Here's my DS9 Mary Sue. It's kind of long and probably TOO Mary Sue, but I had fun. Probably PG or PG-13 `cause I use the f-word once. Other than that, pretty innocent. MARY SUE, MATCHMAKER M. Power" "Julian? Julian Bashir?" Julian, on his way to the Replimat, turned around to find a vaguely familiar-looking redhead studying him with a puzzled frown. "Do I know you?" he asked politely. "Gods, I hope not!" The woman laughed. "That is, I kind of hope you don't remember me. Rhiannon Blackbird - we were at Academy together for a while. I was a couple of years behind you." Ah, yes, he remembered now. She'd been a little heavier then, and she'd had blonde hair that she wore in a chin-length bob, but Julian most definitely remembered her. She'd had a crush on him that made his pursuit of Jadzia look like a nodding acquaintance. "How are you?" he asked warily. "Pretty good, considering." She patted her stomach, and Julian noticed for the first time that she was pregnant. "And you? I hear you're the doctor to know around this place. You handle prenatal?" "I handle everything," Julian replied. "I'm just on my way to the replimat. Care to join me?" he asked impulsively. He remembered that Rhiannon had been all right when she wasn't chasing him, and given her present condition and the wedding band on her left hand, he felt it was safe to assume that she was no longer interested in him. Besides, Garak was tied up in his shop, and Julian had gotten used to having company during lunch. "I would *love* it. Now that I'm not having morning sickness anymore, it seems like I'm hungry around the clock!" Soon they were seated in the replimat. Julian couldn't help staring at Rhiannon's plate, which she'd heaped high with everything from *gagh* to Idanian spice pudding. A tall glass of something brown and carbonated sat on the tray next to the plate. "Coca-Cola," she explained. "Old Terran drink. They stopped making it early in the 21st century because people were using it to remove corrosion from batteries - they figured maybe it wasn't too safe for stomachs. I found the formula when I was in school." She grinned. "I crave this stuff day and night, and far as I can tell, the health risks were highly exaggerated." She patted her stomach. "How far along are you - about four months?" "Seven," she said, grinning again at his startled expression. "I know, I don't look it. But listen, you don't want to talk work during lunch. How've you been the past few years?" They spent the rest of their lunch catching up; Julian discovered that Rhiannon had been married for five years and that she was on DS9 with her husband, a Starfleet engineer who'd just been assigned here. She'd put her own career as a geologist on hold for a while. "I don't need *two* full time jobs," she said as they carried their leftovers to the matter reclamation unit. "When the Little Passenger gets to the age where he's less labor- intensive, no pun intended, I'll go back to work." "Well, my dear doctor!" Julian jumped, startled, at the sound of Garak's voice behind them. "Who is your lovely companion?" Before Julian could speak, Rhiannon had turned and was shaking hands with Garak. "Even though I feel like I'm smuggling a Klingon jiak-bird egg under my shirt, I'm going to assume you mean me. Rhiannon Blackbird - Julian and I were at the Academy together. And you are?" "Elim Garak, humble tailor, at your service." "Oh, I hope you mean that. Nothing I have fits anymore - I'm reduced to wearing my husband's shirts." "Come with me, my dear. I have some lovely things already made up that I'm sure will suit you." Julian blinked in surprise as Garak and Rhiannon swept off down the Promenade, chattering like old friends. For some reason, the thought of Rhiannon and Garak as friends terrified him. *** "Well, everything appears to be progressing normally." Julian ran his tricorder over Rhiannon's stomach once more. "The baby's heartbeat is strong, he's the right size for his gestational age... what did you and Garak talk about?" "What?" Rhiannon glanced at him askance as she slid off the table. “Well, you just seemed to be getting along so well yesterday, I thought..." Julian's voice trailed off. "You mean, did we talk about you? Yes, we did." "Oh?" Julian feigned nonchalance as he transferred the data from his tricorder into the main database. "How so?" "I told him about how you desperately wanted to fuck him, what else?" "You WHAT?" Julian nearly dropped his tricorder. "Calm down, Julian, I'm joking! Gods, and they say pregnant women are touchy! Are you always this gullible?" "I don't think that's funny." "Oh, fine, be that way. He just wanted to know what you were like when you were younger." Julian's heartbeat slowed marginally. "What did you tell him?" Rhiannon shrugged. "What could I tell him? All I knew about you from the Academy was what paltry secrets my friends and I could find out through a deft combination of spying, discreet questioning, and petty theft." Julian turned and shot her a grin. "I wondered what happened to my first-year biology notes." "They ended up in my notebook with 'Rhiannon Blackbird-Bashir' scrawled all over them," she retorted impudently. "I