January 1895 through December 1895

JANUARY 25, 1895

- It is reported that Dr. Mittan and a Christian science specialist held a
consultation recently over a child who had broken her collar bone. The Doctor is
now thoroughly posted on the mysteries of mind cure, but is very reticent on the

- Shelton Henline, son of Addison Henline, died at Holdrege, Neb. recently. He
had run a foot race with another young man, after which he complained of
dizziness and died within five minutes. Mr. Henline and family formerly lived in
this vicinity and moved west eight years ago.

- The revival meetings at the M.E. church increase in interest and attendance.
Much good work is being done and the church and community appreciate the
effort put forth and the good accomplished. Twenty-five new members have
been taken into the church, and there are a number of converts besides.

FEBRUARY 15, 1895

- A letter to Ezra Henline conveys intelligence of the recent death of his brother,
Reeder Henline, who was once a citizen of this vicinity and was well known
here as “Boone” Henline.

- Miss Evans, of Normal, is visiting her cousin Mrs. Chas. Gilmore this week.

- Miss Ella Wallace has taken a place in the dressmaking establishment of
Jennings & Keefe.

- Wm. Lyon’s partner, Ezekiel Chapman, of Lawndale, has moved to Colfax and
taken his place at the block.

- Allie Wood, of Leroy, is here visiting friends.

- Frank Comminski will move to the place vacated by Jan Nickerson.

- Emile Stuckey and Dr. Evans spent Sunday with friends in Gibson City.

- Mrs. Burns, of Bloomington is visiting her daughter Mrs. LaSalle Stoops.

- The family of J.E. Stuckey have arrived and will occupy the J.C. Henline

- Bishop Spalding confirmed eighty inmates of the state reformatory at Pontiac in
the Catholic faith last week.

- Matt McKeown has moved to W.H. Anderson’s place, and will work there the
coming year, caring for Mr. Anderson’s stock.

MARCH 22, 1895

- W.C. Knight returned his tax books this week.

- Claud House and Walter Smith have the chicken pox.

- Ed Welch’s brother is going to make his abode here this summer.

- Rev. Chas. Dunlevy sprinkled nine person’s at Evergreen Sunday.

- The infant child of Seth Henline has been very sick but is recovering.

- Jesse Smith has rented 40 acres of ground of Dr. Langstaff at $5 per acre.

- Misses Graces Henline and Miriam Dameron, accompanied by their teacher,
Mr. Cruikshank will attend the final examination at Bloomington.

- The following nominations are the results of the caucuses held at the town hall
Saturday, March 16th.
Republican - collector, W.C. Knight; assessor, Mc. Clark; school trustee, J.M.
Davis; clerk, C.P. Corpe; road commissioner, M.D. Zinn.
Democrat - collector, Frank Corpe; assessor, E.F. Mitchell; school trustee, C.E.
Arnold; road commissioner, Seth Henline; justice of the peace, J.W. Crites.

- Thomas Anker, of Cropsey, seems to be in a fair way for speedy recovery.

MARCH 29, 1895

- Ira B. McMurtry, of Bloomington, attended church here Sunday.

- Edward Patton, of Fairbury, will work for Irvin Burns this summer.

- James Greenlee has returned from his home in Indiana, where he spent the

- Miriam Dameron, Grace Henline, Mell Sharples, James Getty and Eddie
Spangler attended Final examination at Bloomington March 22.

- Oats sowing has commenced, but rain is needed badly. Old farmers around
Lawndale say they never remember having seen the dust blow as much as it did
the 23rd and 25th.

- Ira Pratt and wife are visiting in Chicago this week.

- C.B. Ward has rented and moved into the property vacated by J.B. VanPetten.

- Fifteen of our young people went to Bloomington Friday to take the final


- Mrs. J. Ingram is sick.

- Miss Mattie Ritter is acting as housekeeper for Jerry Walden, of Saybrook.

- Miss Ethel Fossett, of Ellsworth, has been visiting her friend Blanche James.

- The funeral of Mrs. Moody at Plymouth church Sunday was very largely

- Miss Maggie Nye, who is attending school at Bloomington, visited her parents
Saturday and Sunday.

- The farmers of this vicinity are responding quite liberally to the call for seed
corn from the Nebraska people.

