Obsidian Tactics . by BGM Copyright 1999 . Garak froze. "What are you doing?" Bashir exhaled softly, smiling comfortably as he hugged Garak's waist tighter. "Making myself a nest." Still immobile, Garak screwed his features into a look of positive disgust. "Pardon me? I had no idea we were simulating avian creatures. Is this your idea of role-play? My dear, how about we play Interrogator and Spy instead?" Bashir yawned tiredly. "I'm not role-playing, Elim, I'm getting ready to sleep." He twisted his neck a few times, rubbing his head against Garak's chest until he found the 'right spot'. He hummed pleasantly, tightening his hold again. After a long moment, Julian opened his eyes. "Is something wrong?" "What makes you say that?" "It feels like I'm pressed up against a metal rod." "You must be mistaken, I assure you. I can't get it up a sec-" "I meant your body, Elim. You're all tensed up." Julian felt the body relax under him. He smiled again, then closed his eyes, prepared to sleep. "I saw lieutenant Faz today. Did I tell you? He came by my shop to wish me Peldor Joy. What a lovely thought, don't you think?" Julian opened his eyes. "I mean, far be it for me to imply I actually celebrate these mundane cultural celebrations Bajorans are so fond of, but it was nice to be remembered. Melor Faz isn't even Bajoran himself." Bashir sighed. "I'm not sure what he is. I never bothered asking, you know? Well, it's never a polite thing to ask anyway. "Excuse me, but what species are you?" It's rather stupid of my part not to do the research myself, you know?" Bashir closed his eyes, willing the words away, out of his head. "Granted, the facial ridges are somewhat subtle, but I'm certain with my observational skill and a good hour or so on the computer, I could find the information rather quickly. Say, do you have access to the exobiological database?" Bashir grumbled and turned away, seeking the comfort of his pillow and his bed covers. Garak turned the other way, smiling as he hugged his own pillow, his own covers, and his own nightly solitude. What do you know? That trick had worked after all. He lapsed into silence and was asleep before Julian. The young man, however, was still struggling with these new thoughts, knowing he wouldn't fall asleep before he remembered what species Melor Faz belonged to. THE END