March 11, 1999

This might be my last time updating for this week...but naybe Saturday I'll have time, cuz I'm not sure what's goin' on for that night yet.  I don't have time to update rambles today either, sorry.

Guess what????  I GOT A JOB!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!   *rejoyces* I'm going to train at Honeydew (a donut shop) on Moonday and Tuesday, and start work on Wednezday.  That means that I probably won't be able to update on any of those 3 days....but after that, I most likely be able to update daily again, except for on Wednezdays, because I'll be working 4-10. 


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March 10, 1999

I have SOOO much work to do tonight, it's scary.   I have to make a notebook collage for driver's ed, go to the library to get books on my term paper on "Roe vs Wade", buy lamanating paper for the collage, read a 30 page chapter of "Roosevelt" for US history honours, start my family tree project for health class, finish my collage for Child Development & Psychology class, write 10 questions for 2 teen mothers that are coming into that class tomorrow, study for a test on driving a #$*%+@ stickshift, finish a bunch of questions for driver's ed, do chapter 3 of Drive Right book, finish the ditto on car parts, catch up with my online stuff, do some kickboxing, take a shower, breathe, and then go to bed.  And you guys think I have time to update the rambles today?  huHU!  Lo siento mucho...I PROMISE to *try* to do it asap, ok?  I even have an idea for an additional page.   The rest of my week is going to be VERY busy also, and I'm not going to have time to update on Friday because I'm going to MA for the night...and Saturday I won't be home till late.  So we'll see what happens...I get out of driver's ed early tomorrow, naybe I'll use that time to update a bit.  ;)


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March 9, 1999

I'm stiiiiiiill tiiiiiiiiiiiired.  I PROMISE to update the Rambles page tomorrow, and if I don't you are allowed to hunt me down and seriously injure me, alright?   Alright. 

I have state testing aaaaaaaaaaall week.  That means only 5 classes a day, each one no shorter than 70 minutes.   ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!  That takes sooooooooo much out of me, you don't even know.  The good thing is, I have virtually no homework.  The bad thing is, my classes are 70 FREAKING MINUTES!!!!!! 

I have this really weird talent; actually, I have a few.  But this one is especially significant.  I have this internal jukebox type thing.  Like, I can hear a song I haven't heard in YEARS, and subconsciously remember all the words.  I know that a lot of people can do this with songs that were important to them or something, but I can do this with songs I didn't even know that I knew.  Also, songs I haven't heard in YEARS will just randomly pop into my odd is that?  Told ya I was a freak.


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March 8, 1999

I am sooooooooooooooo tired!  I plan to go to bed as soon as I upload this.  Driver's ed is SO boring, and makes me wicked sleepy. 

There are some real losers that know my pager number.  I've gotten about 5 or more pages today from a few different numbers.  Of course, I called back, because I thought it was possible that it was someone I was aquainted with or something...but every number I called said "No one here paged you".   GRRR!!!  As if I wasn't tired and cranky enough, these dumbasses have to screw with my mind.  It was probably one of my friends being stupid or something, but what a pain in the cou.  I'm NOT in the mood for this. 


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March 7, 1999

You guys, PLEASE sign my book and/or email me about the new layout!  I need to know what you you like the frames?  Do you hate them?  Come on, I know *someone* is reading this.  Ok, enough of that for now.

Tonight I get to go out to dinner with my wacked out family, again.  Fun fun fun.  Someone please, kill me right now. Please?

These Behind the Music's are SO sad!  I'm over here bawling because of this Lynard Skynard one, and I've seen it like, 3 times already.  What the hell is wrong with me?! I cry over everything, though.


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March 6, 1999

I've finally done it...the main page is now something I can be proud of! PLEASE let me know what you think of it, ok? I really need to know so that I can fix it up and such! It's a pretty rough job, to redo everything...but I think I have done a decent job, considering it only took a little over an hour to do. I'm going to get rid of all the image maps I made asap, and fix every page nice-nice. I can't wait!

I tried to update my rambles today, but (*&^@#$*&# netscape keeps crashing, so I didn't get a chance to....and right now I gotta go call my friend, cuz I told her I would get offling so that she could call...and that was a good hour ago, at the least. <P>

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March 5, 1999

I'm probably going to have a new ramble up tomorrow about why my parents suck, because there are oh so many reasons, and they just cannot be contained any longer.

I was reading the Caffeine homepage yesterday, as usual, and saw a quote of mine cool is that?!? Ok, just felt I had to share, because that was extremely cool.

