Calendar & Facts

Date              Holiday
December 21       Yule
February 2        Imbolic (Candlemas)
March 21          Ostara
April 30          Beltane
June 21           Midsummer
August 1          Lughnasadh
September 21      Mabon
October 31        Shamhain (Halloween)


                  The Pentagram

                    " Earth"

           Stability and physical endurance
                 (bottom left point)


               Courage and Daring
              (Bottom right point)


              Emotions and intuition
                   (right point)


            Intelligence and the arts
                  (left point)

             All and the Divine
                  (top point)



Your element is earth if...your astrological sign is Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. Your Direction is North. Your season is Winter. Your Color is Green (from the color of living plants).


Your element is Air if...your astrological sign is Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Your Direction is East. Your season is Spring. Your color is Yellow (for the Dawn).


Your element is Fire if...your astrological sign is Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. Your Direction is South. Your season is Summer. Your color is Red (the color of the flame's soul).


Your element is Water if...your astrological sign is Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. Your Direction is North. Your season is Autumn. Your color is Blue (color of the ocean).


****I got one of my poems published!****
Here it is...

Nightmares escaping 
angers raging
Desires linger
to manifest hate
Clouds burst to
expose the rain
My eyes open as a
trap door to my soul
Destiny weeps, 
Lightining strikes,
and Inspiration Dies


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