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Super DBZ Two


This movie begins in the next dimension with a tournament being held between the Kaiou's students. Goku makes it to the finals against Western Kaiou's student Paikuh-Han. They begin sparring. Meanwhile at Lord Enma's(King Yama for all those who only know the American names) to much evil is collected near the sprit cleanser and the tanks aren't changed. The tanks overload releasing all the evil. This evil collects around the person watching the tanks and he become Yellow Janeba. This form of Janeba is almost playful and a giant yellow monster incredibly powerful. He seals Lord Enma thus creating chaos when the dead return to earth. Well chaos does insue and Goten, Gohan, Chibi Trunks and Videl got to try to stop this. They also collect the 7 dragon balls in an attempt to wish this chaos to end but it is beyond Shen-Lon's power. So Gohan and Videl go to meet up with the pld enemies defeted before(i.e Fresia). They are destroyed easily. Meanwhile Goten and Trunks and Goten go to fight Hitler and his minions providing the comedy of this movie. Its comedy becasue ti was drawn so cartoony( extremly thick black lines and a complete mockery of Hitler). Meanwhile Goku goes to fight Janeba while Paiku-Han tries breaking the barrier with profainity since that is what breaks it. Goku fights Yellow Janeba defeating it going SSJ 3 and then meets Red Janeba, one powerful mean dude. He is a sweet villian. Well Red Janeba beats the crap out of Goku and Goku meets up with Vegeta now with his body due to the confusion in hell. Vegeta also gets the tar knocked out of him. Goku relaizes the only way to win is to fuse with Vegeta. Vegeta hates the idea and would rather die than fuse with Goku. He agrees once Goku reminds him he is already dead. Well they go to fuse and Vegeta screws up the pose and fat Gojita is formed. This is hilarious and his only good attack are some farts. Well the fusion ends and King Kai informs Goku of the mistake. They fuse correctly and Gojita is formed. He easily defeats Janeba and the barrier is broken and everything is as it was. Vegeta returns as a spirit to hell and all the dead return. The final scene shows Shen-Lon wondering if anyone wants a wish.

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