Why the Wimple?

What exactly is a wimple? It is a fold or a ripple, and I chose the term to attempt to clarify a phenomena known as entanglement. Here in the MoQ wimple model, wimpling is represented by the color yellow, both inside and outside the model.

What entanglement seems to be is a manifestation of non-time. It appears that we are unable to perceive this phenomena, and so we as humans seem to find a great deal of problems trying to form agreements with it. Albert Einstein refused to believe in it. He called it 'spooky'. Recent experiments have confirmed that this is indeed the way the universe operates.

An experiment in quantum teleportation seems to confirm a bizarre shifting of physical characteristics between photons, no matter how far away they are. When particles are entangled, they have 'opposite luck'. Whatever happens to one is the opposite of what happens to the other. In particular, their polarities are opposite of each other. Therefore, we will attempt to add polarity to our MoQ wimple model.


Here we have added polarity to the non-time existing in universe, which we know exists because of our experiments, but we have no direct way of perceiving. We will therefore put that polarity outside of our awareness and yet signify that we acknowledge it by attributing a plus-ness and a minus-ness to its value-lessness.

We now have a way to visualize the way entanglement works. To do this properly however, we must imagine that the outside of the model extends beyond this webpage, into your room and out into the rest of the universe in its entirety. Our MoQ wimple model IS reality. And everything outside of the model is outside of reality yet permeates it. Entanglement permeates all of reality (our model) and all of non-reality as well.

Entanglement seems to be the 'forever' of our universe...the underlying structure present before the 'big bang' created the universe some 20 billion years ago.

Wimple pages

Back to Start page:
Putting MoQ to Geometry:
What is Precession?:
A Mystic Reality:
Using the MoQ Wimple Model Empirically: