his nose in almost aristocratic disdain. Garak couldn't help but chuckle. "I think you actually WANT to believe I'm bitter, Doctor," he said after a moment, smiling triumphantly when Julian reacted the way he'd hoped. Whipping his head sideways, Julian stared back with wide, appalled eyes. "What??" "Well ... look at you," the Cardassian indicated Julian with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "Almost YEARNING for me to acknowledge your silly observations that I'm actually ANGRY that you kept something from me. How very childish," he concluded with a vicious smile. "I thought you said I wasn't so childish anymore." A very lame attempt to turn the advantage back in his favour, but then Bashir had so very little to use right now. Garak only smirked. "I referred to your comment about your boyish smile. I never said anything about you being childish." "Is there a difference?" Bashir asked coldly. "The very fact that you're asking proves my point." "Honestly Garak. Did you come here just to insult me again?" Bashir said with irritation, stalking forth and pushing passed the Cardassian. Or rather, *tried* to, since Garak grabbed his arm and shoved him against the bunk frame to study him more closely. Julian hissed and struggled for a moment before Garak tightened his grip and snarled, "You said I've changed ... I think, rather, it's you who's changed Doctor. And that ... transformation is distorting your perceptions. I've never changed ... you're just annoyed perhaps that everyone knows *you* have." He watched as the doctor's face contorted into one of annoyance. "Perhaps you should leave," said Julian starkly, trying vainly to look dignified with his arm sharply twisted within the Cardassian's hold. "Should I?" Garak took another step forth, his ridged brow omniously lowered as he pressed against the young man. "Oh I really don't think so Doctor." He could detect the panic that soon followed the annoyance over Julian's features, and he merely squeezed his grip over the narrow arm before swinging it abroad. Julian yelped, grinding his teeth together as his cheek pressed against the cold metallic frame. In his ear, Garak's voice was a mere whisper. "I tire of this game, doctor, don't you?" Bashir panted loudly through his crushed lips. "I don't ... know what you're talking about." There was a rustle of clothing behind him that Julian could very well identify. He remained frozen, one arm twisted behind his back while the other clawed at the linens which spilled over the top bunk. His arm was wrenched up tighter against his back and he cried involuntarily. "Garak!" "Don't play innocent with me! You've shown me you can be QUITE mature lately, so why don't you use that advanced brain of yours and wonder just WHAT you've been doing to me these past few days with that smug attitude of yours, hm? Playing these games with me, encouraging our arguments ..." Garak seemed distracted as he spoke, and Julian tried feverishly to decipher the meaning behind his friend's words. Finally, he heard and *felt* the rip which tore the ensuing silence. "GARAK!" Julian redoubled his struggle, shivering in spite of himself at the cool air that now crawled up his naked thighs and ass. "Damn it, stop this before I call security!!" "Why would you? You want this as much as I do," Garak snarled harshly before letting go of Julian's arm. Thinking of it as a release, Julian went to turn around when strong hands grabbed his hips and violently pulled him to Garak's hips. Searing length impaled him with a streak of agony as he shattered the air with a scream. He pressed his forehead to the cold metal and whimpered, reaching out to grasp the edge of the bunk frame. "Garak please ..." The Cardassian merely answered with a thrust of the hips, shoving the young man against the frame even more. A vicious curl lifted his lips. "Arrogant little bastard ..." he hissed under his ragged breath. "This is a lesson far in need to tame your despicable smugness, my dear." Crying at a particularly hard emphasis from the Cardassian's hips, Julian tried to twist to the side, groaning and flailing back to claw his assailant off of him. The cramped space offered very little chance of escape, however, and his struggle only made Garak press harder against him, grabbing the doctor's wrists and pinning them against the frame with his own hands, pressing his weight against them. It was only when Julian started to scream uncontrollably that Garak smirked, and slipped out of the warm depths of his prey. He clasped his hands over the narrow, still clothed, shoulders and used his strength to shove him to the side. He advanced with the momentum, watching as Julian hit the far wall with his back. The breath knocked out, he could do very little in the way of struggling when Garak lashed out with his hands, crushing the wrists together over Julian's head. Holding them easily with one hand, Garak slipped down a naked hip, staring all the while into the fear-stricken eyes of his prey, smiling harshly as he circled a thigh with his hand and lifted it against his side, holding it up before he stabbed with his hips and impaled the young man in one, hot stroke. Julian couldn't fight it anymore. Throwing his head back he moaned forlornly, wrapping his lifted leg involuntarily against the Cardassian's back. Garak smirked again, pressing more intimately against the doctor, never yielding his fierce hold. His lips traveled from the long, graceful throat to an ear, whispering into the coppery shell, "You want this, don't you? Hm ... someone needed to teach you some modesty ..." Garak grunted, his cock slipping easily now into the welcoming depths of his Julian. This time ... Julian cried for more. "Interesting ... how these Solids spend so much time in the matters of sexual recreation." The Founder turned slightly to the side to watch the monitor while she continued speaking with her colleague. "See here ... now this is interesting ." She pointed to two of the seven stasis fields. "The Human doctor and the Cardassian have managed to *merge* their simulated worlds together ... Even beyond technology, they have managed to act and react as though they were doing so without any help from our simulations." The other founder barely gave the monitors a glance before he made a rude noise. "If you ask me, this experiment is a waste of time. Come, let's go concentrate our energy in getting the Jem'Hadar to rescue their damaged ship. It's taking up enough place in our hangar." With a final glance to the Starfleet crew, the Founder nodded slightly, and followed the lanky humanoid outside the compound. END