January 1894 through December 1894

JANUARY 19, 1894

- Miss Emma Dameron and Miss Emma Henline entertained a number of their friends Wednesday

- Clarence Mooney has arrived from Boston, but we see nothing of his blushing bride.

- Misses Emma and Vena Henline, Ida and Emma Dameron and Jasper Dameron were the guests of 
Miss Lucy Withers of Lexington this week.

- Clay Green and Morris Shackles, two colored men who had been farming together, had trouble 
about some corn. Shackles had Green arrested at Colfax, but a jury acquitted him.

FEBRUARY 2, 1894

- J.A. Stuckey, of Danvers, was visiting his parents here this week.

- Charley Grimsley and family returned yesterday to Centreville, S.D.

- Mrs. George Sticklen has gone to Jackson, to see her father who is very sick.

- Isaac Dancey has opened up a confectionery department in his paint and paper store.

- Postmaster Fielding has been sick several days and left the office in charge of his comely 

- Frank Hudson's little girl, three years old, died Monday. The funeral was held Wednesday 
at the M.E. church.

- Remember Owen Scott's lecture on Oddfellowship Thursday night.

- John Wood, M.A. Green and Harry Arnold are among the sick.

- Dr. Langstaff has purchased of W.G. Anderson the corner lot east of James Bechtels and 
will build a new residence.

- D.B. Stewart went to Chicago this week to buy a pump for the Anchor coal shaft. The shaft 
at present makes 1500 gallons of water per hour.

- George Seymour has been promoted in the shaft sinking business. When the first shaft was 
sunk in Colfax George was a small boy and drove the gin horse, the dirt being hoisted by 
horse power the first 200 feet. Now steam is being used from the first, and he takes his 
turn of the shift at the throttle.

MARCH 9, 1894

- B.M. Judd has bought two lots from George Sticklen east of J.W. Puett's house, and will 
build. Mr. Judd has postponed buying property in Colfax for a good while, but concluded it 
was a good investment.

- Work has commenced on the second story addition to Willhoite & Henline's brick. Frank 
Hanks has definitely decided to tear down the little bricks adjoining his store and build a 
large, first-class store room. Two or three more buildings are likely to go up on the street 
before summer is out.

- Charley Shultz made a mistake and took his arithmetic to church in place of a hymn book 
the other night. After trying in vain for some time to make the square of the hypotenuse 
coincide with the crescendo obbligato he gave it up as a bad job, and will be careful not to 
mix music and mathematics again.

- Mrs. Eliza Green died Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, aged 68 years, 10 months, 7 days. The 
funeral was held at the Catholic church yesterday morning by Revs. Quinn and Matthias, and the 
body taken to Clio, Efflingham county, for burial beside her husband. Mrs. Green leaves five 
children, four of whom are here: William and Charles Green, Mrs. John Pendergast and Mrs. 
D. A. Wood. She and her family were among the first comers to Colfax. She has been sick many 
years and several times near unto death.

MARCH 16, 1894

- It is reported that the use of an organ is forbidden in the new Christian church being built 
at Cooksville, by a clause in the deed which make it revert to the last owner, Thomas Hensley.

- Mr. Freeman, of Des Moines, Iowa is visiting at Frank Bonifield’s and will leave
his little girl here. The girl’s mother was brought up in Mrs. Bonifield’s father’s
family and died two months ago. Mr. Freeman is going to move to St. Louis, and
will leave the girl here till fall.

- Ezra Henline will build three two-story buildings where his planing mill now
stands. They are not sold, but may be before or after they are completed. The
brick have been ordered, and the work will be commenced as soon as they
come. The planing mill will be moved to some site yet undetermined.

- The republicans held their caucus Saturday and nominated the following
candidates for township offices: supervisor, A.F. Henderson; town clerk, H.L.
Henline; assessor, J.T. Starkey; collector, W.O. Wilson; commissioner, Charles
Smith; trustee, Geo. Swinehart. The democrats will make their nominations at
the town hall at 2 o’clock tomorrow.

JUNE 27, 1894

- Ed Hager and Bert Hudson, of Anchor, visited at A.R. Dameron’s Saturday and

- Miss Grace Henline and Miss Miriam Dameron are visiting friends at Anchor
and will remain till after the fourth.