- A.M. Wilson visited in Lexington this week. Arthur’s calls to Lexington are
getting quite frequent of late.

- The friends of Oscar Siron were pleased by a call from him Sunday. Mr. Siron
has been attending school at his home in Virginia this winter.

- Another exciting runaway took place last Friday. Harry and Dave Gillan were
the unfortunate parties. Harry was quite seriously hurt, while Dave escaped
serious injury. The former is able to be about again.

                                 LOCAL NOTES

- Miss Rose Henline has an attack of tonsillitis.

- Miss Tressie Myers is visiting friends in Forrest.

- J.O. Hanlon, of Danvers, has moved her with his family.

- Wm. Noll, of Anchor, paid us a short visit on Tuesday.

- Andrew Crumbaker has moved to Cooksville and engaged in the butcher business.

- A. Harpole shipped a carload of baled straw and hay to his son Gillette at
Earlham, Iowa, Friday.

- H.H. Newell presented his wife with a fine bicycle which he purchased from
G.W. & J.R. Arnold.

APRIL 19, 1895

- Frank Woodard is the father of a new boy - no doubt a young plasterer.

- Mrs. A.J. Crumbaker, of Cooksville, spent Sunday here with her mother.

- Mrs. A.H. Cooper is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. P. Carpenter, at Indian

- Mrs. Louis Strayer, of Lexington was the guest of Mrs. R.E. Hatcher Monday
and Tuesday.

- T.B. Kilgore left Monday for Ohio, where he will spend some time adjusting
some business matters.

- G.S. Scriven attended a Knight Templar banquet in Fairbury Monday night, and
reports the usual royal time.

- J.R. Arnold and Max Gilmore spent Sunday and Monday in Chicago, seeing the
sights and transacting some business.

- Miss Nellie Dixon, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Fielding, returned
to her home in Melvin Saturday.

- Charles Shultz, who was attending school at the Wesleyan in Bloomington, has
been visiting his parents here for a few days.


- Mrs. Cook and daughter Lila are visiting at Onarga, IL.

- Rev. Ward, of Sibley, made our village a pleasant call Monday.

- Mary Maddox has just returned from a few days visit with old friends and

-Everybody come to the concert Saturday evening given by Prof. Mills and his
singing class.

- A number of our ladies are at Normal attending the district convention of the
W.F.M. society.

- The young people of the M.E. church gave a very excellent Easter program at
the church Sunday afternoon.

- Ed Kessler and Katie Fargher were married at the residence of the widow
Ankers Wednesday evening.

APRIL 26, 1895

- John Benson is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

- Dr. Douglass has gone on a visit to his old home in New Jersey.

- Miss Nellie Stevenson of Bloomington is the guest of Mrs. C.H. Gilmore.

- LaSalle Stoops is confined to his home as the result of a surgical operation.

- Miss Gertie Smith returned yesterday from a short visit with her uncle in

- Miss Daisy Gordon found her parents here this morning and will reside here in
the future.

- Rev. A.S. Covert has been in Chicago for the past few days, returning today.

- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent and son Bert, of Louisiana, Mo., are the guests of
her sister Mrs. Seth Henline this week.

- Chas. F. Cox, who has sold his lands in Dakota and purchased a farm in
Whiteside county, is here visiting his brother J.S. Cox.

- Mrs. John Stuckey returned from Deer Creek Monday night, where she has
been since January caring for the household of a daughter, who was in Chicago
for medical treatment.

- Mr. and Mrs. Howard McFarland, of Des Moines, Iowa, who have been visiting
Mrs. McFarland’s sister Mrs. D.T. Douglas, returned to Iowa Wednesday

- Eugene Knight had a team of colts break away from him Wednesday and
chase around his place breaking up a disc harrow to which they were hitched
and tearing up harness, fences and gardens to their entire satisfaction.

- Earl Riddle, formerly a resident of Colfax, but now a law student at the
Wesleyan, in Bloomington, was in town Wednesday on business. Earl looks
happy and has unconsciously assumed a sort of statutory appearance.

MAY 10, 1895

- Louis Stuckey is spending a few days with friends at Carlock and Eureka.

- J.W. Bechtel spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Metamora on legal business.

