January 1898 through December 1898

JANUARY 7, 1898

- Mrs. Jno. Dameron spent Saturday at Wing.

- J.A. Crawford is recovering from the chicken pox.

- John Paxton's little child is sick with lung fever.

- I.L. Moore, of Indianapolis, has been visiting L.S. Bradford's.

- Dr. H.W. Langstaff has been elected deputy of Martin Lodge, I.O.O.F.

- D.O. Caldwell and family, of Mahomet, have come to Colfax to make this their
future home. Mr. Caldwell is a baker by trade, having worked at the business for
fifteen years. He will conduct a bakery in Martin Meister's building. Mr. Caldwell
says Mr. Meister's oven is one of the best he ever saw, so we may expect it to
convert dollar wheat into delicately browned loaves that will be a treasure in
every household.

JANUARY 14, 1898

- Mrs. D.A. Clark is suffering with a throat trouble.

- Mrs. J.N. Gilmore went to Bloomington yesterday.

- Hugh Bunn was in Bloomington Tuesday on business.

- Frank Hanks and family visited Joe Hanks at Weston Sunday.

- W.T. Stevens has returned from Fairbury, where he has been at work several months.

- H.L. Henline went to Chicago Monday where he entered a medical school to fit
himself as an M.D.

- Mrs. Richard Crumbaker was called to Chicago Thursday night, where she
went to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. W.H. McLean, who is dangerously sick
with typhoid fever.

- R.E. Meharry and family went to Odell, Indiana, Monday to visit his parents.
They will return Saturday.

FEBRUARY 25, 1898

- Ike Wood, brother of Dan and Allie, has purchased property on the north side
and will move to Colfax.

- Mrs. John Shawl went to Chicago Saturday to visit her husband, who is
attending school.

- Mrs. John Cunningham, of Bloomington visited over Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Arnold.

- The death of Miss Lena Baum mentioned last week was expected, as she had
a most malignant attack of diphtheria.

- Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Eyeman, of Harristown, spent the most of the week visiting
friends and relatives in Colfax. They return home Wednesday.

- Miss Emma Grending returned from Chicago last week, where she has been
visiting for the past few months. She also spent a couple of weeks in Joliet.

- Ernest Wonderlin went to Morton Tuesday on business.

- Wm. Lain was in Bloomington Tuesday on business.

- Miss Baliss, who has been visiting at the home of George Taylor, returned to
her home in Waynesville Friday.

- Miss Benfield, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Lessa Hawthorne since
Christmas, returned to her home in Abingdon yesterday.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering, Sr., who have been living with their son Oscar the
past year, will return to their farm near Union this spring.

- A few young people had a surprise Tuesday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Arza
Hawthorne, who are to move in a few days to a farm north of Colfax.

- Mr. Avery, while hurrying to take the morning train to Bloomington Saturday,
slipped and fell, striking his head on some machinery that was on the sidewalk,
and was so badly hurt as to require the aid of a physician.

MARCH 4, 1898

- Mat McKeown's little child is much improved.

- Mrs. Ellen Benn, of Peoria, is visiting Ed Keefe's.

- J.T. Perkins went to Chicago on business Saturday.

- Robt. Henline is recovering from a very severe attack of grippe.

- A.F. Henderson is on the sick list, with the grippe for company.

- Miss Nellie Keefe went to Merna Monday to spend a few days.

- Mrs. Hall and family came home Saturday evening from Clark City.

- Miss Nannie Benson, of Gibson City, spent Sunday with her parents.

- Charles Hagar has moved to the farm lately vacated by Bogue Brown.

- R.E. Hatcher went to Chicago Tuesday to lay in a supply of spring goods.

- John Wood and Wm. Morgan returned from the southland Saturday evening
and report excellent hunting of ducks, geese and squirrel. They say that they
saw good land that could be bought for $2 per acre and that there was timber on
the land, more than enough to pay for it. All that part of the country needs is the
thrift of northern enterprise to develop this new land.

- Ed Mitchell is moving to the Charley Abbot farm, five miles northeast of
Lexington, and John Jordan to a farm a mile distant from him.

- L.T. Hicks and family moved from here to Pittsburgh, Penn. last week. Mr.
Hicks and his sons will work in the factories of that city.

- W.R. Sutton, who spent the winter with his parents at Emporia, Kan. has
returned and will work for A.G. Leaf.

- Miss Hattie Conger, of Gibson City, came last week to spend the summer at Fred Moore's.

- Dr. J.M. Anderson, of Saybrook, spent Wednesday evening at his old home.

- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Owen Friday evening, a girl.

- Samuel Stauffer was in Bloomington Thursday.

MARCH 11, 1898

- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harve Abbott Wednesday, a girl.

- Miss Nellie Keefe returned home from Merna Wednesday.

- J.C. Johnson and wife went to Chicago Tuesday to spend a few days.

- Jim Wood sold to Phil Fulton a lot between Jim's house and Crickenberger's for $400.

- Clyde Kilgore visited his grandmother in Bloomington Saturday and attended the dog show.

- Alfred Taylor moved into the property vacated by Byron Warrick, on Cooper Street, this week.

- D.A. Wood will celebrate St. Patrick's birthday and his own with a dance in the
opera house Thursday night.
                                            GRANDMA'S PARTY

About sixty of the friends and neighbors gave a party to Grandma Penfield last
night in honor of her 82nd birthday and also of Nate Rickets, who was 51 on the
same day. Few attain to the age of Grandma, and but few are better loved by all.
A happy social time was spent, and none enjoyed it more than Grandma.

MARCH 25, 1898

- Ike Wood is building a barn on the property he lately purchased and occupied.

APRIL 22, 1898


- Mrs. Belle Warner has the mumps.

- Mrs. W.C. Knight visited her mother in Lexington Sunday.

- Mrs. Clara Spangler visited Mrs. Emma Wilson in Colfax Saturday.

- Effie Hawthorne and Maude Darr attended the final examination at Bloomington.

- Mike Dean has moved his headquarters for the year, and is now ready for farming.

- Miss Vena Henline is spending a week in Bloomington visiting her aunt, Mrs. H.W. Vincent.

- Seth Henline received a message stating his brother-in-law, Dr. H.L. Harris, of
Belleflower, was very sick.

- John Farner, who has been quite sick with the mumps for the last two weeks, is recovering.

JUNE 10, 1898

- John Kilgore walks with a halt, having run a nail into his knee.

- Mrs. Z. Taylor and daughter Kate, started Wednesday morning to Salem,
where her father, John Cunningham, is in very bad health. Mrs. Cunningham is
also getting feeble and has partially lost her hearing. The old people are about
eighty, and are well known and highly esteemed by many Colfax people.

- Miss Ivy Gladys Loar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Loar, who has been
teaching in Utah for the past six years, was married Wednesday, June 8th, at 12
o'clock in the First Congregational church at Salt Lake City, to Elmer Ellsworth
Corfman, a lawyer of Provo City. They will be at home after June 22 at Provo
City, Utah.

-James Wilkinson went to Kankakee Wednesday, where he will visit for a few days.

- J.E. Walden, formerly of Colfax, has bought a livery barn in Gibson.

- W.A. Conklin went to Bloomington Wednesday on business.


- Mrs. Amos Wood has built a new stile in front of her house on Center street. It
is an exact counterpart of the old one, which was built with the house eighteen
years ago and was one of the first structures in Colfax. It looks as if it had
moulted its weather worn coat and a duplicate of bright yellow pine had grown
up underneath it.

JUNE 24, 1898

- R.E. Hatcher went to Omaha yesterday on business and to see the exposition.
He will be gone three or four days. His son Bobbie went as far as Chariton, Ia.,
where he will stop with his grandparents.

- The 12-year-old son of Mrs. W.R. Hemphill had trouble with his team while
driving home Friday and got mixed up with a big oil can, the spout of which made
a deep cut in his leg. The wound was sewed up and he is recovering.

- H.B. Downey left yesterday morning for Effingham to join the 4th Illinois Infantry
as a recruit. He goes in the same company as his brother Wes, now located at
Jacksonville, Fla. John Ransom was second lieutenant of the company when it
was in the militia. It was organized at Newton.

- Pearly Henline and Lelia Crouch celebrated their birthdays Wednesday
afternoon with a party at O.E. Crouch's. Pearly was nine years old on Tuesday
and Lelia ten on Thursday, so they chose the average date. Twenty-two of their
young friends were present and enjoyed many amusements and a liberal supply
of ice cream and cake.

- W.O. Darnell, who is said to be the first white child born in Indian Grove
township, died Tuesday at his residence south of Fairbury, at the age of 60.


- John Cunningham died Wednesday at Salem. He was 82 years old and had
served in the state senate in 1874 and been postmaster of Salem under
President Harrison.

JULY 1, 1898

- The decision of the circuit court on the Henline will case, setting aside the
codicil, has been affirmed by the supreme court, and the relatives are
proceeding to partition the estate.

