January 1905 through December 1905

JANUARY 6, 1905

- Leo Gaddis is suffering with erysipelas of the face.

- Miss Almira Wright is dangerously ill with pneumonia.

- N.P. Sorrel's little boy is sick with stomach trouble.

- J.C. King is sick. He is threatened with pneumonia.

- Verne Bradford, of Chicago, is visiting relatives here.

- Mrs. Samuel Meeks is sick with a complication of troubles.

- James Hawthorne of Goldfield, Iowa is visiting relatives here.

- Miss Edith Davison returned to her home in Springfield Wednesday.

- C.W. Blumenshine went to Washington, Saturday, for a week's visit.

- Attorney Lester Martin was in Springfield Tuesday on business.

- Nelson Biggs and wife have been residents in McLean since the early days
and will be missed by their many friends and neighbors, who wish them all the
good things of the earth and the Kansas wheat and Kansas dairy will afford them
the golden cane on which to lean.

- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Masterson and son, of Bloomington, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McClellan and children, and Henry and Frank Woodard of Colfax, spent
Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Woodard. - Fairbury Blade

- Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan are the parents of a new baby boy born Monday.

- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Taylor gave a New year dinner to Dr. Henline's family and Mrs.
S.E. Davis, of Anchor.

- Miss Verna Darr, a niece of Mrs. Ira Taylor, was married Christmas day to Mr.
Frank Snyder, of Martinsville.

- Robert Henline was in town Sunday, the first time since his sickness, and has
been staying at Dr. H.L. Henline's since.

JANUARY 20, 1905

- Dr. Harris and wife are now making their home at Belleflower with their
daughter, Mrs. A.F. Rohde. They moved this week. Dr. Harris will still continue
his practice in Gibson, going to Belleflower in the evening and returning each
morning. - Gibson Courier

- Amos Ferrias, who enlisted in the United States Navy last February, and is a
sailor on the Atlanta, arrived at the home of his father, John Ferrias and family,
on Thursday morning. He is accompanied by a sailor friend, Charlie Dailey, also
of the Atlanta. The boys are on a ten days furlough, and will report for duty at
New York on January 21. - Chatsworth Plaindealer

MARCH 3, 1905

- Roy Barnes spent Sunday with his parents at Cropsey.

- Mrs. Donald Douglass went to Charleston Monday to visit friends.

- Charlie Forsythe went to Fairbury Monday and returned Wednesday.

- Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitch Williams returned from Oklahoma Saturday night.

- Arthur Kennedy went to Newport, Ohio Tuesday to visit his parents, who he has
not seen for 13 years.

- Harry Gillan has bought from James Gillan the south one half of the south-east
quarter section 24, Martin township consideration $10,000.

- The case of John W. Henline vs. Lucy H. Smith et al, has been settled and bill
dismissed, one half of the cost to be paid by complainant and the balance to be
paid by defendant Harvey Gentry.

- Mrs. G.P. Stroh is suffering with pleurisy.

- Wm. Hutson's baby is sick with a very bad cold.

- Bob Henline is sick again with his old trouble.

- Tom Moran came over from Fairbury yesterday.

- Miss Ella Quigg of Minier is visiting at the home of J.P. Arnold.

- Mrs. A. Anderson fell yesterday and badly wrenched her back.

- Mrs. E.S. Horine went to Ambia, Ind. yesterday to visit her father.

- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ritchie are parents of a baby girl born yesterday.

- Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Mrs. Candace Plott are sick with the grip.

- Gladys, daughter of Mrs. Grace Hutson, is quite sick with malarial fever.

MARCH 17, 1905

- Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kilgore, of Lexington, were callers in Colfax Tuesday.

- Mrs. C.W. Minshall is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Heberling, in Bloomington.

- Truman Henline, who has been at Danville for several weeks, returned home

- Allie Wood went to Springfield Monday to take examination for hoisting

- Wm. Mooberry has bought from Ed Dow, the two houses formerly owned by
W.C. Minshall.

- John Garner has moved into the Mrs.. Sarah Henline property recently vacated
by John White.

- Robert Cochran from Idaho is visiting his nephew, A.A. Chapman. He has lived
in Idaho for 50 years.

- Mrs. W.O. Umstattd and son Harold, of Monroe, Mo. who have been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Joe Arnold the past two weeks have gone to Lexington to visit

- John Caler of Anchor was taken to Bloomington Monday to be tried for his
sanity. He was adjudged insane and committed to the hospital for insane at
Jacksonville for treatment.

MARCH 24, 1905

- Frank Wright has moved to Lexington. His wife will remain here for the present.

MARCH 31, 1905

- Truman Henline returned to Danville Wednesday where he has a position in
the Saratoga hotel barber shop.

APRIL 14, 1905

- Mrs. Phebe Wood returned from Blue Mound Tuesday where she has been
visiting with her son, D.A. Wood.

MAY 5, 1905

- Ike Wood, of Lexington was in town Wednesday.

MAY 12, 1905

- Bert Pate has bought stock in the Co-Operative Coal company. Several miners
who have been working for the company are contemplating buying stock.

- Mrs. Eliza Barton, of Mackinaw visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D.
Collings, from Saturday to Monday. Mrs. Amy Reed and son, Boyd, returned with
her for a short visit.

- Wm. Lain, of Lexington, who was formerly in harness business here, has
accepted a position with H.L. Eggers and will again reside in Colfax. They will
live in Mrs. David Neill's house, in the north-east part of town.

- Ralph Hester, of Eureka, came over Saturday and visited with old friends until
Tuesday. Ralph is attending college at Eureka.

- Miss Miriam Douglass, who is teaching school in Lexington, spent Sunday with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D.T. Douglass.

- E.J. Gilmore and sister, Mrs. Maud McConnell, of LeRoy visited relatives here
from Monday to Wednesday.

- Prof. Alva Ragsdale who has been engaged as superintendent of our school
for next year, is a son-in-law of G.D. Robertson and will occupy the W.C.
Hamilton property recently purchased by Mr. Robertson.

- Harvey Lebo cut quite a gash in the top of his foot yesterday afternoon. A nail
caused the ax to glance and his rubber boot was not much protection to his foot.
The incision was on an artery and caused the blood to flow freely.

- Harve Gentry plead guilty to assault before Squire Ingram Saturday and was
fined $18 and costs and Frank Hutson plead guilty in the same court to a charge
preferred by Marshall Thompson and contributed $10 to the village treasury.

MAY 22, 1905

- Frank Hutson's baby is sick with stomach trouble.

MAY 29, 1905

- Mrs. Lambert, of Bloomington, attended the funeral of little Tommie Blair
yesterday. Mrs. Lambert is a sister of Mrs. Blair.

JUNE 16, 1905

- Ben Keefe has accepted a position at the coal mine.

- Wm. Popejoy, of Frankfort, Ind., is visiting his parents.

- Mrs. and Mrs. John Shull, of Danville, are visiting at their brother-in-law's, Mart

- Bert Boyd, of Danville, is visiting at Tom Baldwin's.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Discho are expected home from West Baden Springs today.

- John Wilson shipped a carload of hogs to the Chicago market Wednesday

- Mrs. Simmons, of Stanford, is visiting friends here.

- Rachel Sells is ill with congestion of the stomach.

- Mrs. John White is sick with neuralgia of the stomach.

- Elder Wm. Wiley visited his mother Tuesday night.

- Mrs. J. Woster Knight and child are visiting relatives here.

- Mrs. Alex Irwin is very ill with a complication of troubles.

- G.D. Robertson has bought Jno. Discho's fine driving horse.

- Mrs. Harvey Abbott and little daughter are sick with tonsillitis.

- Leo Hedges has a position in a sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich.

- Perry Bourquin was among those who went to Oklahoma last Tuesday.

- Orville Forrister is suffering severely with a felon on his thumb.

- Mrs. Gould and son, of Merna, visited Mrs. John Pendergast Tuesday.

- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and children, of Cropsey, were Colfax callers

- Willie Green, son of Chas. Green of Chicago, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. John

- Allie Wood has purchased the 10 acre tract of land west of town where the cold
storage is located and will build a 5 room cottage. The house will be built near
the north-east corner and face the road running west from A. Gillan's.

- Carl and Freddie Grending, W.B. Henline, Norman Barton and Wm. Webb
started Monday morning for Lake Geneva, Wis. The trip was made across the
country in a wagon. Word was received from them Tuesday at Morris, which
stated that one of the wheels of their wagon had broken down and they were
laying up for repairs.

- Bob Strickland was arrested Friday and locked up in the calaboose over night.
He plead guilty before Squire Kennedy the next morning to a charge of being
drunk and was fined $10 and cost. Bob is a good hard working fellow when he is
sober, but when he gets tanked up on whiskey he is disposed to make things a
little too lively.

