UPDATES! 3/10/99 - Archived Episodes 4 to 6 of Transformers: Season 4

28/8/99 - Added Episode 7 of Transformers: Season 4.

16/8/99 - Reformated the webpage. (Can you say Beast Machines?)

NEWS! 20/8/99 - Click here to see some picks of prototype Beast Machine toys. Thanks to Dave for the info. Also, once credit is given, I'll add it too.
Also, Transmetal II Megatron, Tigerhawk and Blackarchnia have all arrived in Singapore. That should do it for the TM2s. Next up, Beast Machines!

1/8/99 - It seems that Optimal Optimus will be called 'Shin Konboi' (New Convoy) and is supposed to be given a 'power-up' that changed his form. Also, all Transmetal II bots will hit Japan with their American names intact. Their sparks are suppose to be some kind of weapon. Finally, in the second season (American third season) of the Beast Wars, called Metarusu, a legendary warrior will join the Cybertrons called Depusuchyaaji (Depthcharge).
Singapore has gotten Prowl and Scrouge finally. Blackarchnia should be on her way.

Welcome to my Transformers webpage. Here, I will give information on the incredible cartoon phenomenon of the eighties and recently, the nineties. Here, you will find information on the 3 seasons from the U.S. and the three series created by the Japanese. There is also a bit of information on the present Beast Wars series.

To find out more about the Transformers series, please click on the picture below.

The Transformers series

The World of a Creator

Here is where my Transformers fanfics are. I try to get the new episodes coming whenever possible but sometimes I don't have the time so check back here once in a while. Thank you.

Transformers: Season Four

Since a fourth season was never created, I decided to create one myself. I plan on making a total of 26 episodes. If feedback is good, I may consider creating a movie as well. So, please send in that feedback.

Scene 1 - Episode 1-3

Scene 2 - Episode 4-6

Episode 7 - Battle against the Inferno

Transformers: The Beast Wars

We got a look at explorers fighting evil warriors. However, what if it were warriors against warriors? This takes place in another part of the Beast Wars Universe. Many questions will be asked in this series... and probably not as many answers will be given. P.S. since Optimus Primal and Megatron has been taken, I've created my own two leaders using the Op/Meg duo pack toys.

I am in need of help to continue this series and am looking for fans interested in helping add another legend in the Beast Wars world (even though its ended). Click here to find out how to help out.

Episode 1 - A new Beginning

Episode 2 - Let the Beast Wars Begin

Episode 3 - The Showdown?

Episode 4 - The End of an Era

The Trans-links:
Beast Wars Transformers (Unofficial) FAQ Page. - By Ben Yee, it is the ultimate Beast Wars resource.

Rob's Transformers Page. - Great site with cool stuff like the Japanese Transformers continuity and the Trannies awards!

International Transformers Tech Spec Archive - The place to go to download tech specs you lost from your original Transformer toys.

THE DEVASTATOR HOMEPAGE - Hey! What do you know? Another Tripod member. A site dedicated to the original combiner.

Raksha's Page - The Beast Wars hater. Her site has got a few fanfics and I'm not afraid to say that I am less than impress about her website.

Dave's Beast Wars Transformers Page - Another great resource for BW stuff. Second only to Ben Yee.

David Lau's Second Beast Wars Page! - A fellow Singaporean. Not as updated as his first page but a great page nonetheless.

Welcome to Lewis M. Brooks, III' - Ever wondered what would have happened if Hot Rod hadn't got in Optimus's way? Lewis has an idea.

TRANSFORMERS - A shrine to Galvatron... sort of. The main page is far superior than this one. Check it out.

TF AutoDecep Net - A great page. Check it out now!

Axalon: Underground - A nice page to get Beast Wars info. Take a look or regret it.

Rockman's Robots In Disguise - A great place for downloads. I got Scramble City and TF: Zone from here and they will be reviewed soon.

TF UG Main Page - A cool fanfic page to further expand the Transformers Universe. Check it out!

Cybertron - A mega cyber-comic that must be seen to be believed!

Welcome to my domain - A site by Windchaser and a nice site at that. Give it a good lookthrough.

The background seen here is from Julianne's Background Textures and she has my eternal thanks.

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