The goal of this challenge is to write a short piece (169 words)...there are no rights, no wrongs, just fun. To start you all off, here's mine. I Watch... I watch as he works – he doesn't know it, but I watch all the same. His fingers are so long, so slender, and his hands move so gracefully as he manipulates the instruments. I ache to feel those fingers against my skin, teasing, stroking, caressing, loving me. His eyes are glowing, focused on the task in front of him, their expression intent. Would that he would look at me with that focus; would that I could see that glowing intensity directed my way. His body is fluid in its grace – long and lean and graceful. I long to touch it, to savor the softness of his skin, to feel the heat of his body next to mine. His hair is unruly, wild and ruffled, falling across his face. I reach to brush the curls from his forehead, but my hand passes through him. He looks up...and doesn't see me. He reaches out – nothing there. I watch as he works, he doesn't know it, but I watch all the same.