
The lights dimmed over the city of Cleveland. The whole world was asleep, it seemed, as even the waves of Lake Erie softened into a gentle slumber. The roars echoing from the Cleveland Municipal Stadium had long since ceased, and lingered only as spectres in the darkness. Rising above the city, the 52-sotry Terminal Tower loomed, but not even it could predict the strange happenings that were occurring, even at this very moment, as the city of Cleveland slept.

An unusual stillness had settled upon Cleveland. A strange, green light appeared over a section of the city and vanished into the mist. An eerie glow had remained where the light had been. Underneath this unearthly glow lay the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Hidden in the dark lay the treasures of the history of Rock and Roll. Hours earlier, the building had been filled with people of as diverse origins as the music they loved. Now, as the rest of the city, the same stillness had settled in. Over the exhibits that filled this shrine to music, a soft flow could be seen through the cracks and key hole of a door in a far corner. Suddenly, this soft glow grew intense as rays of light streamed out into the darkness beyond the door, accompanied by an earthly shaking. The door shook as if a ferocious beast pressed upon it, wishing to escape. Then, as suddenly as it occurred, the tremors ceased and the light dissipated into the darkness. The city of Cleveland was allowed to return to its deep slumber under the moonlight...