- E.O. Crouch, of Fairbury, was the guest of his brother, O.E. Crouch.

- E.S. Parker and Miss Jennie Williams are visiting friends in Lexington today.

- C.M. Forsythe, who has been very sick from inflammation of the bowels, is now
somewhat better.

- Frank Woodard has turned the keys of the M.E. church over to W.O. Wilson,
who will be janitor in the future.

- C.L. Yeo, brother and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. John Willhite spent Sunday with
friends in Lexington.

- Michael Thornton has sued W.B. Hewitt, of the Chenoa coal shaft, for $10,000
damages for injuries in the shaft there last fall.

- John Moran of Fairbury, formerly of Colfax, has been appointed umpire for the
Inter-state baseball league, at $100 per month.

- Ray Blasdel, who was a sewing machine agent here seven years ago, is now a
lawyer in Pontiac and was defeated on the temperance ticket for city attorney.

-David Henline died at Lexington Saturday from the debility incident to old age,
he being 73 years old. He was born in Boone County, KY, March 16, 1822. Six
years later the family moved to Illinois and located in the northwest part of the
county. David and other of the sons when they were grown up entered land in
Lawndale township. He was married in 1855 to Cassandra Wiley. A year later a
child was born to them, and the child and mother both died. He then made his
home with his brother William, with whom he was closely associated the rest of
his life. They owned together 2500 acres of land under the name of “W.B & D.
Henline” and carried on a large business. They were seen almost always
together, and were always so spoken of. Their wealth was always at the disposal
of a friend or a poor man, and many such have reason to remember with
gratitude the gray-haired pioneer who has passed away. Twenty-five years ago
they lost heavily through endorsing for others, but the productive power of the
land they had left soon retrieved their fortunes. Four years ago he began to get
feeble, and he and his brother retired from active farming and moved to
Lexington. The funeral was conducted at Lawndale church Monday afternoon by
Rev. Dunlevy.

MAY 17, 1895

- Mrs. John Nickerson is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Barclay, of Missouri, and
Miss Hurtman, of Iroquois County.

- The will of David Henline has been probated and it is said that there will be
trouble over it. The will, made some years ago gives 160 acres of land to Delilah
Smith and daughter, but a codicil added later gives them 800 acres, and his
relatives expect to contest such a disposition of the property.

- Miss Gussie Guenerich, of Gibson, is the guest of Miss Nettie Stuckey.

- Dr. C.C. Evans is attending a meeting of the Illinois State Dental association at

- L.L. Willhoite, who has been confined to his home with rheumatism for some
weeks, is now able to be about.

- J.P. Swarthout, the new pitboss at the shaft, has received his household goods
and occupies a house in the Wood addition.

- Crawford & Meharry have bought from W.G. Anderson for $260 the lot west of
Wallace’s  barn, where they will build their new electric light plant.

- Mrs. P.J. Newell, of Princeton, who was a delegate to the Woman’s Auxiliary
which has just closed its session in Bloomington, is here for a short time with her
son H.H. Newell.

- The officers of the Rebecca Degree lodge are as follows: N.G., Mrs. Lizzie
Gilmore; V.G., Mrs. Sallie Henline; C.S., Jennie Thiss; P.S., Lottie Hamilton; T.,
Mrs. L.L. Willhoite; I.G., May Ward.

- James McNab, of Englewood, a former resident of Lawndale township, is
visiting friends and looking up his business interests in this vicinity.

- E.M. Stuckey spent Sunday with friends in Gibson. Emile may spend his
Sundays over there on general principles, but again maybe he does not.

- Smith Denman, of Nokomis, is visiting his sister Mrs. C.H. Benson. He has
been attending the encampment at Bloomington and representing his post at the

- D.A. Wood’s little daughter Mabel is recovering from the measles.

- John Clow has been sick with tonsillitis but is now much improved.

- Ival Bunn has been suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

- C.A. Mowry will open a restaurant, confectory and ice cream parlor in the
Powell building about the first of June. Billy Wilson will be manager, and as both
gentlemen are well known and Billy is a good restauranteur, they will doubtless

JUNE 7, 1895

- Rev. and Mrs. D.S. McCown will leave Monday for Onarga, where they will
attend the commencement exercises of the seminary. Their son Chester
graduates from that institution and will probably attend the Wesleyan at
Bloomington next year.