told Garak that things had come to a sorry pass when an ex-member of the Obsidian Order had to resort to asking me for information." Julian gestured for her to sit down. "He denied it, of course." "Of course," she said. "I told him if it made him happy, I'd pretend I couldn't tell. He's in love with you, you know." Julian did drop his tricorder this time. "Would you please stop that?" "Stop what?" "Saying these outrageous things with no warning. Were you this bad at school?" "Worse," she said happily. "Impending motherhood has made me soft. It's true, though. I have a sixth sense about these things – I think maybe my grandmother had an affair with a Betazoid." "Uh-huh." Julian did not want to pursue this line of discussion. "Now, have you been having any unusual symptoms since you last saw your doctor? Any pain, spotting?" Rhiannon shook her head. "Just an overwhelming feeling of terror when I wake up in the middle of the night and realize that I'm going to be somebody's mother." Julian smiled. "Well, *that* is perfectly normal. I always tell my patients, it's the ones who aren't scared that I worry about." He laid aside the tricorder. "Any questions?" "Yeah. What are you doing for dinner tonight?" "Pardon?" "My husband wants to meet you, and he can't get away to come to the appointments with me." She struggled to her feet. "Are you free, say around 1900?" "I'll be there," Julian found himself saying. He hoped he wouldn't regret it. *** After dinner, Rhiannon's husband Jeff excused himself to study plans of the station's layout. "Don't be up too late," he admonished Rhiannon with a kiss. "You need your rest." "Yes, dear," she replied with exaggerated meekness. After he was gone, she sighed and leaned back. "I'm glad he looks after me, but I wish he'd remember that I'm having a baby, not becoming one." "It's obvious that he cares a great deal about you," Julian replied, sipping his raktajino. "Yeah. I'm pretty lucky," she said with a gentle smile. "So, what are you going to do about Garak?" Julian choked on his drink; when he recovered, he gasped, "I thought I asked you not to do that anymore!" "Old habits die hard," she replied with a shrug. "Besides, I think it's something you'd be just as happy to ignore if you could, and that's not fair to either of you." "First of all, Garak and I are friends..." "Jeff and I are friends, too, and you see where that got us." "And *only* friends. Second, even if he *is* - *does* feel the way you think he does, if he wanted me to know, don't you think he'd tell me?" "He's a *Cardassian*." Rhiannon sounded exasperated. "He isn't going to tell anyone anything he doesn't have to." "Besides," Julian continued as if she hadn't spoken, "I'm not even attracted to men, Cardassian or otherwise." "So?" "What do you mean, 'so'?" "I mean, *so*, as a doctor, you of all people should be aware that the potential for bisexuality exists in varying degrees in all of us, and that just because you haven't been attracted to men before doesn't mean you can't be, and that the person inside is what's important, whether they're male, female, human or Cardassian." She leaned forward - at least, as far forward as her condition permitted. "He's dyin' for you, Julian, I'd bet my Coca-Cola formula on it." Julian just stared at her. Could it be possible - was Garak really *in love* with him? Admittedly, there had been times when he'd thought the tailor was flirting with him, but he'd written it off to an overactive imagination and too many nights alone. Now, he had to wonder. And, he had to ask himself, why was the idea so... intriguing? He stood. "I hope you won't think me rude, Rhi, but I think I need to take a walk." Rhiannon only grinned at him. "I was thinking you might say that." She rose and accompanied him to the door. "Good night, Julian. I'd wish you good dreams, but I don't know that you'll be getting all that much sleep." She shut the door on his protests. How long Julian wandered the corridors of the station, he didn't know; he only knew when his path finally led him to Garak's quarters. He stopped - what was he doing here? He turned to go, but stopped when the doors slid open with a soft whoosh. "Doctor! What a pleasant surprise!" Julian took a deep breath and turned around. "Good evening, Garak. I - I think maybe we need to talk." *** The next morning, Rhiannon breezed into the tailor's shop. "Good morning, Mr. Garak!" Garak, dozing with his head on the counter, only mumbled something that could either have been "Good morning," "Go away," or "I've never been so sore in my life." She slid onto the stool next to the counter. "I take it my idea worked?" She grinned. "Told you it would. Like I told Julian, I have a sense for these things." Garak raised his head. "Much as I hate to admit it, you were right, my dear." " 'Course I was. I told you I think I'm part Betazoid. I could feel it the minute you got within ten feet of each other, and I never even met you before. You owe me, I believe, two maternity dresses and an original design evening gown once the baby's born?" Garak steepled his fingers under his chin. "You drive a hard bargain, my dear, but you're right. I do... owe you." Finis