These are excerpts from very old newspapers. They are

The Lexington Herald
Lexington, ILL. Thursday, July 9, 1863

The Globe Extra
Lexington, Illinois, Thursday, October 18th, 1860

The Lexington Unit
Lexington, ILL. Friday, July 13, 1894

The Lexington Herald Lexington, ILL. Thursday, July 9, 1863
Another Soldier Gone - L.R. Henline, son of Harvey Henline of Lawndale township and a private in company K of the 8th Regiment of Illinois volunteers, was killed near Vicksburg on the evening of the 26th of June last. He was in the act of going on picket duty when he was shot through the head by a ball from a gun of the enemy. Mr. Henline was about twenty one years old, was highly esteemed by all who knew him and the fact that he was among the first to volunteer to fight for his country when the great slaveholders rebellion threatened its destruction is proof that he was a noble and patriotic young man.
Rest! soldier, rest! thy warfare's oer, Sleep the sleep that knows no waking, Dream of battle-fields no more, Days of danger night of waking.
- Married June 25, 1863, at the residence of the bride by Rev. R.W. Parks, Mr. Isaac Kerr to Mrs. Mary Flesher. All of Mackinaw. - Mr. and Mrs. "Billy" Henline had a girl.
The Globe Extra Lexington, Illinois, Thursday, October 18th, 1860
All Right - Our friends will pardon us, we trust for not appearing as usual this week, when we inform them that we have had to move our press twice since out last issue. This has been done to allow our old quarters to be fitted up for the winter weather. the Globe office is now fully prepared and fortified against the attacks of Jack Frost and old Boreas, so our patrons may look hereafter for the regular appearance of the Globe. Douglas in Lexington - Lexington has been honored by a visit from a Presidential candidate, or vice versa, Stephen A. Douglas has been honored by the inhalation of the pure air of our temperance village. Which do you say, reader? Yesterday, quite a number of our citizens took their position at the depot ready to catch a glimpse of the Squatter King, who was expected on the train from the north. It cam. Senator Douglas stepped off upon the platform, apologizing for lack of time to make a speech, and thanked the audience for the honor of their presence. He went aboard. The cars rolled off and the people went quietly to their homes. The only accident that happened was, that good brother Ambrose had a pocket book slipped unto his pocket. It contained no money but is the identical pocket book which was stolen when Smith & Hefner's store was entered. Lecture of Mrs. Cutler - Mrs. Tracy Cutler of Dwight, Ill., who is well known as an able lecturer upon Physiology, addressed the citizens of this place in the Methodist church, last Monday evening, upon the Legal Disabilities of Woman. No one who has heard this distinguished woman can question her ability. It requires courage, mind, and intelligence in an extraordinary degree, for a woman to rise above the trammels of conventional usuage, and command respect upon the lecturer's stand; and this Mrs. Cutler can do, even from old fogies, if they give her a hearing. Mrs. C. is no doubt radical - believes that woman has a right to the elective franchise. In this she is far beyond the age, perhaps beyond any age; but that was not what she came here to advocate. She claimed the right of woman to hold property in her own title, and to be equal guardian of her children. Here is a copy of the petition to which it was her great object to obtain signatures, so as to have the law changed during the next session of the Legislature:
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Illinois: We the Undersigned, inhabitants of the State of Illinois, most earnestly petition you Honorable body that such laws may be enacted that the Parents of Children may have equal rights of Guardianship and that no difference be made on account of sex. We also further Petition, that married Women have granted them the right to acquire and hold property in their own name, and to transfer and devise the same, And, also to protect their own character by law and receive in their own name for personal injuries. The petition was numerously signed, scarcely a person refusing. We shall speak of it again.
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Lemuel Biggs, deceased, will be and appear before the county court of McLean county, Illinois, at the Court House in Bloomington, on Monday the 19th of November next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate, will present the same for adjustment. Persons indebted to said estates are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned (29t6) JOSIAH BIGGS Dated October 3d, '60 Administrator
Public Sale
Matthias Carter, Administrator of John Carter, Dec'd. vs Matilda Carter, etal. Petition to sell Real Estate. By virtue of a decree rendered in the above entitled cause at the June term, A.D. 1860, of McLean county Court, I will offer for sale, on Saturday the 20th day of October, A.D, 1860, at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, at Lexington, in said county, the following described premises, to-wit: Twenty-five (25) acres off the north end of the west half of the south-west quarter of Section thirty-four, (34) in Township twenty-six, (26) north of Range three (3) east of third principal meridian. Terms of sale - Five per cent cash in hand; the balance on a credit of twelve months. The purchaser receiving a deed of the land, and executing notes with good personal security and a mortgage on the land to secure the purchase money. MATTHIAS CARTER, Administrator of Packard & Burr, Att'y's John Carter. 6W25
80,000 Republicans - Caleb B. Smith - Schuyler Colfax
Tuesday last was a proud day for the Republicans of McLean county. 80,000 people assembled in Bloomington, to hear one of the ablest speakers of the present campaign - Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana. Mrs. Smith possesses a stentorian voice - one capable of reaching a very large audience, and he used it to a good purpose. He is argumentative, and perfectly convincing. His auditors feel themselves in the presence of an able, eloquent and honest man. His speech will bear good fruit. Schuyler Colfax, member of Congress from the same State, held forth in an eloquent and witty manner in the evening. His too was a telling speech. The enthusiasm of last Tuesday will insure McLean county for eight or ten hundred majority.
The Lexington Unit Lexington, ILL. Friday, July 13, 1894
- The next races at the Lexington Driving Park will be held on Saturday, Aug 4th. - Geo. H. Norman has gone on the road again to sing in the quartette for Willow Bark Co. of Danvers. - Miss Carrie Lough of Fairbury has been entertained in Lexington this week by Miss Margaret Stickler. - Rev. E.A. Gilliland will preach at the Payne school house Sunday, July 22nd, at 3 p.m., everybody invited. - F.L. Evans of St. Louis in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. J.D. Leary, and will spend a month here. - The postoffice building is adorned by a new stationary awning erected the first of the week by Wm. Skelly and his workmen. - In selecting the grand jurors for next term the Board of Supervisors named J.V. McCullough of Lexington for this township. - Mrs. L.P. Edwards of Westerville, Ohio, arrived yesterday to make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Peter Flesher. - Harry Hickey of Indianapolis has been the guest of Miss Sara Stevenson for a week past. He is connected with the Pearson Music House. - Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Langstaff on Tuesday entertained Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Phillips and family and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Grier and family of Bloomington. - Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Hatcher returned to their home in Colfax Wednesday evening after a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. S.R. Claggett. - Miss Mary Callahan came down from Chicago to spend the fourth. She is attending a school of dressmaking in that city and will return there to stay until fall. - Hon. and Mrs. B.J. Claggett entertained Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Barr and Miss Lucy Dalton of Bloomington for a short visit from Wednesday evening to yesterday morning. - The admission to the Driving Park at the next races Aug. 4th will be reduced to 25 cents. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart returned to their home in Normal Wednesday after a short visit with relatives. - The postoffice building is to be decorated with a large sign in front for J.M. Stevenson, furniture dealer and undertaker. - Arrangements are being made to give a grand ball at the opera house on the night of the next races, Saturday, Aug. 4th. The admission will be only 50 cents and a good orchestra and a first class dance is guaranteed.

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Excerpts from The Colfax Leader and The Colfax Press: