Generation X - Ft. Lauderdale

What Is Our Purpose?

The purpose of Generation X is to provide a setting for gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals between 20 and 39 to discuss contemporary issues in a group format and in a facilitative environment. Discussions vary from "fun" topics such as dating issues and romance to serious issues that members of the gay/lesbian/bisexual community face. The group also provides participants a way of interacting in a social setting through dinner after the meetings and at special activities.

When Do We Meet and What Have We Done?

Generation X meets every Monday from 7:00-8:30 P.M. After the meeting a location is selected for dinner where many participants go and have a chance to talk socially. We have held a group Holiday Party and are planning more within the coming months. Furthermore, many small groups have often formed and done activities such as movies, dancing, etc.

Upcoming Dinner Locations:       Upcoming Events:
06/15 Floridian 06/14 - Sun. Pride Picnic at TY Park
06/22 Sukhothai 06/20 - Sat. Pride Parade/Rally--Bubier Park
06/29 Jalisco's 06/26 - Fri. Bachelor(ette) Auction at The Saint
07/06 Peter Pan Diner Tuesdays GaySkate at Gold Coast Skate
07/13 Tokyo Bowl
07/20 Stork's

What Topics Have We Discussed?

We've covered a lot of ground in two years, including dating, homophobia, relationships, bars/clubs, politics, religion, coming out, bisexuality, self esteem, and monogamy. We've also had a guest speaker from Center One give a safer sex workshop and a representative of the leather community explain that lifestyle, among others.

What Is Our Meeting Format?

The group usually starts off with some announcements of general interest to gay young adults in the area, then continues with introductions (first names only) around the room. Each week a guest moderator, from within the group, leads a discussion on a topic. Occasionally we will break up into smaller subgroups for more detailed discussions, and once in a while a guest speaker, from outside the group, gives a presentation.

How Can You Contact Us?

We welcome feedback on our group from all local gay young adults. There are several ways you may leave a message for us. We now have an on-line Answering Machine where you may leave a private message that only the webpage editor will see. Want everyone else to see it? In that case write in our Guest Book and look at what others have said too. Finally, for a confidential e-mail response, and if you would like to get more information about the group, please contact the Gay & Lesbian Community Center at

What Other Resources Are There?

Generation X is one of many groups offered by the thriving Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Greater Fort Lauderdale (GLCC). Other groups there include a Youth Group (primarily teens, for those who are younger than our age range), and an Alternative Group (ages 35 to 50, for those who are older than our age range or who identify with those who are). There is also a Coming Out Group, Bisexual Group, and Married Men's Group.

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Last updated June 18, 1998.

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