JULY 14, 1905

- A.M. Hester attended the first meeting of the creditors of J.M. Rodman,
bankrupt, in Springfield Saturday. W.C. Mooberry was appointed trustee and will
proceed to close up affairs at once.

- Miss Kate Widener, of Cooksville, visited Thursday and Friday with her brother,
C.H. Widener.

- Miss Georgia Nickerson, who has been visiting her sister at Ames, Ia., is
expected home tomorrow.

- G.R. Daly has returned to St. Louis after spending the fourth here with his

- Shirley Scott went to Hoopeston Monday and will visit at Milford before

- Wm. Plackett, of Normal, is spending the week with his cousin, John Hyatt.

- Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Longbrake returned to their home at Graytown Friday.

- Miss Mary Mitchell is visiting at Mrs. Tom Week's in Bloomington.

- James Gillian's little son, Willie, is sick with tonsillitis.

- Mrs. Lester Martin is visiting friends in Gilman.

- Grandma Van Petten is some better.

- Miss Iva Mercer, of Champaign, has resigned her position as principal of the
Colfax school. The reason given the board for resigning is, she is going to marry.
This will be a great disappointment to the pupils of the high school as she was
universally loved.

- Wm. Wentz has given up his position at the coal mine and returned yesterday
to Bloomington where he has a good position. Mr. Wentz is an efficient
bookkeeper and a very pleasant gentleman and has made many friends during
his short stay here. Frank Clark will have charge of the office work for the

- Mrs. D.A. Wood, of Blue Mound, who has been visiting here for some time
received a telephone message Tuesday to come home at once, that her
husband, D.A. Wood, was in a dangerous condition with nose bleed. She drove
to Arrowsmith so as to make better time and would reach home some time
Tuesday night. Later reports from Blue Mound state Mr. Wood is improving.

The Colfax Press
microfilm # 7  A-15,141
Sept. 15, 190 - Oct. 1, 1908

SEPTEMBER 15, 1905

- Mrs. H. L. Henline and Miss Pearlie Henline, of Graymont, are visiting here and
at Anchor.

SEPTEMBER 22, 1905

- Miss Ola Humphery went to Forest Friday to visit he mother, Mrs. Geo. Krack.

- Fred Ingram has moved into the house he recently purchased on South Grove

- Mrs. Mattie Wright and Eva Jordan, of Fairbury, spent Tuesday with relatives in
this place.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Lindenbaum and Miss Agnes Hadaway went to Webster
City, Iowa, Tuesday.

- Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward, of Cooksville, spent Sunday with Mr. Ward's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward.

- Fred Young and family started Friday for North Yakima, Wash., where they
expect to make their future home.

- Misses Susie and Tressie Anderson visited their sister, Anna, in Bloomington
Saturday. Miss Susie remained over Sunday.

- L.S. Fincham and John Weeks are in Bloomington this week serving on the
grand jury. D.D. Sailor is serving on the petit jury.

- Mrs. D.A. Wood and daughter, Mabel, of Blue Mound, arrived Friday. They will
move into the Allie Wood house occupied by Andrew Warner's family, in a few

- Robert Henline, of Lawndale township, has sold to Dr. D.T. Douglas' son,
Donald P. 80 acres of land in section 30. Consideration $6,570. Mr. Henline
expects to move to Colfax soon.

- Recently when H.S. Laughery visited at Tremont he brought back an old bell, to
his brother-in-law, A. M. Hicks, that had been in the family for a good many
years. The bell was brought to Illinois by Mr. Hicks' grandfather from Ohio in
1834, strapped to the neck of one of his oxen. The bell is a crude looking affair
and looks like it was made by hand. Mr. Hicks prizes it very highly.

- Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNaught, of Spencer, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Puett. Mr. McNaught owned the land in an early day that the site of
Colfax stands on.

- Allie Wood brought in a pear to the Press Office Wednesday which would
discount many of the fine California and Washington pears. It measured 12
inches around.

- Good progress has been made on the new postoffice building this week. The
weather has been fine for the workmen, also the usual number of lookers on.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1905

- Mrs. S. McClellan and her niece, Mrs. A. Lanam, who is visiting her, visited
friends and Cropsey Friday and Saturday.

OCTOBER 27, 1905

- G.B. McReynolds is home from Carlock, where he has been since July, running
a pool hall for Allie Wood.

- Clarence Woodard's baby is among the sick.