I'm SO glad my parents don't believe in grounding. Grounding is retarded. All that gets accomplished is that you get pissed off at your parents for making you stay in, and then they get pissed off at you for being miserable. How in the hell is this considered to be effective discipline??? In my Child Development & Psychology class, we just finished a unit on discipline, so I know a thing or two about it. First of all, you are supposed to punish your child in a way that relates to what they did wrong. I'm sorry, but I do not know how in the *hell* refusing to take a low paying piece of cacosh job relates to being cut off from civilazation. Don't mind me, I'm just a bit pissed about a particular grounding that recently happened to one of my friends.

Check out the quote's one of my favourites.


"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world."
-Max Ehrmann

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March 4, 1999

Once again, I had the wrong date up yesterday...whoops. For some odd reason, I'm watching Charles Manson on tv right now. He scares the hell out of me. I once tried to read "Helter Skelter"; I opened it up to the first page, and read the introduction, which reads "The book you are about to read will scare the hell out of you." The intro scared me $hitless, and I threw the book into a corner in my basement and never saw it again.

I have SOOOO much homework, so I gotta cut this short...descoupagh, however you spell that.

"Don't pretend that you know me, 'cause I don't even know myself."
  -Pete Townshend

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March 3, 1999

I FINALLY got into a driver's training class! Thank you Buddha! The guy says that I'll have my learner's permit by the end of the month [rejoyeces]. I'm about to go upstairs to watch Monica...just to see what she says. Right now I'm watching the Brady Bunch, which is also good. Lalala, I have nothing to say. Ok, I got something. Why do people try to fight it when they like someone? It's not like you can chose who you's just this unexplainable force of attracation to makes you fall for someone, and there's nothing you can do about it. Fighting it only makes it me on that one.

"Sometimes you have to grow apart to grow together."

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March 2, 1999

I'm hoping to re-do my main page this weekend, so be on the lookout.

Some people are so dumb. What is wrong with having online friends?? I'm actually more trusting of people online than I am of people in my life. I'm a hard person to really get to know, IRL. I'm similar online, but more willing to talk about some things that just can't be discussed with my RL friends. I hate it when my mum or someone says things like "people online aren't what they seem". Like you morons
even know how to turn on a computer, much less go online. They've just seen a few too many eppys of Dateline (if there is such a thing). I've met 2 people from online so far, and both were really nice. We're going to a concert in a few weeks, actually. People who get tricked into some sort of dangerous relationship online are just plain stupid...these are the people that do stupid things IRL as well. I have strong instincts, and I trust them when I'm judging a person's character...that applies to online friends, too.

/me waves to Christine, Janine, Matt, Sara, Jamie, Kit, Sunny, Emily, Ratty, Kelly, and all the rest of my online buddies...


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March 1, 1999

Happy birthday to Roger Daltrey, my god of fringe forever and ever. ;)

I think I have some sort of genetic disorder...I cannot burp. I'm seroius. Like, everyone else in the world can just sit there and burp without giving it a second thought. I'm not one of them. I can't do it even if I try...I don't know what's wrong with me. I also cannot blow my nose, or dance, or draw. I don't know what it is, but I can't. Not drawing is annoying sometimes, but I'll live. Not blowing my nose can be annoying, but it doesn't really bug me too much. The worst one is not being able to means that I have to sit in the same chair for countless hours at whatever party or whatnot that I go to, while everyone else is having a great time dancing. It's really upsetting sometimes, but what can ya do...I guess I'm just not destined to go to my semi-formals or proms.


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February 28, 1999

Updates: I added a new ramble, and that's about it.<P>

As if I didn't dislike Sundays already, today it had to rain...can we say death? To make things worse, mum decides we need to go shopping today. I cannot STAND to go shopping with her! She has the worst taste EVER. But I did need to get a new outfit to wear to my friend's sweet 16, so shopping it was. I really really don't like those half shirts. You know the ones I mean...they weren't finished being made or something in the sleeve area. That is ALL they have! What the hell?!?! I actually had to get one, because
they weren't selling any regular shirts. Grrr. I also had to get a skirt...that should scare everyone. My legs are so sickening. Shigarasa.

My mother is really stupid. She refuses to let me work on the weekdays...yet she expects me to get a job! ARGH!!! I just want to punch her stupidarse face in. I HATE not having any money! Stupid bitch. I finally convinced her to let me work after school 1 or 2 days a week, and on weekends. Hopefully I get this job...cross your fingers.


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