A Glory B's Smile~O~Gram!



Lost a lighter, wallet, keys,

Lose my glasses, CONSTANTLY!

Lost an umbrella and got wet,

Lost at bingo, lost a bet.

Lost a pencil, sock and glove.

Lost at cards, Lost in love.

Lost my voice, couldn't sing,

Lost a cuff link and ear ring.

Made a call, Lost the dime!

Get lost in thought all the time!

Lost a ring, a pen and hat,

Lost the dog AND the cat!

    Lost my appetite, lost some weight.

Lost track of time, Made me late!

Lose my way from time to time,

Once I thought I lost my mind!

Lost my innocence and virginity,

But NEVER lost my dignity!

Whenever I lose something,

I search in every cranny and nook

And it never fails that I find it

In the very last place I look.

The frustration I feel when searching

Really couldn't get much worse.

It's then I swear that next time,

I'll look

BY:Gloria Dianne

A Gloria Dianne Original© can also be seen at
Glory B's Poetry Corner

glory b's poetrycorner

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