- Miss Rose Johnson, formerly of Lawndale has been married at Lexington,
Neb., to George Quinby of that place.

JULY 20, 1894

- Mrs. J.W. Crites, who has been quite ill, is recovering.

- Oliver Perkins has rented a farm near Forrest for next year.

- Rev. Dunlevy will preach a sermon on marriage Sunday night.

- Miss Rose Henline is visiting her sister, Mrs. Allie Wood, in Leroy.

- Miss Ida Dameron, who has been visiting in Lexington, has returned home.

- David Higby, formerly of Lawndale, is working on a stock ranch in Wyoming.

-The ball given in honor of Patrick Elvin, at Johnnie Curtis’s, was a grand

- Bonnie Belle, the running horse owned by Seth Henline, is in Bloomington
being trained.

JULY 27, 1894

- W.C. Knight is the father of a new girl.

- R. McAlister is repairing his well this week.

- Seth Henline, daughter Emma, and Jasper Dameron were visitors in Leroy

- Miss Ella Davis, of Anchor, was the guest of J.W. Crites and A.R. Dameron this week.

- Mrs. Klauer and sister Mrs. Sarah Gillan, of Bloomington were the guests of Miss Katie
Curtis this week.

- W.B. Henline is fencing his farm east of Evergreen church. Robert Henline and Bill Cornell 
are doing the work.

- Mr. Edward Hawthorn is attending the institute in Bloomington, and has been engaged to 
teach the Hawthorn school.

                                THE DIPHTHERIA

- Sunday evening two case of malignant diphtheria were discovered in the family
of Robert Hornsby, near the M.E. church. The house was promptly quarantined,
and no travel is allowed on that side of the block. There are now eight cases, all
the family being stricken except Mr. Hornsby. Supplies of all kinds are carried to
them, including water, as it is feared that the well at the house is impute. One
patient, a boy of 6, may not recover, and some of the other cases are not fully
developed. It is thought that the contagion will not spread any further as ample
precautions have been taken.

AUGUST 10, 1894

- Mrs. W.B. Henline is very sick. She is a sister of Harvey Moon, who recently

- The Epworth League will give a pie social in the new Henline building tomorrow

- Miss Nellie Arnold has returned home from Missouri. She is better but will
return for further treatment.

- Ellis Watson and A.J. Moon each shipped a carload of hogs and T.B. Kilgore a
load of cattle this week.

- Parents, watch your boys and don’t allow them to have any matches. One of
the worst fires recently was caused by some boys “playing fire engine.”

AUGUST 17, 1894

- Harry Corpe, Worcester Knight, Pearl Henderson and James Benson are in
Peoria attending district lodge of the I.O.G.T.

- Harry Sells has gone to run a stand at the Farmer City fair, and will probably
take in other fairs while the season lasts.

- Atlanta is to get eighteen arc street lights for $50 per year each. The company
which has been talking light for Colfax wanted a great deal more than that.

- Mrs. Wood, of Leroy, and her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bunn, are here visiting the
Wood brothers, Mrs. Wood’s stepsons. They will return to Kansas together.

- Mrs. W.B. Henline died Friday night. The burial took place at Evergreen Sunday
afternoon, Rev. Smart officiating. She was Mr. Henline’s second wife and a sister
of the late Harvey Moon.

- H.E. Paul commenced suit yesterday against Ex-Marshal Jesse Clawson, of
Lexington, for $2,000 damages for the beating given him a few weeks ago.
Clawson paid a heavy fine at the time and was stripped of his star.

- Next Wednesday, the 22nd, is the day of the Grange picnic. On Thursday
Lexington will have a double attraction in the way of a similar picnic and races.
Those who wish to attend both should come to Colfax to the picnic, as it is not
possible to do both justice in one day.

- The water committee has been at work, but is not yet able to give a report.
W.G. Anderson resigned on account of ill health and was succeeded by J.W.
Bechtel, who was also elected chairman. Three of the committee went to
Bloomington Wednesday and two to Fairbury Thursday.

SEPTEMBER 14, 1894

- Mrs. Allie Wood, daughter Ilene and Mrs. F. Powell, have returned to their
home in Leroy, after a two weeks visit among relatives and friends.

- Miss Jennie Corpe went to Eureka Monday, where she will attend school this

- J.W., Crites is in Bloomington on the grand jury this week.

- Wm. Benson of Colfax, is with his brother J.P. Benson.

- Miss Gertrude Moore will teach the Corn Valley school the coming term.

- Pete Pierce, who moved to town some weeks ago, is running a livery stable.

- Henry Austin, who had a slight bilious attack, is able to walk about after many
ups and downs.

- The walls of the large Worley and Hester building are being laid. When
completed this handsome structure will add greatly to the appearance of Main

NOVEMBER 23, 1894

- To Seth Henline, a girl.

- To R.P. Wood, a boy.

- To Mr. Nafsinger, near Anchor, a boy.

- J.S. Ward was badly hurt in the face and shoulder Wednesday by part of a
derrick falling on him. He had sold a cow to some butchers and was helping to
arrange for the necessary obsequies.

- Johnnie Cunningham has adopted a novel plan for advertising the East End
Grocery. Grain tickets with the advertisement of the store on them are furnished
to the grain buyers, and few there be who will not read it.

- A barn was burned Tuesday on the Springer farm, southeast of town. Corn was
being shelled on the place and sparks from the engine caught in some corn
fodder, from which it reached the barn. Lafe Redding, the tenant, lost two horses
and other property, worth about $300. The barn was valued at $400.

- In the election at the M.E. church Friday to decide whether women may go as
delegates to conference, the result was 31 to 4 in favor of the women. At Anchor
there were 8 votes for the women and none against. Every member of the church
over 21 years old was allowed to vote.

- A cow belonging to John D. Henline last week gave birth to a calf which
weighed the next day 125 pounds.

- Mrs. Maggie Kennedy will go to Nebraska next week to visit South Martin
people who have gone before. She will remain several weeks.

- The new shaft is nearly 260 feet deep. Work is progressing finely, and it will
not be long after New Year’s till coal is reached. The Anchor shaft is down about
300 feet.

- W.T. Tucker had his corn all gathered before the month of October was over.
This is different farming from what it was when threshing lasted till November
and corn-husking till spring.

DECEMBER 7, 1894

- Carlile Scott has been in Chicago this week.

- All persons indebted to E.M. Stuckey & Co. are requested to call and settle at

- Rev. J.P. Barrett, of Normal, will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday,
Dec. 16.

- J.W. Myers was in Bloomington the greater part of the week looking after the
interest of some colts which are wintering there.

- Mrs. Elizabeth Henline died Sunday at her residence two miles west of Colfax,
at the age of 74. Mrs. Henline, whose maiden name was Wiley, was born in
Kentucky in 1820. Her parents soon afterward moved to Indiana, and in 1835 to
Illinois, where they were among the first families to settle along the Mackinaw.
She was the last of a family of six among whom were William, Lyle and S.W.
Wiley, all of whom have passed away within the last few years. In 1841 she was
married to Henry Henline, who died in 1877. Four children were born to them,
three of whom are living: Mrs. J.M. Reynolds, Mrs. Nelson Bigg and Henry C.
Henline, all of Lawndale township. The oldest son was a soldier, and was killed
in the great charge on the Mobil forts in 1864. The funeral was conducted by
Rev. Dunlevy Tuesday at the Evergreen Methodist church, of whose
congregation she was a member.

DECEMBER 28, 1894

- W.R. Knight had a Christmas tree for relatives and neighbors, about fifty being
present. They used the tree which had been in the Christian church the night

- Ed Mitchell and wife, entertained the pupils and patrons of District 6, Lawndale,
with dinner and exercises by the children.

- There were no arrests in town and no disorder. A temperance town pays.

- Out at Fairview they had a ship Christmas Eve, rigged with all the
paraphernalia of sailordom and filled with presents.

- Ed Scott, the tinner, received by express, prepaid, from a former landlady at
Farmer City a box containing all the necessary ingredients for a well developed
case of stomach ache.

- School vacation commenced Monday. Books will be resumed next Monday and
there will be no intermission for New Year’s.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: 1890 through 1891
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax leader: January 1896 through December 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader and Colfax Press: January 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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