JULY 8, 1898

- Ollie and Harvey Stuckey returned Tuesday night from two weeks visit in Danvers.

- Little Pearly Henline is very sick.

- W.B. Henline is dangerously sick.

- James Gaddis and wife made up their minds that because there was no
celebration close to their home that was no sign but what they could have one at
their home. So acting on the impulse they proceeded to work on the program,
which in point of fun was never beaten. The heaviest acting of any of the scenes
was along about midday, and in this performance each actor proved a
professional. The company was composed of Mr. and Mrs. George Hester and
daughter Kate, Mr. Nelson, Mrs. White, A.A. Chapman and family, Miss Hattie
Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gaddis and family, Preston Huffman and family, Mrs.
Mattie Wilson, Frank Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Gaddis are
royal entertainers.

-Miss Maggie Wren, of Bloomington, spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Conger.

- George Nesselrode and family visited relatives in Saybrook the first of the week.

- Jerome Baum and family spent several days recently visiting relatives at Leroy.

- Misses Ethel and Blanche Conger are in Anchor visiting their sister, Mrs. N.H. Watson.

- Miss Goldie Fossett stepped on a nail Monday and it went entirely through her foot.

- Frank Beach moved his household goods to Tremont Saturday, where he will
open a lunch counter.

- Miss Anna Doane, of Arrowsmith, spent a few days recently visiting at the
home of Eber McMackin.

- Miss Lou Alexander, of Chicago, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Hettie
Mahon, went away Monday.

- Prof. Easley has moved his household goods to this place and expects to bring
his family here to live next month.

- Mrs. Arnold and son, Thomas Arnold, went to Virginia Tuesday to spend about
three weeks with relatives.

JULY 15, 1898

- Miss Pearly Henline is much improved.

- W.B. Henline is some better.

JULY 29, 1898

- Richard Williams and daughter Alta visited relatives in Colfax for three days this week.

- Miss Georgie Nickerson went with her aunt, Mrs. Horine, on her return to
Eureka Wednesday.

- Mr. True and wife, who have been visiting his brother, William, returned to St.
Louis Saturday.

- Mrs. Frank Hastings and Mrs. John Golden, of Cooksville, were guests of F.M.
Anderson's Wednesday.

- Miss Belle Douglass and brother Oran, of Lexington, came Monday to spend
the week at Frank Hanks.

- Mrs. J.W. Garner, Mrs. Henry Sticklen's mother, returned to her home in
Frederictown, Mo., Tuesday.

- John Loar has improved enough to be able to ride out some. As soon as he is
able he expects to visit friends in Colfax.

- T.B. Kilgore sold five horses to a Bloomington firm for $550. This makes a very
round price for that many at once.

- F.M. Anderson and daughters, Edith and Mrs. Cotton, and Mrs. W.D. Hawk
were guests of Dr. Anderson, of Saybrook, Monday.

- J.W. Labertew was made a corporal of the U.S. signal corps, and it appears
from the papers that his company sailed for Puerto Rico Wednesday.

                                THE SPELL BROKEN

-  Colfax had a lawsuit in the justice court Tuesday for the first time in about one
year. It seems that Harve Gentry claims that he had leased a stove to Joe
Stuckey for $6.00 and that being the case he had a right to go and get it, which
he did Saturday night. Mr. Stuckey claimed he had bought the stove and brought
suit against Gentry for damage. J.C. Gordon was the attorney for the plaintiff and
T.E. Lincoln for the defendant.
    After a very stormy suit which for a time looked as though a pitched battle was
about to be enacted between the attorneys, the jury found a verdict for the
plaintiff, placing the damage at $10 and costs.

AUGUST 12, 1898


- The father of Ezra and John T. Henline died at Reading, Kan., after an illness
lasting all summer. The burial was at 2 o'clock yesterday and the boys started to
go there, but on reaching Lexington found they could not make connections as
expected, and turned back. Mr. Henline was born in Kentucky. He left this
vicinity about twenty-five years ago and was back four years ago on a visit.
Besides the children mentioned he leaves Mrs. Curtis Batterton, also of this
place, and Marion, America, Mary, Cynthia, and Linda all in the west. Two,
Boone and Merida, are dead. The mother of the family died in Kansas about five
years ago. He also leaves two brothers here, Jack and Calvin, and a sister in
Independence, Kan.

AUGUST 19, 1898

- Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Gaddis, last Thursday, a girl.

AUGUST 26, 1898

- Miss Carrie Hainline, of Bloomington, our assistant principal, was in town
Friday looking up the work for the coming term.



