Gary's Movie Midi and Poster Assemblage
Classical Edition
midi.gif music by Carl Zittrer and Paul Zaza
Transcription and midi sequence -
Copyright © 1997 by Lamplight Music

1979 Famous Players / Highlight
The Canadian Film Development Corporation
Saucy Jack


Sherlock Holmes: We've unmasked madmen, Watson, wielding sceptres. Reason run riot. Justice howling at the moon.

Just recently re-released in DVD format after many years of being nearly impossible to find - except in that extremely rare, faded and worn VHS copy - this film richly deserves Rex Reed's review: "Murder By Decree is the best Sherlock Holmes movie ever made...." It also rates as one of my top ten favorite films of all time due to the amazing performances of Christopher Plummer and James Mason in particular - as well as those from the stellar supporting cast. Despite the subject matter, MBD also contains some of the funniest repartee you're likely to see on film. Look for the wonderfully inspired "The Last Pea" scene (written and edited in part by James Mason as revealed in the director's commentary to the DVD).

The midi sequence of Zittrer and Zazas' closing music is a newly created, full-bodied and faithful presentation by Jeff Fallen. Thanks, Jeff, for a wonderful selection.