You fell too far too fast Fell away from everyone The hate in your eyes is real The battered pulse is screaming I'm tired of hearing it'll be okay The edge is too close now I can hear the whispers The whispers of judgement and hate Like acid on my skin I can hear the end The end of all that was started long ago The dream is fading I admit now, I'm scared for you But I don't matter anymore Just the blade on your wrist The gun to your head The heart that fell dead long ago You're flying away Nothing truly ends? We'll see about that I'm sure it seems so easy now But trust me There is no peace in that No lucid thoughts No words for what I'm feeling You're condemning yourself to the emptiness you fear Everyone wants to shut me up Everyone thinks I'm full of it Don't listen to the outcast, the liar, the one who hurt you Their words ring in my ears You hear it better than I It is all you know anymore We'll see We'll see how this ends If your choices were right or wrong Yes, I'll quiet my soul for now I have no choice in the matter The blame is not mine, but theirs I was pushed away long ago Let's see if their hearts are pure Let's see if their words are true Let's see them save you now Like they promised...