- W.B. Henline died at his home in Lawndale Thursday, Sept. 1, and was buried
Saturday at Evergreen. The funeral was conducted by Rev. P. Baker. The
pallbearers were Samuel Weeks, W.A. Robertson, G.S. Scriven, L.R. Wiley,
Geo. Lowman, Martin Lowman, A.J. Moon and Mike Dean. The church was
crowded, yet most of those who came were unable to gain admittance. The
entire community seemed with one accord to pay honor to the memory of one
whose name will always be linked with its early history. Mr. Henline was born in
Boone county, Ky., Dec. 30, 1823. Five years later the family moved to McLean
County and were about the first settlers in Lawndale township. The Indians were
the playmates of the young Henlines, and though the savages were regarded
with suspicion no trouble ever occurred. On a visit back to Kentucky the mother
of the family packed some small trees in a stocking and planted them on their
new claim, which bear fruit to this day for the later generation. In 1858 Mr.
Henline was married to Miss Jane Wright. To them were born three children of
whom one, John D., is living. The mother died in 1861 and five years later Mr.
Henline married Miss Jane Moon whom also he survived. Early in life he became
associated in business with his brother David, who died three years ago. The
two brothers held all things in common and were almost constantly together.
They were free-hearted and obliging, and scores remember them as friends in
need. They carried on large operations in farming and cattle feeding. Through
hard times and unfortunate endorsements they became deeply involved during
the early 70's, but they pulled through the depression and again became
wealthy. Mr. Henline is the last of these two noted figures in Lawndale and will
be greatly missed.

SEPTEMBER 16, 1898

- Miss Jessie Loar commenced her second year's work as teacher in the
Fairview school. The directors voluntarily increased her salary as they said she
was their first teacher that everybody desired them to re-employ.

- The new German Lutheran church in Lawndale is nearing completion and it is
expected that  the dedication ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 1. A
250-poound bell has been received and will be placed in the cupola.

- Joe Collings' two-year-old boy wandered into a corn field Tuesday in company
with a small dog. His disappearance created much alarm, and for two hours all the
women and some of the men of the  southwest side were searching for him.

- As usual many outside pupils are seeking the advantages of the Colfax school,
especially in the high school department. Those from other districts already
enrolled are Clyde Arnold, Candace Dameron, Effie Hawthorne, China and
Willie Henline and John Lyons.

- Miss Myra Crum went to Bloomington Tuesday. She goes to school at the
Wesleyan again.

- A.D. Holden, of Pontiac, teaches the Kuutz school in Fayette, and boards in

- Miss Belle Hyde visited at home over Sunday. Her brother Will C. took her
back to Saunemin Sunday evening.

- Prof. Bess, of Towanda, moved here last week and commenced school
Monday. He lives in the Barnes house.

- Dan Humphrey went to Chicago Monday with a car of hogs. He is feeding three
hundred head more at home.

- Mrs. Dr. Hayward and daughter Louise went to Bloomington Saturday. Louise
goes to school again this year.

- E.W., Crum bought the old Pratt Bros. store and has moved it east of his
blacksmith shop for an implement building. It will make a fine one.

- Mrs. John Heins is visiting in Minnesota.

- W.C. Knight is the owner of a fine new carriage.

- Miss Dolly Murphy is staying with Mrs. McConnel, of Lexington.

- Miss Nellie Sweet is entertaining two young lady friends from Indiana.

- The new bridge just north of E.S. Corpe's is completed and the grading is

- The farm now occupied by Daniel Shine has been sold, but the buyer's name is
not known.

SEPTEMBER 23, 1898

- Hiram Henline's little daughter, Lottie has been quite sick with cholera

- Ora Barnhart and wife, of El Paso are visiting their uncle, P.B. Brown.

- John Sawyer, of Gibson, visited from Saturday to Tuesday with his cousin,
Lannie Moore.

- Mrs. Thomas Weeks stopped at Streator on her way from Chicago, and is
expected home today.

- W.A. Ray was in the south part of the state the first of the week looking at land.
Mr. Ray is thinking of purchasing a farm.

- Dr. Simkins, who lately removed to Chicago, was married recently to Miss Lula
Wilmer, who was book-keeper in a hardware store in the city.

- Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Brown have been entertaining his brother, J.M. Brown, of
Herscher, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, of Normal.

- The decision in the David Henline will case has been affirmed by the supreme
court. Under the decision the codicil is broken and the relatives get most of the

OCTOBER 4, 1898

- Mrs. Cox is recovering from her accident last week.

- J.M. Horine, of Eureka, is visiting his son, Dr. Horine.

