Do you know those wiggly fruitsnakes that burrow in my
great uncle three times removed's shoelace? Those little
squeakers have eaten all my cupcakes. Oh, I just what to
vomit that yummy remote control cheesecake once more.
But, always remember that when rollerblading on flying
sheep, dont forget your igloo. My sitterbaby likes to eat lazy
chickens who are fed up with rasberry marbles. Too bad, I
always liked ther minty foghorn smell that would erupt
from their orafaces each morning when the cow rises in the
east. The lamb always rises in the west, however. Take care
not to confuse it with the all powerful Jackalope who chases
that very lamb off into the sunrise at 7:00 p.m. each March
fortythird. But those sheep, those are real touble. Or was it
your mother? Oh, looks like I've lost my rasberrie's chicken's
wonderful ink under smelly keyboards. Zonk Heezwoob is
NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all
happening again! The fluffy feuding frogs are taking me
away, mommy!