- John Swarthout, pit-boss at the mine, had a finger cut off yesterday. While
assisting some workmen to overturn a stone, he caught his hand between the
stone and a track rail, with the above mentioned result. A physician dressed the
wounded member, and Mr. Swarthout is again at work.

                               Not Train Robbers

- Yesterday evening the engineer of the east-bound freight was startled at Elder
Siding by a stop signal and the sudden appearance of a band of armed men. The
train was stopped and, much to the satisfaction of the crew, the only demand
made was passage to Colfax, for which they tendered the usual fare. On
investigation, the dangerous looking outfit proved to be a Sundayschool
excursion committee who were out advertising and had taken an arsenal along,
not to enforce their demands, but to amuse themselves.

                                Plenty of Suckers

- W.B. Henline, J.J. Henline, Ezra Henline, John D. Henline and family, all of
Colfax; Milton Henline and family of Towanda, and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Harris of
Belleflower, returned last night from a fishing expedition at Armington. The fish
were not caught in the plain old-fashioned way. There was no warning scream of
a woman who had caught her thumb on a minnow hook or accidentally
discovered a “bite,” for in fact they had a lead-pipe cinch on the game. The fish
were in a pond on the farm of Wm. Burt, a cousin of the Henline family, who
indulges in fish farming for a pastime. The pond was tapped, and the fish were
left in the bottom after the water had been drawn off. This was necessitated by
the cannibal fish nearly exterminating the choice breeds, and the pond will be
restocked from other ponds, with only the finer fish. Nearly a hundred of the
Henline generation were present, and over three hundred all told in the
gathering. Three hundred pounds of dressed fish were cooked for dinner, and
eighty persons were seated at one table. All present were highly pleased with
events of the day, and those who reside here, although a little fishy, long for a
recurrence of the day.

AUGUST 9, 1895

- Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. Dement, of Lexington, were in our city Wednesday.

- Allie Wood and family, of Leroy, are visiting relatives and friends here.

- Miss Edith McDaniel, of Normal, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.H. Gilmore.

- Mrs. Malloy, of Chicago, and Miss Mary Callahan, of Lexington, spent Sunday
at Ed Keefe’s.

- Wm. Harpole, of Chicago, spent Sunday and Monday here, looking up his
business and farming interests.

- Ellis Watson and E. Darling have been suffering from a serious attack of
stomach trouble, but are both much better.

- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nickerson and Miss Georgia Nickerson returned Monday
from a short visit with friends in Eureka.

OCTOBER 11, 1895

- The entire electric plant has been placed in position and will be ready for
operation as soon as the wiring can be finished and the lamps attached.

- Chas. Shultz is at home with his parents for a short time on account of
sickness. He will return to his studies at the Wesleyan as soon as his health will

- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henline, Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Wiley and Mr. and Mrs. H.L.
Willhoite attended the wedding of Miss Julia, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thos.
Wiley, at Gibson Wednesday evening. The groom is Frank Hurt, a prominent
young veterinary surgeon of Ford county.

- J.M. Davis, of Lawndale, is suffering from a severe wound in his right foot,
which is the result of handling the time-worn unloaded, non-explosive gun. It was
only a 22-caliber rifle, and though very painful the wound will not prove
dangerous. Handle with care, Jessie, you are no veteran, neither any rifle

- Basil Tuston has returned to his home in Pennsylvania after a year spent with
Wm. Thompson on the farm.

- Last Sunday Fred Joerger added to his family history by recording the birth of
twin boys, and now he is happy.

- H.L. Henline has been elected to succeed E.F. Mitchell as deputy grand master
of Martin lodge, I.O.O.F. His term of office is one year.

- Dick Williams returned from Big Muddy Tuesday evening with one hundred and
ten head of hogs, which he will feed for a spring market.

- John D. Henline has just purchased at chancery sale eighty acres of the
original Henline estate in section 29, The price paid was $86.50 per acre.

- Mrs. C.E. Darling has been seriously sick, but is now reported to be improving
very rapidly.

-Pierce Henline, who has spent the past six weeks with his brothers here,
returned yesterday to his home in Oklahoma.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: 1890 through 1891
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1896 through December 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader and Colfax Press: January 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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