- John Hawthorne is seriously sick with an old trouble.

- D.A. Clark visited his parents at Chatsworth Wednesday.

- J.W. Forrester has purchased property on east Fifer street.

- Born, on Friday, Oct. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour, a girl.

- Emile Palm was shaking hands with old friends in Colfax Tuesday.

- Jas. E. and E.E. Wood were in Normal on business Tuesday.

- J.W. Labertew has returned from Puerto Rico and was in Colfax Saturday. The
townspeople listened eagerly as long as he would talk about the army service
and our new territory.

- Mrs. John Paxton and Mrs. S.E. Cline will start next Tuesday on a two week's
visit at Pipestone, Minn., and Valley Springs, S.D.

- J.J. Henline is very sick with asthma and congestion of the liver.

- Miss Emma Ford is some better but is scarcely able to be in school.

- Alex Hensley, of Lawndale township, visited his sick mother, Mrs. Thomas

- Craig Foster has returned from his itinerary, and think Cooksville a good place
after all to live in.

- Mrs. J.E. Hawthorne has gone to visit her people at Abingdon and will be gone
about two weeks.

- Miss Retta Scott will not return before holidays, but will remain with her sister,
Mrs. Bird in Colorado.

- Richard Ward and wife, of Colfax, attended the reception in honor of Rev. and
Mrs. Andrewartha Tuesday evening.

- Jerome Baum fell off his new barn Wednesday afternoon. Though severely
shaken up he was not seriously injured.

- Miss Winnie Swinehart returned Friday from Allentown, where she had been to
attend the wedding of an old school friend.

- Shelton Powell and wife, Mrs. Didama Williams and Mrs. Ellis Watson, all of
Colfax, visited at W.L. Smith's last week.

NOVEMBER 11, 1898

- Ike Wood's little son Amos is quite sick with peritonitis.

- H. Hoag and wife, of Selma, visited at F.W. Hanks' Sunday.

- C.C. Marquis, of Bloomington was a guest of A. Harpole Saturday.

- J.N. Kilgore returned from Oklahoma Tuesday in time to vote.

- Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Benson, of Mahomet, visited friends in Coflax Saturday.

- Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Newell, of Bloomington, visited friends in Colfax Saturday.

- Miss Mary Beckwith left Monday for Valparaiso, Ind., where she will attend

- Mrs. Ruth Bunn, of Melvin, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Dr. Horine and Mrs.
Henry Willhoite.

- H.B. Downey is back from the army on a furlough. He has been in the hospital
and is not yet well.

- Mrs. D.A. Clark struck a lounge with her knee several days ago and is still
suffering from the effects of the injury.

- Mrs. Adolf Kaereher and Miss Fannie Goudy, of Bloomington, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Goudy.

- Mrs. M.J. Ward of Fairbury, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Emma Humphrey.

- Tom Logan's little boy is sick with inflammation of the stomach.

- J.T. Henline's little boy is seriously sick with lung trouble.

- Tom Blair's little girl is quite sick with lung trouble.

- Bert Hensley is suffering from a very sore hand.

- W.W. Harris' son Harold is severely sick.

- Bert Hoover's little girl is sick.

NOVEMBER 18, 1898

- Seth Henline will go to Bloomington Monday to serve as juror from Lawndale

DECEMBER 23, 1898

- Mrs. T.E. Davison will go to Kankakee tomorrow to spend Christmas week. Her
sister, Miss Anna Colman, will accompany her and will not return.

- Harvey Henline is expected home tomorrow on his vacation from school. His
sister-in-law, Mrs. S.C. Walker, will come with him.

- W.W. Sharples went to Missouri Tuesday, accompanied by Richard Behrends
and half a dozen land seekers from Fairbury.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Thiss have been visiting in Paxton and were accompanied
home by their daughter, Mrs. Jennie Chapman.

- Mrs. E.S. Corpe has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Wagner, at Mr.
Morris, and will remain during the holidays.

- Mrs. Jennie Travis, of Belle Prairie, visited last week with Mrs. Loar and other
friends in Colfax.

- Miss Anna Vetter, who went to Bethany, Ill., to take treatment for her eyes, is
getting much better.

- Miss Mary Mitchell has gone to Chicago to visit Dr. and Mrs. A.B. Simkins and
other friends.

- W.H. Darnell has sold his interest in the livery stable to W.W. Sharples, who is
now sole proprietor.

- William Gaddis and family returned from Tremont Monday, and Frank Harris
and A.M. Hicks Saturday.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: 1890 through 1891
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1896 through December 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader and Colfax Press: January 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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