
Romance Title

String of Hearts     Kiss     String of Hearts

Pink Vine

Online Romance! Lovers over the internet! How can this happen?? Can a person seek & find love on the internet? What's your opinion? I've been doing some extensive research on this controversial phenomenon. You might be surprised at how many online lovers there are on here. It happens, a person meets someone in the chat rooms, they begin to talk, get to know one another from communicating. They open up to each other by expressing they're emotions, desires, wants, needs, etc. They begin to meet each other at certain times in the chat rooms. Over a period of time, they fall in love over the internet. I've read numerous true stories about this internet love. Some of the lovers have taken their relationship further & have met one another in person. Many of those lovers continued their relationship & married.

Blinking Hearts    Small Bar    Blinking Hearts

According to Dr. Sherree Motta & Dr. Michael Adamse, two Boca, FL. Clinical Psychologists, who call themselves Cybershrinks say that the anonymity of the online world is a perfect setting for the mystery that begets romance. Most online relationships start as friendship & develop into romantic liaisons. Online relationships progress step by step, and with each step, you should expect more openness from the other person.

Rose Bar

Cybershrinks describe online romance as:

  • Mystery
  • Intrigue
  • Anticipation
Rose Blooming       Rose Blooming

The three components that thrive in the online atmosphere where your identity can remain secret. The randomness of online encounters adds to the excitement of meeting new people and being able to get intimate with them quickly.

Dr. Motta thinks women can express their sexuality & fantasies online without being seen as loose. Online intimacy often keeps momentum in a relationship that may not have had an immediate spark in person.

Dr. Adamse says that men become more in touch with their feelings by having to type them out. Dr. Adamse states: "There's an enormous amount of creativity around" he adds, "The art of letter writing is enjoying a revival."

Dr. Motta said she has been fascinated by the development of intense relationships between two people who have never met face-to-face. Dr. Motta states "It's like getting to know someone from the inside to outside, instead of the other way around." she said "When people first meet online, they don't have that real spark like they would have in real life, but they are more likely to stay with the relationship" she added "These things aren't phony relationships. They are very real relationships. A lot of people are enjoying online affairs who would never have affairs in real life".

"It's also very easy to think you've fallen hard for someone you haven't even met. Don't do this! Meet first! ... Many online relationships happen very quickly and very fast, and it's easy to sucker the other person, OR YOURSELF, into believing you have something here that you don't." The main rule? Patience. But be forewarned -- just like in real life, there's a lot of heartbreak out there.

Rose Bar

Kate Wachs, a Chicago Psychologist who serves as an online Dear Abby under the monitor as "Dr. Kate", says "Some people in extended online relationships build fantasies. They believe they know their companions better than they do themselves (the soul-to-soul, mind-to-mind idea) because the online medium breeds an usual sense of intimacy. People sitting alone at home, often hiding behind the screen names, tend to open up much more than in real life".

Pink Vine

I started this research on online romance for many reasons. Mainly, I was very curious. Secondly, I too questioned how this online romance could take place, so naturally I assume there are many others who question this as well. I wanted to share with others what information I'd gathered and collected. I chat in yahoo chat and over a period of time, I've met lots of people online from all over the world. Many are lonely, looking for a relationship. Some are married & their spouses don't show them enough, if any affection. Or they are just very unhappy with their spouse. I've met many couples in the chat rooms, who have met someone online & fell in love. I've always asked them questions as to how they met? How long they've known one another? What their plans are?, etc. I found their responses overwhelming & wanted to learn more. I've met some wonderful friends from chatting, some are closer to me than others. I've learned that by chatting we all find out more about ourselves by having to type out what we are feeling. You have to think about what you are saying & how you wanna say it. You have the opportunity to re-read what you've typed before you click on the send button. You are free to say things you probably wouldn't say, reveal things about yourself that you may be too self conscious to reveal in real-life conversations. You don't know the other person so you willingly give more true details, really true details about yourself, things you normally wouldn't say because you are protecting your self image from those who know you in real-life.

Blinking Hearts     If Just This Night     Blinking Hearts
written by: Connie Elkins

If just this night, you take my hand
and lead me to the stars
Forever it will be with me
To cherish what was ours
Not knowing what tommorrow brings
Or where our lives may go
I'll hear your whispered words of love
As gentle breezes blow
I'll give to you myself this night
My passion, love, and heart
Knowing that the time will come
When we will have to part

Rose Bar

Blinking Hearts     Tapestry     Blinking Hearts
written by: Jacqueline Bower

I've found a world of fantasy
Where fact and fiction weave
What's real and make believe
'Twas there I met a special friend
Who stole away my heart
What started as a simple game
Now tears my soul apart
Where this may lead, I cannot say
But know these words are true
Each day I count the hours until
I'm once again with you

Rose Bar

During my research, I found numerous sites on couple's who met online & fell in love. They have devoted a site, telling about their meetings & share them with us. Listed are some links that I think you will find very interesting & quite enjoyable. I hope you will take the time to visit some of their sites. Reading their stories was like reading a fairy tale that came true, even with the happy ending *S*.

I Love You

Rose Blooming       Rose Blooming

If you have a online relationship you'd like to share or know of anyone that has a site devoted to online romance, please email me the url so I can add it to my list. Thanks!

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