- Miss Pearl Wilson is sick with peritonitis.

- Mrs. Wm. Gillan is sick with bowel trouble.

- Mrs. Wm. Phillips is sick with stomach trouble.

- J.A. Willhite of Bloomington, was in town yesterday.

- Miss Belva Batterton is on the sick list this week.

- Mrs. A.M. Hester appears to be considerable better.

- Allie Wood is building a new barn on his place west of town.

- Miss Cora Underwood of Washburn, is visiting at Dr. Horine's.

- C.H. Benson of Bloomington, was a business caller in town yesterday.

- Mrs. Waltmire, of Tremont, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gaddis.

- Ethel Bane, daughter of Elton Bane, is threatened with typhoid fever.

- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boles are the proud parents of a baby boy born Tuesday

- Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Plott are the parents of a new baby girl born yesterday

- Mrs. N.M. Jones and daughter, Miss Blanch, have moved into W.C. Mooberry's

- Geo. Arnold of Bloomington, was here several days this week assisting to build
a corn crib on his farm.

NOVEMBER 24, 1905

                             DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT
                    Henry A. Schultz, Pioneer Resident of Colfax
                                Passes Away Sunday.

   Last Sunday afternoon, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Minnie Willhite,
occurred the death of Henry Anderson Schultz, at the advanced age of 80 years
and 3 months. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Willhite, the services being in charge of Rev. U.Z. Gilmer and the remains were
laid to rest in the Wiley cemetery by the side of his wife, who died about ten
years ago.
   Henry A. Schultz was born in Adams county, Ohio, August 18, 1825. In 1850
he was married to Miss Olive Haines, and to this union were born seven
children, four of whom preceded their parents in death. In 1854 he moved to
McLean county, Ill., settling on a farm near Danvers. The family resided there
until 1880; when they moved to Colfax. Mr. Schultz learned the blacksmithing
trade, and after moving to Colfax worked at the trade steady until a little over a
year ago, when old age compelled him to give up the work. He was a well
preserved man for his age, as is attested by the fact that he followed his chosen
work until nearly 80 years of age. the family were among the oldest residents of
Colfax, and one of his deceased daughters was the second person to die in this
   Mr. Schultz was not a member of any church, although his wife was a member
of the M.E. church. Old age began to tell on him, and he began to fail, and last
Friday he was seized with a hemorrhage of the brain, which brought on
unconsciousness and caused his death Sunday.
   Besides the three children, Mrs. Minnie Willhite and Dr. Charles E. Schultz of
Colfax, and Mack H. Schultz of Bloomington, he leaves to mourn his loss two
brothers, Ferdinand, of Colfax, and John S., of Lewis, Iowa, and three sisters
living in Ohio.
   Those present from out of town at the funeral were Mrs. Mack Schultz and
daughter, Mrs. Wm. O'Connor, and Mrssars. John Willhite, Frank Gillespie and
T.S. Hodges, all of Bloomington.

DECEMBER 22, 1905

                                  Woodard - Brown
   Monday night Mr. E.D. Woodard and Miss Constance Brown, both of Colfax,
surprised their many friends buy taking the train for Bloomington, where they
were married on Tuesday afternoon. the wedding took place at the home of Mrs.
Allen G. Masters, sister of the groom, 205 Kreitzer Ave.,  at 3 o'clock p.m. Rev.
Wm. Ross Lloyd performing the ceremony in the presence of a number of
relatives and friends. After a wedding dinner had been partaken of, the bride and
groom departed for a wedding journey, after which they will locate in Washington
state. The groom is a son of Charles Woodard and has been farming near
Colfax. The bride is the youngest daughter of P.B. Brown of this city and is a
charming young woman. The Press extends congratulations.

                                Bennington - Woodard

   Mr. Charles E. Bennington and Miss Rose M. Woodard, both of Colfax were
married at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the marriage parlors of Justice
W.B. Hendryx in Bloomington. The groom is a prominent young farmer and is a
son of Benjamin Bennington. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B.F. Woodard, well known residents of Colfax.  The happy couple left
immediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip to Indiana, for a visit with the
groom's relatives. They were attended by Mr. Frank Barnes and Miss Jennie
Woodard, and a large number of other friends witnessed the ceremony. the
young couple have many friends who will wish them a long and happy married

- Wm. McClellan and wife attended the Woodard - Brown wedding in
Bloomington on Tuesday.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: 1890 through 1891
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1896 through October 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader & Colfax Press: February 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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