GH's Favorite Links

1. I grew up in the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts. I read my hometown paper regularly. To find out what's going on in the lush Berkshire Hills, or in Massachusetts in general, just click here, on
The Eagle

2. Here we come to Doctor Psycho, master of many arcane arts. You may access his site easily; it's called, der-Werehaus.

3. Want to visit the most extensive Spinal Tap Site on the web? Just click here.

4. Take a trip to the Official Frank Zappa Website, where you can order music and even email his kids. Includes photos of Frank's heirs, as well; Diva, the youngest, has Frank's nose, but she is remarkably attractive. Hmmmm. Maintained by the Zappa Family Trust, the site is quite extensive. Just click on
Utility Muffin Kitchen.

5. Laziness is my religion. Visit a page of aphorisms against work and heralding the virtues of

6.Visit the website of a grassroots art movement in my home town of Pittsfield, MA. Click on Storefront Artist's Project. The Project is spearheaded by Maggie Mailer, herself a gifted painter and daughter of Norman Mailer.

7.My favorite online magazine, Progressive, hardhitting, and quite hip, Salon is for the well-informed; articles on music, sports, politics, and the arts, will keep you coming back. You may have to watch a brief ad to gain access to the site or to one of the articles. (Either that or buy a premium membership.) A session cookie will remain on your computer for part of a day so you can visit Salon, leave, and return.

8.Anyone who really knows me knows I'm a Led Zeppelin head. If you'd like to read about the band,click, here. on their page at the free, online Wikipedia. Contains history, discography and more..

9. Wanna listen to a great college radio station. Eclectic, commercial free, WERS in Boston at Emerson College will keep you entertained. Just click here.and choose streaming to hear ERS live on the web.

**Have any thoughts on my site? Please put the words "website review" in the subject line. Ghentry Hunter's Mailbox