BONJOUR MES AMIS (GOOD DAY MY FRIENDS) Hi, you can call me Giggles, that is what all my friends on the chat lines call me. I will make this short and sweet(Yeah, right) and tell you a little about myself. I was born, raised, and live in Southern Louisiana. Mais cher, that's right I am pure cajun and yes, I do have that heavy cajun accent......hehehe. I love to do all that cajun stuff, like fishing, trawling(but not peeling and cleaning the shrimp...yuck), paddling in a pirogue, going to boucheries, fishing crabs on the beach (don't put your mind in the gutter now, i only catch the crabs you eat) playing cards, like bourre and pedro, mardi gras time, and of course cooking cajun food. I have one pointer here for women, if you want to steal a mans heart, learn how to cook like a cajun woman. The only bad thing about that is eventually your man will get fat, but that is the cajun joy, eat and be merry, if it dont kill him first. I love to chat, but have you ever seen a cajun coonass that doesn't blabber away.....hehehe (~_~) Well that is enough about me for right now, cause it is time to give you a few of my favorite links. Oh, and dont forget to come back, I will be adding lots more links soon.

My Favorite Links

cajun recipes: bon appetit
listen to live band concerts: this is where i kick off my shoes and boogie
Lafourche Parish : my homeland
Newspaper: this is our daily newspaper
powwow chat line: this is my favorite hang out
icq chat line: this is so awesome, i can tell who is online
Bingo: why not its free and u actually win real money
Play cards and games : now this is cool ,I play spades and hearts and chat at the same time
Crafts for Kids: good craft ideas to keep the kids busy in the summer
Jelly Belly online: they give away 500 free samples of Jellybeans everyday......yummy
Local Weather Forcast: you can find out what the weather will be like in your area
Sports Illustrated for Kids: My boys love this-hey one day your child might be on it(a mothers dream)
Powerball: Don't forget me if you win......hehehe
New Orleans Audubon Zoo: Printable discount tickets for zoo and Aquarium of Americas
Superdome in New Orleans: find out upcoming events at the Superdome
Cajun Brew HomePage/Recipes: This man is very proud of his heritage, so am I
Jeff_Cindy's Place: They are one of my best friends
The Cajun Porch: This is my newest homepage, go check it out

AU REVOIR MES AMIS(good bye my friends)

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